What is Hubzilla?

Hubzilla is a decentralised communication network with the aim of providing communication options that circumvent censorship, respect privacy and are therefore free from the restrictions imposed by today's commercial communication giants. These primarily provide spy networks for paying customers of all kinds and monopolise and centralise the entire Internet - which was not originally among the revolutionary goals that led to the World Wide Web.

Hubzilla is free, open source and free of charge. It was developed to run on a Raspberry Pi for €30 as well as on the largest AMD and Intel Xeon multiprocessor servers. It can be used for communication between a few individuals or connect many thousands of people and more.

Another goal is to be independent of skills and resources. Hubzilla is as easy to use for the ordinary computer user as it is for system administrators and developers.

How you use it depends on how you want to use it.

Hubzilla is written in PHP, making it easy to install on any of today's hosting platforms, including self-hosting at home, on shared servers such as Uberspace, Media Temple and Dreamhost, or on virtual and dedicated servers such as those offered by Linode, GreenQloud or Amazon AWS.

In other words, Hubzilla can run on any platform that has a web server, a MySQL-compatible database and PHP.

Hubzilla offers some unique goodies:

One-click identification: you can access other servers in the Hubzilla network by simply clicking on a link to them. Authentication is easily done automatically behind the scenes. Forget all the different usernames for different sites and passwords - Hubzilla does it all for you.

Clone: You can clone your online identity (or, as we say, a channel). It is no longer tied to a specific server, domain or IP address. Simply import it to another Hubzilla server (or Hubzilla hub, as we call it) - directly online or using a previously generated export. If your primary hub is suddenly no longer online, no problem, your contacts, posts* and messages* are still automatically available and accessible under your cloned identity. (*: only posts and messages created after the moment of cloning)

Privacy: Hubzilla identities (Zot IDs) can be deleted, backed up/downloaded and cloned. You have full control over your data. If you decide to delete all your data and your Zot ID, all you have to do is click on a link and it will be deleted from the server immediately. No questions asked, no fuss.


The following are some of the main features of Hubzilla that are included in the official version. Hubzilla is a highly extensible platform, so more features and capabilities can be added through additional themes and plugins.

Affinity slider

When adding connections in Hubzilla, members have the option to assign ‘affinity levels’ (how close your friendship is) to the new connection. For example, if you add someone whose blog you follow, you can assign their channel an ‘Acquaintance’ affinity level.

On the other hand, if you add a friend's channel, you could assign them the ‘Friends’ affinity level.

At this point, the Hubzilla affinity slider tool, which usually appears at the top of your ‘Stream’ page, will adjust the content of the page to display channels within the desired affinity range. Channels outside this range will not be displayed unless you adjust the slider to include them.

The affinity slider allows for instant filtering of large amounts of content, grouped by degree of proximity.

Filtering connections

The optional ‘connection filter’ gives you the ability to control exactly what is displayed in your stream. When enabled, the connection editor provides inputs to select criteria that must be met to include or exclude a specific post from a specific channel. Once a post has been allowed, all comments on that post are allowed, regardless of whether they meet the selection criteria. You can select words that, if present, will block the post or ensure that it is included in your stream. Regular expressions can be used for even finer control, as well as hashtags or even the recognised language of the post.

Access control lists

When sharing content, members have the option to restrict who can see the content. By clicking on the padlock below the share field, you can select the desired recipients of the post by clicking on their name.

Once sent, the message can only be viewed by the sender and the selected recipients. In other words, the message will not appear on public walls.

Access control lists can be applied to content and posts, photos, events, websites, chat rooms and files.

Single sign-on

Access control lists work for all channels in the grid thanks to our unique single sign-on technology. Most internal links provide an identity token that can be verified on other Hubzilla sites and used to control access to private resources. You log in to your home hub once. After that, authentication is ‘magic’ for all Hubzilla resources.

WebDAV-enabled file storage

Files can be uploaded to your personal storage area using your operating system's utilities (in most cases by drag & drop). You can protect these files with access control lists for any combination of Hubzilla members (including some third-party network members) or make them publicly accessible.

Photo albums

Store photos in albums. All your photos can be protected by access control lists.

Events calendar

Create and manage events and tasks, which can also be protected with access control lists. Events can be imported/exported to other software using the industry standard vcalendar/iCal format and shared in posts. Birthday events are automatically added by your friends and converted to your correct time zone so you know exactly when the birthday takes place - regardless of where in the world you are in relation to the birthday person. Events are usually created with attendance counters so that your friends and connections can instantly approve.

Chat rooms

You can create any number of personal chat rooms and allow access via access control lists. These are usually more secure than XMPP, IRC and other instant messaging transports, although we also allow the use of these other services via plugins.

Website creation

Hubzilla has numerous ‘content management’ tools for creating web pages, including layout editing, menus, blocks, widgets and page/content areas. All of these tools can be access controlled so that the resulting pages are only accessible to the intended audience.


Apps can be created and distributed by members. These differ from traditional ‘vendor lockin’ apps in that they are completely controlled by the author - who can control access to the app's target pages and pay for that access accordingly. Most of the apps in Hubzilla are free and can be easily created by people without programming skills.


The page layout is based on a description language called Comanche. Hubzilla itself is written in Comanche layouts, which you can change. This allows a level of customisation not normally found in so-called ‘multi-user environments’.


Share and save/manage bookmarks of links provided in conversations.

Encryption of private messages and data protection aspects

Private messages are saved in an encrypted format. Although this is not 100% secure, it usually prevents the occasional spying by the site administrator or ISP.

Each Hubzilla channel has its own set of private and associated public RSA 4096-bit keys, which are generated when the channel is first created. This is used to protect private messages and posts during transmission.

Additionally, messages can be created with ‘end-to-end encryption’ that cannot be read by Hubzilla operators, ISPs, or anyone else who does not know the passcode.

Public messages are generally not encrypted during transmission or storage.

Private messages can be withdrawn (not sent), although there is no guarantee that the recipient has not yet read them.

Posts and messages can be given an expiry date, after which they are deleted/removed from the recipient's page.

Service federation

As well as additional ‘cross-post connectors’ to a variety of alternative networks, there is native support for importing content from RSS/Atom feeds and using them to create specialised channels. Plugins are also available to communicate with others via the Diaspora and GNU-Social (OStatus) protocols. These networks do not support nomadic identity or cross-domain access control; however, basic communication to/from Diaspora, Friendica, GNU-Social, Mastodon and other providers using these protocols is supported.

There is also experimental support for OpenID authentication that can be used in access control lists. This is a project that is being worked on. Your Hubzilla hub can be used as an OpenID provider to authenticate you to external services that use this technology.

Channels can be authorised to become ‘derivative channels’, where two or more existing channels are combined to create a new thematic channel.

Privacy groups

Our implementation of privacy groups is similar to Google's ‘Circles’ and Diaspora's ‘Aspects’. This allows you to filter your incoming stream by selected groups and automatically restrict the outgoing access control list to members of that group when you post. You can undo this at any time (before sending the post).

Directory services

We provide easy access to a member directory and provide decentralised tools that can make ‘suggestions’ to friends. The directories are normal Hubzilla sites that have decided to take on the role of directory server. This requires more resources than most typical sites and is therefore not the default setting. The directories are synchronised and mirrored so that they all contain up-to-date information across the network (subject to normal propagation delays).


For Hubzilla hubs that use TLS/SSL, communication between client and server is encrypted via TLS/SSL. In light of recent media revelations about widespread global surveillance and encryption circumvention by the NSA and GCHQ, it is reasonable to assume that HTTPS-protected communications can be compromised in a number of ways. Private communication is therefore encrypted at a higher level before it is sent to the outside world.

Channel settings

When a channel is created, a role is selected that applies a set of pre-configured security and privacy settings. These are selected according to best practice to maintain the desired level of data protection.

If you select a ‘custom’ privacy role, you can set fine-grained permissions for different aspects of communication for each channel. For example, under the heading ‘Security and Privacy Settings’, there are six (6) possible display/access options for each aspect on the left-hand side, which can be selected by clicking on the drop-down menu. There are also a number of other privacy settings that you can edit.

The options are:

- No one but yourself. - Only those you explicitly authorise. - Anyone in your address book. - Everyone on this website. - Everyone on this network. - Everyone who is authenticated. - Anyone who is on the internet.

Public and private forums

Forums are usually channels in which several authors can participate. There are currently two ways to publish posts in forums: 1) ‘wall-to-wall’ posts and 2) via @mention tags in the forum. Forums can be created by anyone and used for any purpose. The directory includes an option to search for public forums. Private forums can only contain posts that are often only seen by members.

Cloning accounts

Accounts in Hubzilla are referred to as nomadic identities because a member's identity is not tied to the hub where the identity was originally created. For example, if you create a Facebook or Gmail account, it is tied to those services. You cannot function without Facebook.com or Gmail.com.

Let's say you created a Hubzilla identity called tina@hubzillahub.com. You can clone it to another Hubzilla hub by choosing the same or a different name: liveForever@somehubzillahub.info

Both channels will now be synchronised, i.e. all your contacts and settings will be duplicated on your clone. It does not matter whether you send a post from your original hub or from the new hub. The posts will be mirrored on both accounts.

This is a pretty revolutionary feature if we consider a few scenarios:

  • What happens if the hub an identity is in suddenly goes offline? Without cloning, a member is unable to communicate until the hub is back online (no doubt many of you have seen and cursed Twitter's ‘Fail Whale’). With cloning, you simply log into your cloned account and life goes merrily on.
  • The administrator of your hub can no longer afford to pay for his free and public Hubzilla hub. He announces that the hub will be shut down in a fortnight. This gives you plenty of time to clone your identity(ies) and preserve your Hubzilla relationships, friends and content.
  • What if your identity is subject to government censorship? Your Hub provider may be forced to delete your account and all identities and associated data. With cloning, Hubzilla offers resistance to censorship. If you want, you can have hundreds of clones, each with a different name, scattered across many different hubs on the Internet.

Hubzilla offers interesting new possibilities for privacy. For more information, see the <> page.

Some caveats apply. A full explanation of identity cloning can be found on the page.

Multiple profiles

Any number of profiles can be created with different information that can be made visible to certain of your connections/friends. A ‘standard’ profile can be viewed by anyone and can contain limited information, while more information is accessible to selected groups or individuals. This means that the profile (and site content) that your beer-drinking friends see may be different from what your peers see, and also completely different from what is visible to the general public.

Account backup

Hubzilla offers a simple one-click account backup where you can download a full backup of your profile. The backups can then be used to clone or restore a profile.

Account deletion

Accounts can be deleted instantly by clicking on a link. That's it. All associated content will then be deleted from the network (including posts and any other content created by the deleted profile). Depending on the number of connections you have, the process of deleting removed content may take some time, but it will be done as quickly as possible.

Deletion of content

All content created in Hubzilla remains under the control of the member (or channel) who originally created it. A member can delete a message or a series of messages at any time. The deletion process ensures that the content is deleted regardless of whether it was posted on a channel's primary (home) hub or on another hub where the channel has been remotely authenticated via Zot (Hubzilla communication and authentication protocol).


Similar to any other modern blogging system, social network or micro-blogging service, Hubzilla supports uploading files, embedding videos and linking to websites.


Posts and comments can be previewed before sending and edited after sending.


Posts can be converted into ‘poll’ elements that allow readers to provide feedback summarised in ‘agree’, ‘disagree’ and ‘abstain’ counters. This allows you to gauge interest in ideas and create informal polls.

Extending Hubzilla

Hubzilla can be extended in various ways: website customisation, personalisation, option settings, themes and addons/plugins.


An API is available for use by third-party services. A plugin also provides a basic implementation of the Twitter API (for which there are hundreds of third-party tools). Access can be via login/password or OAuth, and client registration of OAuth applications is provided.


  • Hub An instance of this software running on a standard web server
  • Grid The global network of hubs that exchange information with each other using the Zot protocol.
  • Channel The basic identity in the grid. A channel can represent a person, a blog or a forum, to name but a few. Channels can connect to other channels to share information with very detailed permissions.
  • Cloning Channels can have clones that are connected to separate and otherwise unconnected accounts on independent hubs. Communication shared with a channel is synchronised between the channel clones, allowing a channel to send and receive messages and access shared content from multiple hubs. This provides resilience in the event of network and hardware failures, which can be a major problem for self-hosted or resource-constrained web servers. Cloning allows you to completely move a channel from one hub to another, taking your data and connections with you. See nomadic identity.
  • nomadic identity The ability to authenticate and easily migrate an identity across independent hubs and web domains. Nomadic identity provides true ownership of an online identity, as the identities of the channels controlled by an account on a hub are not tied to the hub itself. A hub is more of a ‘host’ for channels. With Hubzilla, you don't have an ‘account’ on a server like you do with typical websites, but you own an identity that you can take with you across the web by using clones.
  • Zot The new JSON-based protocol for implementing secure decentralised communication and services. It differs from many other communication protocols in that it builds communication on a decentralised identity and authentication framework. The authentication component is similar to the OpenID concept, but is isolated from DNS-based identities. As far as possible, remote authentication is silent and invisible. This provides a mechanism for distributed access control on the Internet that is unobtrusive.


