What is Hubzilla?

Hubzilla is a decentralised communication network with the aim of providing communication options that circumvent censorship, respect privacy and are therefore free from the restrictions imposed by today's commercial communication giants. These primarily provide spy networks for paying customers of all kinds and monopolise and centralise the entire Internet - which was not originally among the revolutionary goals that led to the World Wide Web.

Hubzilla is free, open source and free of charge. It was developed to run on a Raspberry Pi for €30 as well as on the largest AMD and Intel Xeon multiprocessor servers. It can be used for communication between a few individuals or connect many thousands of people and more.

Another goal is to be independent of skills and resources. Hubzilla is as easy to use for the ordinary computer user as it is for system administrators and developers.

How you use it depends on how you want to use it.

Hubzilla is written in PHP, making it easy to install on any of today's hosting platforms, including self-hosting at home, on shared servers such as Uberspace, Media Temple and Dreamhost, or on virtual and dedicated servers such as those offered by Linode, GreenQloud or Amazon AWS.

In other words, Hubzilla can run on any platform that has a web server, a MySQL-compatible database and PHP.

Hubzilla offers some unique goodies:

One-click identification: you can access other servers in the Hubzilla network by simply clicking on a link to them. Authentication is easily done automatically behind the scenes. Forget all the different usernames for different sites and passwords - Hubzilla does it all for you.

Clone: You can clone your online identity (or, as we say, a channel). It is no longer tied to a specific server, domain or IP address. Simply import it to another Hubzilla server (or Hubzilla hub, as we call it) - directly online or using a previously generated export. If your primary hub is suddenly no longer online, no problem, your contacts, posts* and messages* are still automatically available and accessible under your cloned identity. (*: only posts and messages created after the moment of cloning)

Privacy: Hubzilla identities (Zot IDs) can be deleted, backed up/downloaded and cloned. You have full control over your data. If you decide to delete all your data and your Zot ID, all you have to do is click on a link and it will be deleted from the server immediately. No questions asked, no fuss.