While many of Hubzilla's features and capabilities will be familiar to those who have used social networking sites and blogging software before, there are also some new concepts and features that most people have not yet encountered. Some of the new ideas are related to the decentralised nature of the grid, others to the advanced permission system needed to protect your data. This guide will help you understand how to create, configure and use your nomadic identity.

Login / Registration

Not all Hubzilla sites allow open registration. If registration is allowed, you will see a ‘Register’ link right next to the login prompt on the site's homepage. Following this link will take you to the site's registration page. On some sites, you may be redirected to another site that lists hubs where registration is allowed. Since all Hubzilla sites are connected, it does not matter where your account is located.

Your e-mail address Please enter a valid e-mail address. Your email address will never be published. This address will be used to activate your account, to send (optional) email notifications for incoming messages or articles and to recover lost passwords.

Password Enter a password of your choice and repeat it in the second field to ensure that it has been entered correctly. As Hubzilla offers a decentralised identity, you can use your account to log in to many other websites.

Terms of Use Click on the link to read the website's terms of use. Once you have read them, confirm them by ticking the box in the registration form.

Log in Once you have entered the required information, click on the ‘Register’ button. Some websites may require administrator approval before registration can be processed, in which case you will be notified. Please check your email (including your spam folder) for approval of your registration.


Channels are simply collections of content that are stored in one place. A channel can stand for anything. It can represent you, a website, a forum, photo albums, anything. For most people, their first channel is ‘Me’. The most important functions for a channel that represents ‘me’ are:

  • Secure and private ‘spam-free’ communication
  • Identity and ‘single sign-on’ across the entire network
  • Privacy controls and authorisations that extend to the entire network
  • Directory services (like a phone book)

In short, a channel that represents you is ‘me on the Internet’. With one account at a hub, several different channels can be created and used, each with its own individual configuration.

Create channels

Once you have created your account, you will be presented with the ‘Add Channel’ screen. Normally, your first channel will be one that represents you - so it's a good idea to use your own name (or a pseudonym) as your channel name. The channel name should be considered the title or short description of your channel. The ‘Choose a short nickname’ field is similar to a ‘Username’. With what you enter here, you create a channel address (also known as a ‘handle’ in Fediverse) that other people can use to connect to you and that you can use to log in to other websites. This address looks like an email address and has the form <nickname>@<your_hub>.

Note: In other Fediverse services, the handle is preceded by an ‘@’. With Hubzilla, this character must be omitted if you want to connect to another user or search for a handle, as an example.

You can create additional channels via the ‘Channel manager’ link.

As soon as you have done this, your channel is ready for use. Under <your_hub>/channel/<nickname> you will find your channel ‘Stream’. Your most recent activities are displayed here in reverse chronological order.

Channel roles

When you create a new channel, you will be asked to select an permission role depending on how you want to use this channel. The most popular permission roles are the social network roles. You have many more choices comparable to Facebook groups and pages, collaborative spaces, news feeds and more. These roles automatically configure various system variables, from the permissions granted to friends to the default privacy and visibility settings. Advanced configurations are available to customise each of these parameters to your needs, but our experience has been that most users prefer to set it and forget it. Below are some of the different roles that are currently available and how they affect your privacy and interaction options.

There are four channel roles:

  • Public
  • Personal
  • Community Forum
  • Customised


The channel is a very permissive social network profile that is compatible with other federated social networks. Privacy is a lower priority than ease of access and connection with others. Anyone on the network can comment on your public posts and send you private messages. By default, posts and published articles are public, but you can override and restrict this when you create the article. You are listed in the directory. Your online presence and connections are visible to others. This mode can increase your susceptibility to unsolicited messages and spam. The ‘classic’ social media account.


By default, posts and published items are public, but you can override and restrict this when creating the item. You are listed in the directory. Your online presence and connections are visible to others. Only your direct connections can comment on your public posts and send you private messages.

Community Forum

The channel is a typical forum. By default, posts and published articles are public. Members can post articles via !mention or wall-to-wall. The posting of photos and other published articles is blocked. The channel is visible in the directory. Members are added automatically.


This is the most precise setting for channel rights. All rights can be set in fine granularity. Caution: If you select the wrong settings here, you can render your channel unusable. Fortunately, the rights can also be changed again so that such malfunctions can be rectified. It makes sense to consider the effects of each individual permission for yourself as the channel owner, but also for other users.

The following settings are possible for each control point:

  • Only me
  • Only those you explicitly authorise
  • Accepted connections
  • Any connections
  • Everyone on this website
  • All Hubzilla members
  • Anyone authenticated
  • Anyone on the Internet

To edit the custom role, select ‘Privacy settings’ in the settings. At the bottom right you will find the button ‘Custom channel role configuration’. If you click on it, a warning dialogue will appear, drawing your attention to the risks of incorrect configuration. If you confirm that you want to edit the rights, the settings dialogue for the user-defined role rights opens.


Hubzilla has unlimited profiles. You can use different profiles to show different ‘sides of yourself’ to different target groups. This is not the same as having different channels. Different channels allow for completely different information. You can have a channel for yourself, a channel for your sports team, a channel for your website or something else. A profile allows for fine-grained ‘’sides‘’ of each channel. Different profiles could be compared to different business cards of a person. Depending on the purpose, different information is given on each business card. For example, your standard public profile could read: ‘Hi, I'm Fred and I like to laugh’. You can show your close friends a profile that says ‘and I also like to throw dwarfs’.

You always have a profile that is referred to as your ‘standard’ or ‘public’ profile. This profile is always accessible to the general public and cannot be hidden (there may be rare exceptions on privately run or unaffiliated sites). You can and should limit the information you make available in your public profile. If you want your friends to be able to find you, it is helpful if you include the following information in your public profile...

  • Your real name or at least a nickname that everyone knows
  • A photo of you
  • Your location on earth, at least at country level.

If you also want to meet people who share general interests with you, please take a moment to add some ‘keywords’ to your profile. For example, ‘music, linux, photography’ or something similar. You can add as many keywords as you like.

Select ‘Edit profiles’ from the menu on your Hubzilla site. You can edit an existing profile, change the profile photo, add things to a profile or create a new profile. You can also create a ‘clone’ of an existing profile if you only want to change a few things but don't want to re-enter all the information. To do this, click on the profile you want to clone and select ‘Clone this profile’.

In the list of your profiles, you can also select the contacts who can see a particular profile. Simply click on ‘Edit visibility’ next to the profile in question (only available for profiles that are not your default profile) and then click on specific connections to add them to or remove them from the group of people who can see this profile.

Once a profile has been selected, the person viewing your profile will see the private profile you have assigned. If the person is not authenticated, they will see your public profile. There is a setting that allows you to publish your profile in a directory and ensure that it can be found by others. You can change this setting on the ‘Settings’ page.

If you do not want others to find you without telling them your channel address, you can leave your profile unpublished.


Hubzilla allows a wide range of settings for behaviour, appearance, features, channels, etc. You can access most settings via the main menu, where you will find the Settings menu item.

settings 01

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Various categories of settings are provided:

  • Account settings
  • Channel settings
  • Privacy settings
  • Display settings
  • Manage locations - if clones of your channel exist

If you are in the stream view, you will see a small cogwheel (⚙) next to the main menu, which you can use to access the

  • stream settings

There are also hidden settings

  • Additional functions

which you cannot access via the menu or an icon.

Account settings

You can use the account settings to change your account details.

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Channel settings

If you access the settings via the menu item, the channel settings are displayed by default. The basic settings are used to set the properties and functions of the currently selected (used) channel. In addition to the channel role, you can also define the standard for automatically created directories in the cloud (these are generated, for example, when you upload an image as an attachment in a post). You can also set the expiry period for imported content from other channels and control this import using two filters.

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The notification settings allow you to specify exactly whether you want to be notified of certain events and actions. And whether you also want the notification to be sent by email.

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Privacy settings

In the privacy settings, you can determine whether your posts may be indexed by search engines, whether you accept contact requests automatically (without manual approval), whether all messages in which you are mentioned are automatically accepted, whether comments from users who are not among your contacts are submitted for moderation (approved/rejected) or deleted, and whether you allow OCAP access.

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Display settings

The display settings can be used to customise the design of the channel. In addition, you can determine which content is displayed, within certain limits. In the design settings, you can select from the installed themes and set your design scheme for the topic.

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With the custom design settings, it is possible to adjust the colour scheme to your own preferences and to define corner rounding, standard sizes and standard dimensions for avatars. The default settings are initially displayed in simplified form, and only allow you to set the dark mode, choose a narrow navigation bar, set the width of the content area and adjust the font size.

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If you set the ‘Show advanced settings’ switch to ‘Yes’ and submit the selection, the advanced settings will be displayed, where you can set colours, avatar dimensions and background images.

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The content settings allow you to select various parameters (e.g. the time until the view is updated) and to switch off the display of the ‘links for new members’ that are displayed when new channels are created.

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Manage Channel locations

If the current channel has clones on other hubs, the menu will show an additional entry, ‘Manage Channel locations’. This allows you to specify the hub on which the main channel (primary channel) is located (this also determines the part of the handle after the ‘@’). You can also delete clones from here. However, for channels on third-party servers, it is recommended that you delete the channel on the actual hub. Deleting from the clone management should only be used if the clone's hub no longer exists.

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Stream settings

The stream settings are not accessed via Main Menu → Settings, but via the small cogwheel symbol (⚙) next to the main menu, which appears there as soon as you open the stream view.

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The stream settings can be used to select the display of the stream and the features available there (e.g. stream filters, saving search queries, etc.).

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Additional features (hidden settings)

The ‘Additional Features’ settings are not accessible in their entirety either via the menu or via an icon. However, all the individual feature settings can also be accessed in the respective app via the cogwheel next to the main menu (avatar picture). These are settings for additional functions in all possible areas of Hubzilla. To access the settings, you have to append the URL of the hub /settings/features to the browser, e.g. https://klacker.org/settings/features.

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The default settings for all of these options are set by the hub administrator. This default setting can be overridden by the user in the ‘Additional Functions’. For each option, the administrator also has the option of locking the default setting to prevent changes. The user can still flip the switch for the option, but the selection is not saved and the option is reset to the default setting.

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Connecting with channels

Connections in Hubzilla can have many different meanings. A connection is more precisely defined as a set of permissions that you have granted to another person. In traditional social networks, all connections are given the same permissions or at most two levels (friends and ‘followers’). In Hubzilla, a separate set of permissions can be set/customised depending on the situation and the relationship you have with the other channel. You can allow someone to see your posts, but not your photos. You can also deny them permission to comment on your posts or send private messages to you. But let's make it simple: you want to be friends with someone you know from social networks. How do you do that?

You can view the directory. The directory is available on all Hubzilla sites, so if you search from your own site, you'll get results from across the network. You can search by name, interest, location and keyword. If you already know someone's ‘handle’, you can contact them directly. A handle looks just like an email address (e.g. bob@example.com) but refers to a person in the open social network. In order to establish a connection, a compatible network protocol must be used. By default, this software supports the ‘Zot’ protocol, but other protocols can be provided via plugins/add-ons. For more information on connecting to channels on other networks, see below.

How to connect to other Hubzilla channels:

Visit the desired channel's profile by clicking on their photo in the directory, stream or comments and it will open their channel homepage in the channel viewer. On the left side of the screen you will normally see a link labelled ‘Connect’. Click on it and you're done. Depending on the settings of the channel you want to connect to, you may have to wait for the channel to approve your connection, but no further action is required on your part. Once you have initiated the connection, you will be redirected to the connection editor. Here you can assign specific authorisations for this channel if you want to make changes.

You can also create a connection to any channel by going to the ‘Connections’ page of your website or directory and entering the ‘Handle’ in the ‘Add new connection’ field. Use this method if someone tells you their handle and you want to connect to them. The process is the same as when connecting via the ‘Connect’ button - you will then be redirected to the connection editor to set the authorisations.

This is how you establish a connection to channels in other networks:

The process for connecting to ‘channels’ on other networks (such as GNU Social, Mastodon, Misskey, Pleroma and Diaspora) is similar - enter their ‘handle’ in the ‘+Add’ field on the ‘Connections’ page. However, before you do this, please visit the App Management in the hamburger menu and make sure that the appropriate protocol (Diaspora, GNU-Social/OStatus or ActivityPub) is deployed in your hub and enabled for your channel. These networks/protocols do not support account migration and location independence. So if you change location or clone your channel elsewhere, communication with these connections may fail. For this reason, these protocols are not enabled by default, but only with your consent. Enabling these protocols is an important decision between communicating with friends on these networks and account resilience in case your server goes down.

Some communication networks offer more than one protocol. For example, you can connect to someone who uses both the ‘ostatus’ and ‘activitypub’ protocols for communication. In general, the ‘activitypub’ protocol provides a better experience than the ‘ostatus’ protocol, but Hubzilla often chooses the first protocol it detects, and that may not be what you want. You can connect to someone using a specific protocol by putting the protocol name in square brackets before their ‘handle’. For example





How to connect to RSS feeds:

Your hub administrator can allow you to connect to RSS feeds. The procedure for connecting to an RSS feed is the same, except that you enter (or paste) the URL of the feed into the ‘Add new connection’ field. The options may be restricted by your hub administrator because connections to feeds can sometimes cause high system loads.


If you would like to write and share a post (publish, although the circle of recipients or those who can see the post may be restricted), you can usually do this via the ‘Share’ field located above the stream. Click on this field to open the post editor.

At the top is the field for the post title (optional), below this is the field for the summary (also optional), if the administrator of your hub allows this function. The summary can also be used for the purpose of a content warning. Below the field for the summary is a field for categories (if activated by the admin). Below this is the text field in which you can create the post content. Depending on the Hub settings, you can use plain text, Markdown, bbCode or HTML for formatting the text.

At the bottom of the post editor there are some buttons for easier formatting of the content and for inserting elements and using additional functions: bold, italic, underline, quote, code, attach/upload file, insert link, insert image (an image that already exists under Files), insert location, set expiry date for the post, set publication date, encrypt text, vote (poll) on/off, deactivate comments. To the right of this is another block with buttons. Here you can display a preview of the post, specify whether the post should be published on other networks, make the authorisation settings (who can see the post) and finally publish it using the ‘Share’ button.


You can also access the post editor by selecting the corresponding menu item in the hamburger menu (top right ☰) or the corresponding icon in the navigation bar (if you have pinned the ‘Write post’ app).


If you want to comment on a post, i.e. reply to it, click in the field at the bottom of the post (‘Comment’). This opens the comment editor, which is similar to the post editor. However, there are no fields for a title, a summary or categories. Below the input field for the content of the comment there are again buttons for certain formatting (not all that are available in the post editor, because not everything is possible in a comment) and on the right again a button for a preview, as well as a ‘Submit’ button to publish the comment.


You can also mark up the text in the comment content field with Markdown, bbCode and HTML. As there is no field for a summary, it is not possible to use this for a content warning regarding the comment. However, this can be achieved using bbCode by inserting the content warning in [summary][/summary]. This initially hides all of the following content, which can then be displayed by clicking on it.

The grid

The ‘Grid’ is the name given to the network of all Hubzilla hubs that communicate with each other via the Zot protocol. The grid is effectively a subset of the Fediverse and includes all Hubzilla servers.

The stream

The stream is the list of posts, comments and boosts from users in the Fediverse. It is sorted in reverse chronological order (the most recent posts appear at the top). Exactly which posts are shown here depends largely on your authorisation settings. The stream (also known as the ‘timeline’ in other Fediverse services) can be filtered using various filters: by direct messages, events, polls, privacy groups, forums, flagged posts, your own posts, saved folders and names. The stream in the Fediverse is not created by algorithms that select supposedly interesting content for the user, but is determined exclusively by the user himself. In Fediverse, you, the user, are the algorithm for the stream.

Interact with posts

You can interact with posts that you see in the stream. This is one of the purposes of social networks. You can comment on such a post, but there are also other ways of interacting. The buttons for this can be found at the bottom right of the post.

interact 01

You can ‘like’ 🖒 or ‘dislike’ a post 🖓 or you can react to a post with an emoji:

interact 02

Further functions can be found in the ⚙ menu.

interact 03


By repeating posts, the post is distributed to your own connections. Comments end up in the original post (in contrast to shared posts).

This behaviour corresponds to ‘boosting’, as we know it from Mastodon or other Fediverse services, for example.


When posts are shared (forwarded), a post by another user is posted again on your own channel. A new conversation is created in your own channel. Comments are added to the new conversation and not to the original one. Sharing posts only works from the stream or your own channel, but not from a ‘third-party’ channel.

Link to source’ takes you to the actual source of a post. You end up at the original post on the instance of the post creator.

Save to folder

If you want to remember postings for later, you can do this by marking them (star). However, if you have a large number of postings marked in this way, it can easily become confusing. It is more practical to save such posts in different ‘folders’. These are categorised markings. If you select ‘Save in folder’, a dialogue window opens to select the folder.

savefolder 01

You can enter a folder name in the text field. If folders already exist, a double click in the text field will display a selection list of the existing folders so that you can select one of them.

savefolder 02

If you have placed a post in a folder, you can recognise this by the folder symbol (including folder name) at the bottom left of the post.

savefolder 03

This icon can also be used to remove a post from a folder by clicking on the ‘X’ in the icon.

savefolder 04

In the stream view, you will find the entry ‘Saved folders’ in the left sidebar. If you click on it, all existing folders are displayed. If you now select a folder, all the posts that you have saved in this folder will be displayed in (reverse) chronological order in the stream. This feature is comparable to the ‘clips’ (= categorised bookmarks) as known from Misskey and the Forkeys.

Toggle Star Status

Switching the marking star should not be confused with ‘starring’ (= favouriting) other feed services (e.g. Mastodon). While ‘starring’ in these services represents a positive evaluation of the post, which corresponds most closely to a ‘link’, marking with a star in Hubzilla is comparable to setting a bookmark. By toggling (one click sets the star, another removes it again), the post is set as a kind of bookmark for the user. You can recognise a ‘starred’ post by the star symbol at the bottom left.


In the stream view, you will find the entry ‘Marked posts’ in the left sidebar. If you click on it, all marked posts are displayed in (reverse) chronological order in the stream.

Show source code

You can use this function to display the source code of a post. The content is therefore not rendered in formatted form, but includes the text including all markup tags (Markdown, bbCode, HTML). The function therefore seems to be more for advanced or very curious users.

However, it does contain a feature that can be helpful for everyone.

In addition to the internal post ID, there are two hyperlinks: ‘plink’ and ‘llink’.


‘plink’ means “permalink” and corresponds to the link to the source. ‘llink’ means “local link” and refers to the location of the post on your own instance (hub). Clicking on it does not cause you to leave your own instance, but displays the post in the single view.

Follow / unfollow conversation

With Follow conversation / Unfollow conversation you can switch whether you want to follow a thread, i.e. whether you want to receive notifications about comments/replies, likes, dislikes, emoji reactions or that the post has been shared or re-shared.


This function can be used to delete posts from the stream. A normal user does not have this option in the global stream. Only an administrator can remove posts from this stream.

Conversation features

You can use this dialogue to define certain conversation features for a post:

  • Allow emoji reactions
  • Allow dislikes
  • Allow local marking (asterisks)
  • Allow replies to comments

Public Stream

If the administrator of a hub has activated the public stream, you as a user can install and activate the ‘Public stream’ app.

While all posts and activities from yourself and all your connections appear in the ‘normal’ stream, the public stream is more comprehensive.

There are two options:

  1. If the administrator has restricted the public stream to their own hub, all public posts and activities from the streams of all users who have an account on this hub will appear there.
  2. If the administrator has not restricted the public stream to their own hub, all public posts from all channels of their own hub, public content that arrives at their own hub (e.g. comments on posts by hub users that originate from other instances) and randomly collected content from channels that are known to their own hub (i.e. all contacts from all channels on their own hub) will be displayed.

The public stream is not unmoderated. The administrator of a hub has the option of deleting posts from the public stream (‘Admin delete’). These posts are then actually deleted from the public stream of their own hub. They also do not appear in the public stream view of other channels of the hub.


A freshly installed Hubzilla instance has a number of basic functionalities. However, there are many features that are not part of the basic installation and are not immediately available for a newly created channel.

The majority of functions are realised as ‘applications’ (or ‘apps’ for short). You can access the apps using the ‘hamburger menu’, which is symbolised by the ‘☰’ button (and is located on the far right of the navigation bar on most hubs). You can also pin frequently used apps to the navigation bar so that you don't have to open the hamburger menu every time you call them up.

How many and which apps are available to you depends on how the administrator has configured the hub.

App management

You can manage the apps for your channel using app management. You can also access this in the hamburger menu under the lowest menu item ‘+ Apps’

After calling up the app management, the apps already installed are displayed.

You can now switch between ‘Installed apps’ and ‘Available apps’ in the left-hand sidebar.

Available apps

In the available apps, you will find all the apps available on your hub. Some of them are already installed. You can use the button next to the app to install apps or update apps that are already installed.

apps 01

Installed apps

The Installed apps tab contains all the apps that are installed for your channel. To the right of each app there are two or three buttons with icons: a star icon, a pinhead icon and, if applicable, a cogwheel icon.

apps 02

The star symbol is used to make the app accessible as a menu item in the hamburger menu.

apps 03

apps 04

You can pin the app in the navigation bar using the pin symbol.

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If there is a dialogue for app-specific settings for an app, you can access this via the button with the cogwheel symbol.

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Manage apps

There is also a button labelled ‘Manage apps’ at the top of the installed apps tab. This button takes you to the ‘Manage apps’ page, where you can uninstall apps and also edit installed apps within certain limits.

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It is also possible to create your own apps there (only for advanced users!).

Sorting apps in the menu

You can easily sort the apps you have added to the hamburger menu using drag-and-drop and specify your preferred order.

apps 08

Important apps

If you want to use your channel mainly for social networking, there are some apps that are not installed or activated by default, some of which are essential.

To participate in the entire Fediverse, you need to install the ‘ActivityPub Protocol’ app.

To make it easier to find worthwhile contacts and find out what is happening in the Fediverse, you can install and use the ‘Public stream’ app.

The ‘NSFW’ app, with which you can create and use your own content warning filters, is also useful and recommended.

You should also install the ‘Superblock’ app, which allows you to completely block certain users. The ‘Privacy Groups’ app is also important. This makes it possible to create contact groups and filter them, as well as to communicate with the contacts in the groups.

Please note: The ‘Public stream’ app is only available for installation if the hub administrator has activated this stream.


You can use the ‘Connections’ app to display all your connections.

conn 01

In the overview, for each connection

  • the channel name
  • the date of the connection
  • the channel address (handle)
  • the network of the contact (ActivityPub, Zot, RSS, Diaspora...)
    • you can use a filter next to it to display the channel's recent activities in the stream
  • the profile picture
  • and a coloured dot (traffic light colours) indicates the rights granted by the contact (if you rest the mouse pointer over the coloured dot, the rights granted are displayed)

can be seen.

A label is also displayed which shows the type of connection or warns that (in the case of clones) there is no connection at this location. There is an ‘Edit’ button on the right of each contact entry, with which you can edit the connection using the connection editor.

Connection editor

If you click on the ‘Edit’ button for a contact in the ‘Connections’ app, the connection editor opens. You can use the editor to assign a specific contact role to a contact. If required, you can use the ‘Contact Roles’ button to display the existing roles and also create new roles. Another button (Compare authorisations) allows you to compare the assigned authorisations with those of the standard authorisation role.

conn 02

You can use the ‘Privacy groups’ tab to assign a contact to one or more privacy groups.

conn 03

You can use the ‘Profiles’ tab to specify which of your profiles (if you have created several) is displayed to the contact.

conn 04

With the content filters, you can filter out posts from a contact with certain content or use filters to specify that only posts with defined content end up in the stream.

conn 05

You can use the contact tools to

  • block the contact,
  • ignore,
  • archive,
  • hide


  • delete.

conn 06

Blocking/ignoring/archiving/hiding channels

Channels in your address book can have the status ‘ blocked’, ‘ ignored’,archived’ or ‘ hidden’. There is a filter on your connection page that displays the channels with these statuses.

block-etc 01

You can change the status of a channel on the pages for editing connections.

The meaning:

Blocked: The channel cannot read your items, regardless of permissions, and it cannot write to your channel.

Ignored: The channel can read your items if it is authorised to do so, but it cannot write to your channel.

Hidden: The channel is not displayed in the connection list of your profile. No one can see that you are connected to it. Note: It is still visible to your other connections, for example in replies to posts.

Archived: If a channel cannot be reached for 30 days, it is automatically marked as archived. This means that all data is retained, but the channel is no longer queried for new information and is removed from the auto-complete. If you find out later that the channel is online again, you can remove it manually from the archive.


The ‘Superblock’ app is a moderation method for your own stream. While Hubzilla's normal functionality only allows you to block users you are connected to using the contact tool, Superblock works regardless of whether you are connected to a contact or not.

If you notice a user in the stream with whom you are not connected (because their posts are shared by a contact from your own address book) and - for whatever reason - you do not want to have any posts from this Fediverse user in the stream, you can achieve this with the ‘Superblock’ app.

To do this, click on the small white triangle in the avatar of the user you want to block.

A pull-down menu opens, which contains the menu item ‘Block completely’ at the bottom. Clicking on this menu item places the user in the superblock list. Posts from this user will no longer appear in their own stream. Affected posts are immediately hidden in the stream. In addition, this user will no longer be able to read your posts, regardless of their authorisations, nor will they be able to post to your channel.

If you select the ‘Superblock’ app in the hamburger menu (top right ☰), a list of all blocked contacts is displayed.

A ‘rubbish bin icon’ is displayed next to each contact. Click on this icon to remove the user from the block list. The user can then follow you again, see your posts and also comment on them and their posts will also appear in the stream again (e.g. by sharing a contact).

Superblock is not installed and activated by default for new channels.


Permissions are a core element of Hubzilla. They allow very fine-grained options for making content accessible, hiding it or restricting its use. They are also used to make direct messages possible by using authorisations to determine who can see the post (direct messages are nothing else) and who cannot.

Permissions for content

If you share content on Hubzilla, i.e. publish posts, upload images or texts, enter appointments in the calendar, you can define exactly who has access to this content. You can access the permission settings for content via a button ("Privacy Tool") with a padlock symbol 🔒or 🔓.

For sharing posts: perm 01

For creating folders/directories in the cloud storage: perm 02

For uploading files: perm 03

For sharing dates/events: perm 04

There are also corresponding permission setting options for websites, wiki pages and various other content.

If you click on the icon, the permissions dialogue opens, which you can use to set the permissions for other users (this is usually about the visibility of content).

perm 05

You have the choice between

  • Public - As the name suggests, the content is visible to everyone on the Internet. So even for users who do not use a Fediverse service.
  • Only me - Here, only the user who created the content can see it. They ‘share’ it with themselves.
  • Privacy groups - The content is visible to all users who are in one of your privacy groups.
  • Customised selection - Here you can specify exactly who can see the content. It is also possible to combine privacy groups and individual contacts by selecting ‘Allow’ or ‘Deny’ for the respective entry.

perm 06

Important note: Once permissions for postings have been set, they can no longer be changed! A posting is immediately distributed to an indeterminable number of other servers, so that permissions cannot be subsequently granted or withdrawn, whereas permissions for other content such as files, images, etc. can be subsequently edited because this content is only stored on your own instance (hub) and only the reference to the content is passed on when it is shared.

Permissions - User-defined channel roles

Channel roles define which rights are granted when interacting with a channel. They can be accessed under ‘Settings’ → ‘Channel settings’.

The role for a channel can be defined here. Channel roles also have an influence on contact roles because individual rights that are specified and inherited from the channel roles overwrite your own settings there. To truly customise the role permissions of your channel, you must select ‘User-defined’ as the channel role.

The other roles (‘Public’, ‘Personal’, ‘Community Forum’) are predefined authorisation roles (see: Channel roles).

With the customised channel roles, you can define who can perform the following interactions and how:

  • Can see my channel stream and my posts
  • Can send me the posts from their channel
  • Can see my default profile
  • Can see my connections
  • Can see my file and image folders
  • Can upload/modify my file and image folders
  • Can see the web pages of my channel
  • Can see my wiki pages
  • Can create/edit web pages in my channel
  • Can edit my wiki pages
  • Can publish posts on my channel page (‘wall’)
  • Can send me direct messages
  • Can like/dislike profiles and profile stuff
  • Can chat with me
  • Can quote/mirror my public posts in other channels
  • Can administer my channel

The following authorisations are then available for these interactions:

  • Only me
  • Only those you explicitly allow
  • Accepted connections
  • Any connections
  • Everyone on this website
  • All Hubzilla members
  • Anyone authenticated
  • Anyone on the Internet

To edit the custom role, select ‘Privacy settings’ in the settings. At the bottom right you will find the button ‘Custom channel role configuration’. If you click on it, a warning dialogue appears, which draws your attention to the risks of incorrect configuration. If you confirm that you want to edit the rights, the settings dialogue for the user-defined role rights opens.

Important note: The user-defined roles should be set with caution and harbour the risk that the channel will no longer behave as desired with certain configurations.

Permissions - Contact roles

Contact roles are used to create roles (i.e. a collection of rights and options) for contacts. These roles can then be assigned to a contact or all contacts in a privacy group (not the group itself). This restricts or extends the possibilities of contacts.

The ‘Contact roles’ app can be used to create roles that correspond to the channel roles. This permission role can then be assigned to individual contacts or all contacts in a privacy group in the contact editor or privacy group editor.

Direct messages

Direct messages are messages that are addressed to one or more individual connections. They are accessible via the network stream. A filter for direct messages has been added to the stream filter widget for quick access.

If you want to send a direct message to one (or more) other users (direct messages can only be read by the recipients and the sender), you write a normal post and address it exclusively to the recipient(s) using a special mention. This is done with the private mention (privacy tag). A privacy tag is a name that is preceded by the two characters @! and which, in addition to marking these channels, also changes the data protection authorisations of the post so that only these are taken into account.

You do not need to use a privacy tag to reply to a DN ‘privately’, i.e. as a DN. You simply reply directly to the incoming DN, which distributes the reply to all original recipients.

As an alternative to the privacy tag, you can also select channels or privacy groups from the privacy tool (🔒). This is the more complicated way, but it also works. However, the use of a privacy tag overwrites any selection made in the privacy tool. So if you write a post that is to be sent as a direct message, you can omit the privacy tag and instead click on the padlock symbol next to the ‘Share’ button to access the authorisation settings.


Channels (users) are labelled by simply prefixing their name (handle) with the @ sign. @Jack When you mention someone, an autocomplete field is created from which you can select your immediate connections. Select accordingly.

If the contact is authorised to receive your posting, they will receive a tag notification.

If the addressee is not in your contact list, you must write out the handle after the ‘@’ sign. If the recipient also authorises mentions of third parties, they will also be notified of the mention.


Tags (also called thematic tags, hashtags or topical tags) Tags are displayed by prefixing the tag name with the ‘#’ character. This creates a link in the post to a generalised website search for the specified term. For example, #cars will provide a search link for all posts that mention ‘cars’ on your website. Topical tags are usually at least three characters long. Shorter search terms are unlikely to return search results, but this depends on the database configuration.

Thematic tags are also usually not linked if they are purely numeric, e.g. #1. If you wish to use a numeric hashtag, please include descriptive text such as #2012-elections or enclose the entire tag in double quotes (e.g. #"2012″). Double quotes are also required if the tag contains spaces (#"My Tag") and may be required if the tag contains punctuation (#"EndsWithPeriod." Or #"Exciting !!!").


Bookmarks specify a link that can be saved in your bookmarks folder. They use the character string #^ followed by the link. These are often generated automatically. If the administrator of the Hub has installed the ‘bookmarker’ add-on, this sequence is converted into a bookmark symbol when the post or comment is viewed online.



If you click on the icon, the bookmark is saved. If the bookmark add-in is not installed, the post drop-down menu contains a link to save the bookmark or bookmarks.

To use bookmarks, you must install the ‘Bookmarks’ app.

The app will then list all the bookmarks you have set.

To quickly find information, you can use the search function. To do so, click on the icon in the navigation bar.

search 01

search 02

This searches the entire hub. You can search for hashtags, handles and text.

In the channel view, there is also a search field in the left sidebar. It only searches the stream of your own channel. Searches that have been performed in this widget can also be saved by clicking on the floppy disc symbol next to the search field. The saved search is then displayed in a list of search terms below the search field and can be repeated at any time with a single click.

search 03


The article is a macroblogging post type at Hubzilla and is suitable for real blog posts, for example. Unlike normal posts, which are distributed throughout the entire network (including the Fediverse), articles remain on your own hub. They are only accessible to users of other instances and users who do not have an account in the Fediverse via their URL. Of course, the URL can be shared so that the article will still be known in the Fediverse and can be accessed. You can create an article using the app (hamburger menu ☰) ‘Article’. When you open it, all created articles are displayed and you have the option to create a new article (‘Add article’).

article 01

Creating an article is similar to creating a normal post. However, the input form has an additional field: ‘Link to page’.

Here you can enter an easy-to-read link name. If you leave this field empty, a name will be assigned automatically (longer and more ‘cryptic’).

article 02

If you have filled in the optional ‘Summary’ field, only the summary of an article will initially be displayed, just like a normal post.

article 03

If you click on ‘View article’, the article itself will be displayed.

article 04

The direct link to the article is composed as follows: URL-of-your-hub/articles/channel-name/link-to-page

article 05


Hubzilla provides cloud functionality. This means that you have a directory for each channel in which you can create further subdirectories and store files. You can define precise access rights for each directory, and even for each individual file. These can range from visibility for the general public, to visibility for members of certain groups, to individual approval for individual members of your own connections. It is even possible to share files with people who do not have a Hubzilla identity. This is done using guest access tokens.

Creating and deleting directories and creating and deleting files is really easy. You can access your cloud storage via the ‘hamburger menu’ (☰) → Files. You can also upload images via the files section, which is also possible via the ‘Photos’ section.

The files can be displayed in a list view

files 01

or in a tile view

files 02

You can create new directories/folders with the ‘Create’ button. When creating a folder, you can also immediately define the permissions for the new folder (🔓).

With the ‘+ Add files’ button, you can upload files to your cloud. Here, too, you can set the access permissions directly.

To set or change access rights (permissions) for directories or files at a later time, click on the context menu (︙) of the file or directory. You can also perform various file operations here.

files 03

If you attach a file using the ‘📎’ button when creating a post or comment, this file will be stored in a new directory (sample: year-month) in the cloud, if one is created.


The Photos app is a special management/viewing tool for images uploaded to your own cloud. It displays thumbnails instead of tiles or file names, which makes it easier to find specific images.

photos 01

Clicking on the image will take you to the image view. There are two control icons here to switch to the next or previous photo.

photos 02

There is also a ‘Photo tools’ button that allows you to set the image as a profile picture or banner and to edit the image using a menu.

photos 03

Clicking on the image again will open a full-size view.

photos 04

Cloud storage

Your files are visible to everyone who is allowed to view them on the internet at <URL-of-your-hub>/cloud/<your-channel-name>. If the viewer has sufficient rights, they can also create new files and folders/directories. This option should only be used for smaller files and photos (up to a few megabytes), as it uses the internal memory. Please use WebDAV to upload larger files (videos, music, etc.). These files can still be accessed via the web access.

With WebDAV, you can copy files directly into or out of your computer's operating system, with your cloud files appearing like a virtual drive. This should be used to upload large files such as video and audio files. The URL for the cloud directory is <URL-of-your-hub>/dav/.

If, depending on the DAV file system integration (depending on the operating system used and possibly the application), a username is required, this is the channel short name (i.e. without the leading ‘@’ and without the following ‘@hub address’). A possibly required password corresponds to your login password.

The ‘Gallery’ app is a simple photo gallery that displays all your images from the cloud storage. The displayed images are scaled appropriately, which can lead to a slightly blurred display for smaller images. It is more practical to use the ‘Photos’ app.

gallery 01

Chat Rooms

The ‘Chat Rooms’ app allows you to set up chat rooms for instant messaging within a hub and to chat with other channels within the hub.

If you access the app from the hamburger menu, your own chat rooms will be displayed. To create a new chat room, click on the ‘Add Room’ button.

chat 01

Here you have to give the chat a name and you can choose how many minutes the chat content will expire after. It is also possible to use the privacy tool (🔒) to determine who is authorised to see and use the chat room. The URL to the chat room is displayed in the browser and is also available via the link to the chat room in the left sidebar. Now you can share the URL with another user in your hub and start a chat with them.

chat 02

Privacy Groups

The ‘Privacy Groups’ app allows you to create groups to which you can assign contacts. On the one hand, they serve to filter the stream (so you can only display posts from users who are in a privacy group) and, on the other hand, they allow you to grant certain groups rights to content with regard to permissions.

The first function is easy to understand. If you have contacts (a contact can be in several groups) in a group and you select a specific group in the left sidebar in the stream view, only posts from contacts in that group will be displayed. This function thus acts as a stream filter.

The second function is also easy to grasp, but rather unusual for many Fediverse users, since it only exists in this form in Hubzilla and related services (Streams, Friendica etc.). As the name ‘Privacy Groups’ suggests, this is also about restricted communication. If you select a group as the authorisation when composing a post, the post is only distributed to the contacts contained in that group and only they can see it. It is also not possible for the recipients (group members) to share such a post publicly. This allows for closed group communication.

When you open the app, existing groups are displayed in the left sidebar and the input form for creating a new group is displayed in the main view.

pgrups 01

If you select one of the groups in the sidebar, you can edit it.

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Membership for contacts can also be set here. Clicking on an entry toggles the membership between ‘Not in group’ and ‘Group membership’. This way, you can remove members from a group or add users as group members. Adding a contact to a group can also be done in the ‘Connections’ app using the contacts tool:

pgrups 04

To add a new group, click on the ‘+ Add new group’ entry in the sidebar.


The ‘Calendar’ app can be used to manage appointments. After opening the app, a calendar overview (one month) is displayed.

cal 01

Clicking on a day allows you to create an event. In the input mask (shortened view, can be expanded by clicking on ‘more’ ) you can now enter the essential contents.

cal 02

cal 03

You may also define detailed permissions for these entries, so that you can record private appointments and public/shared appointments in one and the same calendar.

cal 04

CalDAV access with Android

You can synchronise your Android calendar with your hub. Use the ‘URL’ and ‘Username’ to log in. The base URL is <your-hub-URL>/cdav, and the username is your channel name (without the leading ‘@’ and without the hub address ‘@<your-hub>’). To share your calendar, visit <your-hub-URL>/cdav/calendar.


The ‘Wiki’ app makes it possible to create wikis in your own channel. Wiki pages are not federated and remain on your own hub.

The wiki app offers simple, classic wiki functionality. Wiki posts can be created as plain text, Markdown text or BBcode text.

wiki 01

To view (or edit) a wiki, select the corresponding wiki from the list on this page. If you want to create a new wiki, click on the button ‘+ Create new’. An input form will open in which you enter the name of the wiki and define the content type (as standard). You can use a switch to determine that only the selected content type (text, Markdown, BBcode) must be used for all wiki entries. You can also use a switch to turn the creation of a status post about wiki creation on or off.

wiki 02

You can also set up detailed permission rights for a wiki. Click on ‘Submit’ to create the wiki and open the home page. The default view of a wiki page is always ‘View’, in which the text is rendered according to the source code. You can switch to the ‘Edit’ view using the tabs at the top to access the editor mode. If you have edited the page and then switch back to View, the changes will be displayed immediately. If you want to save the page, enter a suitable comment in the input field below the text and click on ‘Save’. The wiki page has been created. Using the third tab, labelled ‘History’, you can view the changes made to the wiki page and, if you wish, undo changes. This is a wiki-typical form of version control.

wiki 03

wiki 04

As you create more wiki pages, they will be listed in the left sidebar, from where they can also be accessed.

Content warning/NSFW

Content warnings and hiding certain content is done with Hubzilla using the ‘NSFW’ app. While with other services in the Fediverse you have to rely on the authors of posts possibly hiding ‘sensitive’ content behind a content warning (a content or trigger warning), with Hubzilla you have this functionality in your own hands as a recipient. With the NSFW app, you can create filters that ensure that posts that match the filter rules are collapsed. The content of the post is only displayed when you click on the button.

nsfw 01

Here you can enter keywords and even regular expressions that the posting will be searched for. If one of the words or a text pattern is found, the content in the stream will be collapsed. It is also possible to filter by language (lang=xx or lang!=xx). If a phrase that matches one of the filters entered is found in a posting, the posting will initially be hidden from you behind a content warning.

nsfw 02

nsfw 03


Hubzilla channels have a so-called ‘nomadic identity’. This is a speciality of the Zot protocol, on which Hubzilla is based and with which Hubzilla hubs communicate with each other.

The nomadic identity makes it possible to create clones of your own channel, which greatly increases your resistance to censorship and outages.

If you have cloned your channel, it is no problem if your ‘home hub’ fails or does not work correctly. You can seamlessly continue to participate in the Fediverse with a channel clone located on another hub. All channel clones are automatically synchronised in the background.

To create a clone of your channel, you need an account on another Hubzilla hub. There are now several ways to create a clone of your channel on this other hub.

You can use the ‘Channel Export’ app to export the channel on your ‘home hub’.

clone 01

By clicking on the ‘Export channel’ button, you can export your identity and your social graph to a file that you can download. Since files, websites, wikis, calendars and chat rooms are always restricted to your own hub (i.e. the respective server), you can also use the ‘Channel export’ app to download archives of this data locally. Now log in to the new hub and either select the ‘Channels’ menu item in the main menu (your profile picture; top left) and then the ‘+ Create new’ button on the channel selection page that appears, or go directly to the channel creation page at <URL-of-your-hub>/new_channel.

clone 02

On this page, however, you do not enter any information for creating a new channel, but instead select the link ‘import an existing channel from another server’ at the bottom of the dialogue.

clone 03

The dialogue for importing the channel now opens.

clone 04

Click on the ‘File to upload: Browse...’ button to open a file dialogue where you can select the previously saved channel file.

As an alternative to this method, you can also clone your channel directly from the source, i.e. the originating hub. To do this, you must enter the handle of the channel to be cloned, the e-mail address for logging in to the source hub, and the corresponding password in the channel import dialogue. In addition, you can use a switch to select whether files and objects from the source hub should also be imported (provided that your new hub allows this and the storage limit is sufficient).

In the dialogue, you can also specify whether the new hub should be your ‘primary hub’. This means that the new channel (the one you are now creating) will be your primary channel. This affects the handle of your channel, which will now end with the URL of the new hub.

As a rule, unless you want to move completely to a different hub, you leave the switch at ‘No’ and the primary hub remains the one it currently is (the handle remains unchanged).

If you would like a different channel name (short name), you can enter it in an additional input field. If you leave the field empty, the channel short name remains unchanged.

Note: If the channel short name is already in use on the new hub (or has been blocked because an identical channel already existed there but was deleted), the system will automatically modify the short name.

Finally, click on ‘Submit’ and do NOT leave the page until the import is complete. Depending on the size of the source channel, this may take some time.

You can manage your clones at any time via Settings → Manage clone addresses. You can define which is the ‘primary hub’ and you can delete clones, although it is recommended that you delete cloned channels directly on the respective hub.

clone 05


The Websites app allows you to create static websites in your channel. Websites remain on your hub and are not federated. However, you can share the link to the website and enable all users in the Fediverse to visit your website.

When you open the app, you will be taken to the website overview. The pages will be accessible at <your-instance-URL>/page/<your-channel-name>/<page-link-title>.

websites 01

In the left sidebar, there is a widget with the design tools for ‘blocks’, ‘menus’, ‘layouts’ and ‘pages’. Below that, there is another widget that allows you to export and import web pages.

The centre section lists the existing web pages. You can edit, share and delete them. There is also a button to create a new web page: ‘Create’.

When you click on this button, the web page editor opens.

websites 02

You now have the choice of how you want to design the website: with bbCode, with HTML, with Markdown, with plain text or with the Comanche layout language.

You can also specify which layout (if you have created one or more using the layout design tool) should be used to display the web page.

Next is the input field for the optional page title, as well as (also optional) a summary, and (mandatory) the page URL.

Below that is the text editor for the content of the website.

If you just want to create a very simple website with formatting and other markup elements, it is sufficient to create it in the website editor using plain text, HTML, bbCode or Markdown. This way you get a website without a special layout (without sidebars, without menus etc.).

For more sophisticated websites, it is recommended that you work with blocks, layouts and menus.


Blocks can be parts of web pages. The basic HTML code of a block looks like this

    block content

If a block has the content type text/html, it can also contain menu items. The example content of

  <p>HTML block content</p> 

will produce HTML like this

        <p>HTML block content</p>
<li><a href=‘#’>Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href=‘#’>Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href=‘#’>Link 3</a></li>

A block can also contain the actual content of the website via the $content macro. To do this, create a block with only


as content. For a block to appear on the website, it must be defined within a region in the page layout.


The appearance of the block can be manipulated in the page layout. You can assign your own classes


will produce the following HTML

  <div class=‘myclass’>
    Block Content

The wrap variable can be used to free a block from its enclosing <div></div>tag


This HTML is generated

Block content

With the block editor, blocks can be created just as easily as web pages.

websites 03

The menu editor is used to easily create navigation menus.

websites 04

The menu must be assigned a unique name (this name can be used to reference it later in the website and in blocks). Entering a title is optional. You can also choose whether the menu is available for adding bookmarks. This feature makes it possible to add links marked as bookmarks from the stream to the menu with a single click.

Click ‘Submit and continue’ to create the menu.

websites 05

The dialogue for adding a menu entry will now open. You must enter a name for the menu entry (‘Name of the link’) and the destination of the link. This can be a URL or the name of another menu (which is then integrated as a submenu).

You can influence the sorting of the menu entries by entering a number at ‘Order in list’.

If the URL is an external link to a source on another hub, you can ensure that you are authenticated at the target and that restricted content is available if necessary by setting the ‘Use Magic-Auth if available’ switch.

You can also specify whether links should open in a new window or tab.

Click on ‘Submit and proceed’ to create further entries. ‘Submit and finish’ ends the entry of menu items. Menus can, however, be edited and added to at any time.


Layouts are used to define the general structure of web pages. They are designed using the Comanche page description language, a variant of bbCode. You have to give the layout a name. The definition of the layout is then entered in the text field. This is also where you can define the contents of the various regions.

websites 06

Comanche page description language

Comanche is a BBCode-like markup language that can be used to create elaborate and complex web pages by assembling them from a series of components, some of which are pre-built and others that can be defined on the fly. Comanche uses a page description language to create these pages. Comanche primarily selects which content should appear in the various areas of the page. The various areas have names, and these names may change depending on the layout template selected.

Page templates

There are currently five layout templates, unless your website offers additional layouts.

Standard template

The default template defines a ‘nav’ area at the top, ‘aside’ as a sidebar with a fixed width, ‘content’ for the main content area and ‘footer’ for a page footer.

Full template

The full template corresponds to the default template except that there is no ‘aside’ area.


The Choklet template offers a range of fluid layout styles that can be set to taste:

  • (default flavour) - a two-column layout similar to the default template, but more flexible
  • bannertwo - a two-column layout with a banner area, compatible with the default template on small displays
  • three - three-column layout (adds a ‘right_aside’ area to the standard template)
  • edgestwo - two-column layout with fixed margins
  • edgesthree - three-column layout with fixed margins
  • full - three-column layout with fixed margins and the addition of a ‘header’ area below the navigation bar


A template for reading longer texts in full screen mode (i.e. without a navigation bar). Three columns: aside, content and right_aside. For maximum readability, it is advisable to use only the middle content column.


Gives you the freedom to do everything yourself. Just a blank page with a content area. To select a layout template, use the ‘template’ tag.


To select the template ‘choklet’ with the flavour ‘three’:


The default template is used if no other template is specified. The template can use arbitrary names for the content regions. You will use ‘region’ tags to decide what content should be placed in which regions. Three ‘macros’ have been defined for your use.

$htmlhead - replaced with the site head content.
$nav - replaced with the site navigation bar content.
$content - replaced with the main page content.

By default, $nav is inserted into the ‘nav’ page area and $content into the ‘content’ area. You only need to use these macros if you want to change the order of the elements or move them to other areas. To select a theme for your page, use the ‘theme’ tag.


This selects the theme ‘suckerberg’. By default, the theme preferred by your channel is used.


This selects the theme named ‘suckerberg’ and chooses the ‘passion’ scheme (theme variant). Alternatively, it is also possible to use compressed theme notation.


The compressed notation is not part of Comanche itself, but it is recognised by the Hubzilla platform as a theme specifier.



Use the ‘tucson’ template for the navigation bar and CSS rules. By default, the ‘default’ template is used for the navigation bar.


Each region has a name, as mentioned above. You specify the region you are interested in with a ‘region’ tag containing the name. Any content you want to place in that region should be placed between the opening region tag and the closing tag.

[region=htmlhead]....content goes here....[/region]
[region=aside]....content goes here....[/region]
[region=nav]....content goes here....[/region]
[region=content]....content goes here....[/region]

CSS and Javascript

We have the option of including Javascript and CSS libraries in the htmlhead section. Currently we use jquery (js), bootstrap (css/js) and foundation (css/js). This overwrites the htmlhead of the selected theme.


Menus and blocks

The website creation tools allow you to create menus and blocks in addition to page content. These provide a set of existing content that can be placed in the areas and order you specify. Each of these elements has a name that you set when you create the menu or block.


This places the menu ‘mymenu’ at this point on the page, which must be within an area.


This places the menu named ‘mymenu’ at this point on the page, which must be within an area. It also assigns the class ‘horizontal’ to the menu. The class ‘horizontal’ is defined in the redbasic theme. It may or may not be available in other themes.


The [var=wrap]none[/var] variable in a block removes the enclosing div element from the menu.


This places a block named ‘contributors’ in this region.


This places a block named ‘contributors’ in this region. In addition, the class ‘someclass’ is applied to the block. This replaces the default block classes ‘bblock widget’.


The variable [var=wrap]none[/var] in a block removes the enclosing div element from the block.


Widgets are executable applications provided by the system that you can place on your page. Some widgets require arguments that you can use to customise the widget to your purpose. System widgets are listed here. Widgets can also be created by plugins, themes or your website administrator to provide additional functions. Widgets and arguments are specified with the tags ‘widget’ and ‘var’.


This loads the ‘recent_visitors’ widget and sets the ‘count’ argument to ‘24’.


The ‘comment’ tag is used to delimit comments. These comments are not displayed on the rendered page.

[comment]This is a comment[/comment]

Conditional execution

You can use an ‘if’ construct to make decisions. These are currently based on the system configuration variable or the current observer.

[if $config.system.foo]
  ... the configuration variable system.foo evaluates to ‘true’.
  ... the configuration variable system.foo evaluates to ‘false’.

[if $observer]
  ... this content will only be show to authenticated viewers

The ‘else’ clause is optional. In addition to the Boolean evaluation, several tests are supported.

[if $config.system.foo == bar]
  ... the configuration variable system.foo is equal to the string ‘bar’
[if $config.system.foo != bar]
  ... the configuration variable system.foo is not equal to the string ‘bar’
[if $config.system.foo {} bar ]...
 the configuration variable system.foo is a simple array containing a value ‘bar’
[if $config.system.foo {*} bar]...
 the configuration variable system.foo is a simple array containing a key named ‘bar’

Complex example

[comment]use an existing page template which provides a banner region plus 3 columns beneath it[/comment]


[comment]Use the "darknight" theme[/comment]


[comment]Use the existing site navigation menu[/comment]



    [comment]Use my chosen menu and a couple of widgets[/comment]






    [comment]Show the normal page content[/comment]




   [comment]Show my condensed channel "wall" feed and allow interaction if the observer is allowed to interact[/comment]



Deleting a channel

If you want to delete your channel, use the settings in the main menu (top left; profile picture): Settings → Channel settings. At the top of the page, you will see a button labelled ‘Remove channel’. Click on it and your channel, including all content, will be deleted after you enter your account password (for security purposes).

delchan 01

Note: It is no longer possible to create a new channel with the same name on this hub. This is because the channel nickname is locked in the database to prevent impersonation. However, if you need to restore the old channel (by cloning) on the hub, please ask the administrator to delete the locked nickname from the Hubzilla database.

Deleting your account

If you wish to delete your account, i.e. all access to the hub, use the settings in the main menu (top left; profile picture): Settings → Account settings.

At the top of the page, you will see a button labelled ‘Remove account’. Click on it and your account (account) will be deleted, including all content, after you enter your account password (for security purposes).

delacc 01


Step by step into the Fediverse with Hubzilla

Customise the look of Hubzilla

Step by step into the Fediverse with Hubzilla

Getting started

As with any other Fediverse service, the first step is to choose a server (hub). This is the case in Fediverse and an essential part of the freedom it offers.

You can find hubs in the usual ways: by using appropriate databases or lists.




Fediverse Observer


List of public hubs on a Hubzilla server


Once you have selected a hub, call up the URL. This will take you to a standard page. This may vary slightly from hub to hub, but you will usually find two menu items at the top of the screen: ‘Login’ and ‘Register’.



Clicking on the link leads to a registration form. There are several possible scenarios here. Some hubs are set up so that you create a channel when you register (another special feature of Hubzilla is that you can operate several channels with one account). With other hubs, you initially only create one account using the form. Once you have created this account and log in for the first time, you will be directed to the channel creation form.


To create an account, you need a ( valid ) e-mail address and you have to come up with a password. You also have to confirm your age and then you can send the information you have entered. You will then be taken to an input mask where you have to enter a verification code (usually, there are also hubs that skip this step... I think it's risky). You will receive this code by e-mail after submitting the registration form.


If you did not have to create a channel when you registered, you will be redirected to the ‘Create a channel’ page at this point. Here you must now come up with a name for your own identity. And also a short name (‘nickname’) for the channel (a suggestion is automatically generated from the channel name). This short name will be the main component of the Fediverse handle (i.e. your own ‘Fediverse address’).


Note regarding the handle at Hubzilla:
Compared to other Fediverse services, Hubzilla makes an exception with the handle. While an ‘@’ is placed in front of the handle almost everywhere, this is not the case with Hubzilla. However, this is quickly internalised. For example, if you use Hubzilla to search for a user who has a Mastodon account via their handle, you simply omit the leading ‘@’. However, if you want to follow or search for a Hubzilla user from another Fediverse service, simply add an ‘@’ in front of the Hubzilla handle.

Once you have created the channel, you are finally ‘in’. By default, Hubzilla takes you to the ‘’Headquarter‘’ (‘HQ’), an overview page of your own channel.


And, as always when you enter Fediverse, it's pretty empty. In the left sidebar you will find tabs with various information:

  • Public (or Restricted) Messages: This is a compact view of your personal timeline (called ‘Stream’ on Hubzilla)
  • Direct Messages: Postings that are only exchanged among selected participants.
  • Favourite posts: You can add a ‘star’ to a post to mark it. Posts marked in this way end up here.
  • Notifications

The personal stream (timeline) is displayed in the centre. Important information (notification of new contacts, new posts, etc.) is displayed in the right-hand sidebar. For a newly created channel, a list for the first steps with Hubzilla and links that lead to the corresponding functions also appear here.

If you no longer need this help for beginners, you can switch it off under Settings → Display settings → Content settings.




Firstly, you should fill your profile with useful information... as with any Fediverse service. No black magic! The navigation bar is located at the top of the screen. On the left is the menu for channel selection, your profile and settings. On the right are icons for some functions and the so-called ‘hamburger menu’ (☰), which takes you to the installed apps. The most important applications are already available there by default:

  • Files: Access to your own cloud
  • Photos: Access to your own photo album
  • Help: Help
  • Calendars
  • Channel: The page of your own channel with the channel information. Only your own posts are displayed here in the stream.
  • Stream: Switches to the federated stream view.
  • Connections: The existing connections are listed here (‘Followers’ and ‘Followed’). You can also add new connections in the connections directory.
  • Directory: The user directory is displayed. Note: You can view the global directory or just a directory with the users of your own instance. You can also create new connections here.

I strongly recommend installing and activating a few more apps:

ActivityPub, Superblock and Privacy Groups.

The ActivityPub app is essential if you want to participate in the Fediverse. This app is a MUST and only requires installation and activation. No further settings are required.

Superblock is also very important, as it allows you to exclude posts from (even unfollowed) users from the stream.

Many (unfortunately, but understandably, not all) hubs also offer the ‘Public post stream’ app. This provides the public timeline of all Fediverse instances that are federated with your own hub. A good place to orientate yourself and find new contacts.

Installing and activating apps is no problem. Select the last entry ‘+ Apps’ in the hamburger menu to access the app management.


Here you can view the installed apps (i.e. the preset apps) and the generally available apps (all apps, including those that are not installed).


ActivityPub, Superblock and Privacy groups are still only available under ‘Available apps’. Click on ‘Install’ to install them and they will then also be available under ‘Installed apps’.




The newly installed apps still need to be ‘activated’, i.e. made usable via the menu. You will find a ‘star symbol’ in the app box. If you click on it, the star turns yellow and the app is active and now also appears in the hamburger menu.




There is also a pin symbol. If you click on this, the app will also appear permanently in the navigation bar at the top right.


It is also recommended that you take this opportunity to pin the ‘Channel’ and ‘Stream’ apps to the navigation bar, as these are often needed.

It is also important to know how to add contacts...

For example, if you have found an interesting user in the public stream (if activated by the admin and the app is installed), you can simply click on the user's profile picture and select ‘Connect’ from the drop-down menu. You can also click on the user's handle, which will take you to a page with a ‘Connect’ button.

If you know the handle of a Fediverse user, you can also simply click on the ‘Connections’ app. The connection directory opens. There is a ‘+ Add’ button at the top. If you click on this, an input field opens in which you can enter the handle (remember: without the leading ‘@’). Click on the ‘+’ next to it and the contact will be added.






Finally, you can also call up the directory (it is best to deactivate ‘This website only’ in the left-hand sidebar in order to use the global directory). Here you can simply scroll through or search specifically by name or interests, or by tags (quick access also via a keyword cloud in the left sidebar). To connect, click on the ‘Connect’ button.





Once you have contacts, installed the apps and completed your profile, you can now use Hubzilla just like any other Fediverse service.

Is there an app?

Yes and no...

Basically, you don't need one. You can simply call up the hub in your web browser on your mobile device. The responsive design makes it easy to use.

However, there is an older app for Android that still works very well today. You can find it at F-Droid, for example, under the name Nomad. I still use it when I want to work with Hubzilla on my smartphone (which is rare).


Customise the look of Hubzilla

After creating a channel, its appearance is not particularly appealing.


Pin apps

Firstly, pin the most important apps to the top navigation bar: ‘Write post’, ‘Channel’, ‘Stream’, ‘Connections’ and ‘Public post stream’. To do this, select the bottom menu item ‘+ Apps’ in the hamburger menu (☰ top right). This will take you to the app settings and immediately to the apps already installed. On this page, click on the small pin symbol for each desired app and you will immediately see the respective icon appear at the top of the navigation bar.


Display settings

Now it's time for the display settings. To do this, click on ‘Settings’ in the main menu (top left, where you can see your avatar image). The various settings categories can now be seen in the left-hand sidebar. Select ‘Display settings’ here.



The page for the display settings is displayed. Since you want to customise the design, the ‘Custom theme settings’ tab is the right choice.


However, the input screen initially only has a few options (five settings). The last setting is the one for which you must switch on the switch first: ‘Show advanced settings’. Click on ‘Submit’ and call up the ‘Customised theme settings’ tab again. You will now see many more settings.



As an example, the colours are changed here, the size of the avatars in the stream is adjusted and a background image is set.

Under the main settings you will find the settings for the colours of the colour scheme. The default colour is displayed as a small circle under each input field. When choosing your own colour, it makes sense to use the standard colour as a guide, at least in terms of brightness. If you click in one of the input fields, a colour selection dialogue box opens, which you can use to specify the colour. As an example, here is a purple colour scheme in which the basic colours are changed: ‘Primary theme color’, i.e. the basic colour of the theme, ‘Success theme color’, which is the colour for clickable links, for example, ‘Info theme color’, which is displayed as the background colour for highlighted menu items, for example, and the ‘Background colour of the navigation bar’. All other colours are not changed in the example. The choice of colour is of course up to you.





Schließlich die „Größe der Avatare von Themenstartern“ auf 48 Pixel festlegen.


The background image is still missing. This should be relatively large, approximately the size of the main screen used. It is also advisable to use a rather light or pale image (if necessary, lighten it with the graphics programme and reduce the contrast) so that it does not ‘overwhelm’ the actual content.

The background image must be accessible somewhere via a URL. It makes sense to upload the image to the files (cloud) of your own channel and use it from there.

To do this, open the ‘Files’ app in the hamburger menu. Here you can create an extra folder if you like (please note that the folder and the image uploaded there are publicly accessible... adjust the access rights with the small padlock, the privacy tool, if necessary) and then upload the image.










After uploading, the image is displayed in the file list. Right-click on the entry and select to copy the URL to move the URL for the image to the clipboard.


Back at ‘Customised theme settings’, you can now enter the URL in the ‘Background image’ input field.



One last click and Hubzilla shines in its new look.


PDL Editor


Various Hubzilla apps and basic functions are based on specially designed websites. The user does not come into contact with the underlying mechanisms, they simply use these pages. If you call up the ‘Channel’ app, for example, your own channel is displayed.


The channel banner can be seen at the top. The channel name and the channel address (handle) are embedded in this banner.

Below this is the navigation bar with the main menu, the title of the hub, any pinned apps and the hamburger menu.

However, the area below the navigation bar is where things get interesting. This is where the biggest differences can be seen between the various apps. On the channel page, a card with the channel information (banner, profile picture, short description, profile information) can be found at the top of the left-hand sidebar (in the unchanged default state).

In the centre, in the content area, the content created by this channel is displayed. Below the profile info card, in the left sidebar, there is a card with some of the connections (when calling up external channels, the shared contacts are displayed here).

Below this is a card with the archives of the content (the top level is the years, one level below the months). If you select an archive, only the content published in the selected archive period is displayed in the content area. Below the archive card is the category card. All categories under which content was published are listed here. Clicking on such a category causes all content published by the channel under the corresponding category to be displayed in the content area.

Below the archive card is the card with the keyword cloud, which displays the hashtags used and can be used to filter the content of the content area (channel articles).

If there are unseen notifications, these are shown in another card in the right-hand sidebar.

This is the ‘normal state’.

Editing modules with the PDL editor

The various pages that can be accessed via apps are also referred to as ‘modules’.

As a user, you can now customise and design the appearance of these pages to a large extent. Internally, the structure of such a page is determined by a PDL file. These files are layout files that use the Comanche page description language.

So that the user does not have to deal with such a language, there is the app ‘PDL Editor’, with which you can change / create the page structure with a GUI.

The app must first be installed and activated. Then you can call it up from the hamburger menu. If you call up the PDL Editor, the page structure of the HQ is displayed as standard.

The main menu of the PDL Editor is located at the bottom centre of the screen. Here you will find the entries


From the ‘MODULES’ menu, you can select the module to be edited (this corresponds to the page to be edited).

Assuming you want to customise the channel page (as it is displayed to you and visitors), select the ‘channel’ module here.


The PDL file for the channel page is loaded and you can see the corresponding components (‘ITEMS’) of this page that have just been described.


Assuming you would now like to ‘refine’ our channel page by displaying the time in the right-hand sidebar, select the ‘CLOCK’ item under ‘ITEMS’, ‘grab’ it with the mouse pointer at the cross arrow symbol and drag it to the right into the sidebar.



To apply the changes, click on ‘APPLY’ in the main menu.


If you now open the channel page, a card with the current time appears in the right-hand sidebar.


In this way, you can customise all the pages found under ‘MODULES’ to your own taste.

If you have customised your page and it is somehow ‘so completely chopped up’: No need to panic! In the main menu, you will find the additional entry ‘RESET’ for customised layout pages. Click on it to reset the page layout to the Hubzilla standard.

However, not all items are presented here... Everyone can experiment a little. Most of them have an explanatory title.

If you click on ‘SOURCE’ in the PDL main menu, the source code of the current layout is displayed. A look here will help you familiarise yourself with PDL. You can also make changes directly in the source code... if something is not accessible via the ‘ITEMS’. However, you should familiarise yourself with the page markup language, blocks and modules beforehand.


PDL editor for advanced users

Suppose you want to make some links accessible via a menu in the right-hand sidebar of the channel page. This is perfectly feasible.

But first you need a menu. To create menus, however, you need to install and activate the ‘Websites’ app, because creating menus is part of the website functionality. So even if you don't want to create websites in your channel, you need the ‘Websites’ app to create menus. Although... that's not quite true. You can also access the menu editor in a different way than via the ‘Websites’ app. To do this, enter <url-des-hub>/menu/<channel name>. Now you also end up in the menu ‘app’. However, it is easier with the website app.


Click on ‘Create’ to open the menu editor.


Here you now have to enter a suitable name (which you can use to address the menu later) and (optionally) a title for the menu (this can be seen later on the website).

Then click on ‘Submit and continue’.

You will now be taken to the link editor for the menu you have just created. Here you enter the title of the menu item and the corresponding URL. You can also specify the order in which the menu items are sorted using the ‘Order in list’ field. Once you have completed the entry and clicked on ‘Submit and continue’, you can then enter another menu item. Clicking on ‘Submit and finalise’ adds the entry and closes the menu editor (you can of course also edit menus afterwards).




The new menu now appears in the list of menus.


Now return to the PDL editor and call up the channel module.

Now there are again two possibilities. Either you open the source text editor ‘SOURCE’ and enter the entry for the menu card in the appropriate place by hand...

If you want the menu to appear in the sidebar, select the ‘aside’ region and enter [menu]mymenu[/menu] as a new line.


Now click on ‘Submit’ and the new map will appear in the visual PDL editor. Accept with ‘APPLY’... and then the menu is shown on the channel website.


The second method (with which you don't have to search for the right place in the source code) is to simply drag any item in the PDL editor to the place where the menu should appear. Then click on the ‘Edit’ button for this item, change the existing entry to [menu]mymenu[/menu] and click on ‘Submit’. Then click on ‘APPLY’ and you have the same result.





Have fun experimenting!

Manual for administrators

Hubzilla is more than a simple web application. It is a complex communication system that is more like an email server than a web server. For reliability and performance reasons, messages are delivered in the background and queued for later delivery when websites are down. This type of functionality requires a little more from the host system than the typical blog. Not every PHP/MySQL hosting provider is able to support Hubzilla. Many can, but please check the requirements and confirm with your hosting provider prior to installation. We have gone to great lengths to ensure that Hubzilla runs on standard hosting platforms such as those used for WordPress blogs and Drupal websites. It runs on most Linux systems.

Where to find further help

If you run into problems or have questions that are not covered in this documentation, please let us know via the Github Issue Tracker. Please describe your operating environment as accurately as possible and provide as much detail as possible about the error messages you see so that we can avoid them in the future. Due to the wide variety of operating systems and PHP platforms, we have limited ability to debug your PHP installation or obtain missing modules, but we will do our best to resolve common code issues.

Before you start

Select a domain name or a subdomain name for your server.

The software can only be installed in the root directory of a domain or subdomain and cannot be installed via alternative TCP ports. These restrictions may be relaxed in the future, but they are inconvenient, so we STRONGLY recommend that you continue to adhere to them.

Decide if you want to use SSL and obtain an SSL certificate before installing the software. You SHOULD use SSL. If you use SSL, you MUST use a ‘browser valid’ certificate. You CANNOT use self-signed certificates! Please test your certificate before installation. You can find a web tool for testing your certificate at ‘http://www.digicert.com/help/'. When you visit your website for the first time, please use the SSL URL (‘https://’) if SSL is available. This will avoid problems later on. The installation routine does not allow you to use a non-browser valid certificate.

This restriction is made because public posts by you may contain links to images in your own hub. Other members viewing your stream on other hubs will receive warnings if your certificate is not trusted by their web browser. This will confuse many people as it is a decentralised network and they will receive the warning about your hub while viewing their own hub and may think their own hub has a problem. These warnings are very technical and scary for some people, many of whom don't know how to proceed other than to follow the browser's advice. This is disruptive to the community. That said, we recognise the problems associated with the current certificate infrastructure and agree that there are many issues, but that doesn't change the requirement.

Free ‘browser valid’ certificates are available from providers such as ZeroSSL, LetsEncrypt and a few others. If you are NOT using SSL, there may be a delay of up to a minute on the first install script - while we check the SSL port to see if anything is responding there. When communicating with new sites, Hubzilla will always try to connect via the SSL port first before falling back to a less secure connection. If you are not using SSL, your web server does not HAVE to listen on port 443 at all.

If you are using LetsEncrypt to provide certificates and create a file under .well-known/acme-challenge so that LetsEncrypt can verify your domain ownership, please remove the .well-known directory or rename it once the certificate has been generated. The software provides its own handler for ‘.well-known’ services during installation, and an existing directory in this location may prevent some of these services from working correctly. This should not be a problem with Apache, but can be a problem with nginx or other web server platforms.


There are several ways to install a new hub.

  • Manual installation on an existing server
  • Automated installation on an existing server with a shell script
  • Automated deployment via an OpenShift Virtual Private Server (VPS)

Installation requirements

  • Apache with mod-rewrite enabled and ‘AllowOverride All’ so you can use a local .htaccess file. Some people have successfully used nginx and lighttpd. Example configuration scripts are available for these platforms in doc/install. Apache and nginx have the most support.
  • PHP 8.1 or higher. Note that in some shared hosting environments, the command line version of PHP may differ from the web server version
  • PHP command line access if register_argc_argv is set to true in the php.ini file and the hosting provider has no restrictions on the use of exec() and proc_open().
  • curl, gd (with at least jpeg and png support), pdo-mysql (or pdo-postgres), mbstring, zip and openssl extensions. The imagick extension is not required, but is recommended.
  • The xml extension is required if you want to use webdav.
  • Some kind of email server or email gateway so that PHP mail() works.
  • A supported database server. The supported databases are:
    • Mysql version 8.0.22 or higher
    • MariaDB version 10.4 or higher
    • PostgreSQL version 12 or higher
  • Ability to schedule jobs with cron.
  • Installation in a top-level domain or sub-domain (without directory/path component in the URL) is REQUIRED.

Manual installation

Unzip the Hubzilla files into the root directory of your web server document area

When copying the directory tree to your web server, make sure to include the hidden files such as .htaccess.

If you are able to, we recommend cloning the source code repository with git instead of using a packed tar or zip file. This makes it much easier to update the software. The Linux command to clone the repository into a ‘mywebsite’ directory is as follows:

git clone https://framagit.org/hubzilla/core.git mywebsite

and then you can pull the latest changes at any time with:

git pull

Make sure that the folders store/[data]/smarty3 and store exist and are writable by the web server:

mkdir -p ‘store/[data]/smarty3’
chmod -R 777 store

This authorisation (777) is very dangerous and if you have sufficient privileges and knowledge, you should only change these directories for the web server and, if different, for the user running the cron job (see below). In many shared hosting environments, this can be difficult without opening a trouble ticket with your provider. The above authorisations allow the software to function, but are not optimal.

The following directories must also be writable by the web server for certain web-based management tools to work:

  • addon
  • extend
  • view/theme
  • widget

Official addons


Navigate to your website. Then you should clone the addon repository (separately). We nickname this repository ‘hzaddons’. You can include other Hubzilla addon repositories by giving them different nicknames:

cd mywebsite
util/add_addon_repo https://framagit.org/hubzilla/addons.git hzaddons

To keep the addon tree up to date, you should be at the top level of the website directory and enter an update command for this repository::

cd mywebsite
util/update_addon_repo hzaddons

Create searchable representations of the online documentation. You can do this every time the documentation is updated:

cd mywebsite

Automated installation via the shell script .homeinstall

There is a shell script in (.homeinstall/hubzilla-setup.sh) that will install Hubzilla and its dependencies on a fresh installation of Debian stable. It should work on similar Linux systems, but your results may vary.


The installation script was originally developed for a small hardware server behind your home router. However, it has been tested on several systems running Debian 9:

  • Home-PC (Debian-9.2-amd64) and Rapberry-Pi 3 (Rasbian = Debian 9.3)
    • Internet connection and router at home
    • Mini-PC / Raspi connected to the router
    • USB drive for backups
    • Fresh installation of Debian on your mini PC
    • Router with open ports 80 and 443 for your Debian

Overview of the installation steps

  1. apt-get install git
  2. mkdir -p /var/www/html
  3. cd /var/www/html
  4. git clone https://framagit.org/hubzilla/core.git .
  5. nano .homeeinstall/hubzilla-config.txt
  6. cd .homeeinstall/
  7. ./hubzilla-setup.sh
  8. Reload apache2 service
  9. Open your domain with a browser and go through the initial configuration of Hubzilla.

We recommend installing the following addons on all public pages:

nsfw - hide inappropriate posts/comments

superblock - blocks content from inappropriate channels

Federation Addons

Various web communities have started to join together using common protocols. The protocols involved are somewhat limited in their possibilities. The Diaspora protocol is somewhat restrictive in terms of the types of communication allowed. All comments must be signed by the original author in a very unique way. The ActivityPub protocol is also supported. No other existing protocol supports nomadic locations (there is now support for nomadic identities in ActivityPub) as used in this project. This poses some challenges for support, as some features work with some networks and not with others. Nonetheless, federation protocols make it possible to connect to a much larger community of people worldwide. They are provided as add-ons.

  • Diaspora Protocol - The Diaspora Protocol is used by Diaspora and Friendica. You should first enable ‘Diaspora Statistics’ to utilise all available features.
  • PubCrawl - The ActivityPub protocol supported by Mastodon, MIsskey, Friendica and all Fediverse services.

Each member of your site must decide for themselves whether or not to allow these protocols, as they may conflict with some desirable core features and capabilities of this software (such as channel migration and cloning). You do this on your ‘Settings -> Feature/Addon Settings’ page.

Service classes

You can use service classes to limit system resources by restricting the options of individual accounts, e.g. the storage of files and the limitation of posts at the top level. Define customised service classes according to your requirements in the .htconfig.php file. For example, create a standard and a premium class with the following lines:

// Service classes

App::$config[‘system’][‘default_service_class’]=‘standard’; // this is the default service class that will be associated with each new account

// Configuration for the default service class
App::$config[‘service_class’][‘default’] =
array(‘photo_upload_limit’=>2097152, // total storage limit for photos per channel (here 2MB)
‘total_identities’ =>1, // Number of channels an account can create
‘total_items’ =>0, // Number of top-level items a channel can create. Applies only to top-level posts of the channel user, other posts and comments are not affected
‘total_pages’ =>100, // Number of pages a channel can create
‘total_channels’ =>100, // Number of channels the user can add, other users can still add this channel even if the limit is reached
‘attach_upload_limit’ =>2097152, // total storage space for attachments per channel (here 2MB)
‘chatters_inroom’ =>20);

// Configuration for premium service class
App::$config[‘service_class’][‘premium’] =
array(‘photo_upload_limit’=>20000000000, // total storage limit for photos per channel (here 20GB)
‘total_identities’ =>20, // Number of channels an account can create
‘total_items’ =>20000, // Number of top-level items a channel can create. Only applies to top-level posts of the channel user, other posts and comments are not affected
‘total_pages’ =>400, // Number of pages that a channel can create
‘total_channels’ =>2000, // Number of channels the user can add, other users can still add this channel even if the limit is reached
‘attach_upload_limit’ =>20000000000, // Total storage space for attachments per channel (here 20GB)
‘chatters_inroom’ =>100);

To apply a service class to an existing account, use the command line utility from the web root:

util/service_class list service classes

util/config system default_service_class firstclass sets the default service class to ‘firstclass’

util/service_class firstclass lists the services that are part of the ‘firstclass’ service class

util/service_class firstclass photo_upload_limit 10000000 sets the total photo disc usage of the firstclass to 10 million bytes

util/service_class --account=5 firstclass sets the account ID 5 to the service class ‘firstclass’ (with confirmation)

util/service_class --channel=blogchan firstclass sets the account to which the channel ‘blogchan’ belongs to the service class ‘firstclass’ (with confirmation)

Options for limiting the service class

  • photo_upload_limit - maximum total number of bytes for photos
  • total_items - maximum total number of top-level posts
  • total_pages - maximum number of pages for Comanche
  • total_identities - maximum number of channels owned by the account
  • total_channels - maximum number of connections
  • total_feeds - maximum number of RSS feed connections
  • attach_upload_limit - maximum file upload space (bytes)
  • minimum_feedcheck_minutes - lowest permissible setting for querying RSS feeds
  • chatrooms - maximum number of chatrooms
  • chatters_inroom - maximum number of chatters per room
  • access_tokens - maximum number of guest access tokens per channel

Theme management

Example for repo management

  1. Navigate to your hub web rootroot@hub:/root# cd /var/www

  2. Add the theme repo and give it a nameroot@hub:/var/www# util/add_theme_repo https://github.com/DeadSuperHero/redmatrix-themes.git DeadSuperHero

Channel directory


There is a ‘keyword cloud’ with keywords that can be shown on the channel directory page. If you want to hide these keywords, which are obtained from the directory server, you can use the configuration tool:

util/config system disable_directory_keywords 1

If your hub is in standalone mode because you do not want to connect to the global network, you can instead ensure that the directory_server system option is empty:

util/config system directory_server ‘’


Website administration

The website is usually managed via the administration page, which is located under /admin on your website. To access this page, you must have administration rights for the server. Administration rights are granted to the first account that registers on your website, provided that the email address of this account exactly matches the email address that you specified as the administrator's email address during setup. There are several ways in which this can fail and the system can be left without an administrator account, for example if the first account created has a different email address to the administrator email address specified during setup.

For security reasons, there is no web page or interface on the system that gives you administrator rights. If you need to correct a situation where a system does not have an administrator account, this must be done by editing the account table in the database. There is no other option. To do this, you must find the entry in the account table that belongs to the desired administrator and set ‘account_roles’ for this entry to 4096. You can then call up the administrator page via the profile menu of your system or directly via /admin. A hub can have several administrators and the number of administrators is not limited. Repeat the above procedure for each account that you want to give administration rights.


Log files

The system log file is an extremely useful resource for tracking down errors. This can be activated on the admin/log configuration page. A log level setting of LOGGER_DEBUG is preferred for stable production sites. Most problems with communication or storage are listed here. A setting of LOGGER_DATA provides much more detail, but can fill up your hard drive. In any case, we recommend using logrotate on your operating system to check the logs and delete older entries.

At the end of the .htconfig.php file there are several (commented out) lines that enable PHP error logging. This reports problems with the code syntax and execution of the code and is the first place you should look for problems that result in a ‘white screen’ or blank page. This is usually the result of code/syntax problems. Database errors are reported in the system log file, but we have found it useful to create a file called dbfail.out in your root directory where only database related problems are collected. If the file exists and is writable, database errors will be logged in this file as well as in the system log file.

In the case of ‘500’ errors, the problems are often logged in the logs of your web server, often in /var/log/apache2/error.log or similar. Consult the documentation of your operating system. There are three different logging options.

The first is the database error log.

This is only used if you create a file with the name dbfail.out in the root directory of your website and make it writable for the web server. If database queries have failed, they are reported here. They generally indicate typing errors in our queries, but also occur when the database server interrupts the connection or tables become corrupted. In rare cases, race conditions are reported here when two processes try to create an xchan or cache entry with the same ID. All other errors (especially persistent errors) should be investigated.

The second area is the PHP error log.

This is generated by the language processor and only reports problems in the language environment. Again, these can be syntax or programming errors, but they are usually fatal and result in a ‘white screen of death’, i.e. PHP is terminated. You should look at this file if something goes wrong that does not result in a white screen, but it is not uncommon for this file to be blank for days.

At the end of the supplied .htconfig.php file are some lines that, if not commented out, will enable a PHP error log (extremely useful for finding the cause of white screen errors). This is not the case by default as there may be issues with log file ownership and write permissions and the log file does not rotate by default.

The third file is the ‘application log’.

This is used by Hubzilla to report what is going on in the programme and usually reports any difficulties or unexpected data we have received. Occasionally, ‘heartbeat’ status messages are also output to indicate that we have reached a certain point in a script. This is the most important log file for us, as we create it ourselves for the sole purpose of reporting the status of background tasks and anything that seems strange or out of place. It doesn't necessarily have to be something bad, but maybe just unexpected. If you are running a task and a problem occurs, let us know what is in this file when the problem occurs. (Please don't send me 100M dumps, that would just annoy me). Just a few relevant lines so I can eliminate a few hundred thousand lines of code and focus on where the problem is occurring.

These are your website logs, not mine. We report serious issues at every log level. For most websites, I recommend the DEBUG log level - it provides a little extra information and doesn't generate huge log files. If a problem occurs that defies all attempts to track it, you should use the DATA log level for a short period of time to capture all the details of the structures we were dealing with at the time. This log level consumes a lot of memory and is therefore only recommended for short periods of time or for developer test sites. I recommend configuring logrotate for both the php log and the application log. I usually take a look at dbfail.out every week or two, fix any reported issues and then start over with a new file. The same goes for the PHP log file. I check it from time to time to see if there is anything that needs to be fixed.

If something goes wrong and it's not a serious error, I look at the application log file. Often I will run

tail -f logfile.out

while repeating a process where there are problems. Often I'll add additional logging statements to the code if there's no indication of what's going wrong. Even something as simple as ‘got here’ or expressing the value of a variable that might be suspicious. You can do this too - in fact, I would encourage you to do so. Once you've found what you need to look for, you can run

git checkout file.php

to immediately delete any extra logging data you've added. Use the information from this log and any details you can provide from your investigation of the problem to file your bug report - unless your analysis points to the source of the problem. In this case, simply fix it.

Rotating log files
  1. Activate the logrot addon in the official hubzilla-addons repo
  2. Create a directory in your web root called log with write permissions for the web server
  3. Go to the logrot admin settings and enter this folder name and the maximum size and number of log files kept.

Report problems

When reporting problems, please try to provide as much detail as necessary to allow the developers to reproduce the problem and include the full text of any error messages.

We encourage you to use these logs, along with the source code you have, to the best of your ability to fix problems and find their cause. The community can often help, but only you have access to your site's log files, and it is considered a security risk to share them.

If a code issue has been uncovered, please report it in the project's bug tracker (https://framagit.org/hubzilla/core/issues). Again, provide as much detail as possible so we don't have to keep asking questions about your configuration or duplicating the issue so we can address the problem directly and figure out what to do. You are also welcome to offer your own solutions and submit patches. In fact, we encourage you to do so, as we are all volunteers and have limited time available. The more people that help out, the easier the work will be for everyone. It's okay if your solution isn't perfect. Every little bit helps, and maybe we can improve it.

Hub snapshot tools

Hubzilla developers often need to switch between branches that may have incompatible database schemas or content. The following two scripts create and restore complete snapshots of a Hubzilla instance, including the Hub web root and the entire database state. Each script requires a configuration file called hub-snapshot.conf, which is located in the same folder and contains the specific directories and database details of your Hub.

Configuration file

The format of the configuration file is very strict. There must be no spaces between the variable name and the value. Replace only the content inside the inverted commas with your configuration. Save this file as hub-snapshot.conf together with the scripts.

# Location of the hub root. Normally this is the location of the Hubzilla repo clone.
# Name of the MySQL database
# MySQL database user
# MySQL database password
# The target snapshot folder in which the Git repository is to be initialised


Example of use:

sh hub-snapshot.sh my-hub.conf ‘Commit message for the snapshot’ 



if ! [ -f ‘$1’ ]; then
    echo ‘$1 is not a valid file. Aborting..."
    exit 1
source ‘$1’
#echo ‘$DBNAME’
#echo ‘$DBUSER’
#echo ‘$DBPWD’
#echo ‘$HUBROOT’
MESSAGE=‘snapshot: $2’

if [ ‘$DBPWD’ == ‘’ -o ‘$SNAPSHOTROOT’ == ‘’ -o ‘$DBNAME’ == ‘’ -o ‘$DBUSER’ == ‘’ -o ‘$HUBROOT’ == ‘’ ]; then
    echo ‘Required variable is not set. Aborting..."
    exit 1

if [ ! -d ‘$SNAPSHOTROOT’/db/ ]; then
    mkdir -p ‘$SNAPSHOTROOT’/db/
if [ ! -d ‘$SNAPSHOTROOT’/www/ ]; then
    mkdir -p ‘$SNAPSHOTROOT’/www/

if [ ! -d ‘$SNAPSHOTROOT’/www/ ] || [ ! -d ‘$SNAPSHOTROOT’/db/ ]; then
    echo ‘Error creating snapshot directories. Aborting..."
    exit 1

echo ‘Export database...’
mysqldump -u ‘$DBUSER’ -p‘$DBPWD’ ‘$DBNAME’ > ‘$SNAPSHOTROOT’/db/‘$DBNAME’.sql
echo ‘Copy hub root files...’
rsync -va --delete --exclude=.git* ‘$HUBROOT’/ ‘$SNAPSHOTROOT’/www/


if [ ! -d ‘.git’ ]; then
    git init
if [ ! -d ‘.git’ ]; then
    echo ‘Cannot initialise git repo. Aborting..."
    exit 1

git add -A
echo ‘Commit hub snapshot...’
git commit -a -m ‘$MESSAGE’

exit 0


# Restore hub to a previous state. Input hub config and commit hash

if ! [ -f ‘$1’ ]; then
        echo ‘$1 is not a valid file. Aborting..."
        exit 1
source ‘$1’

if [ ‘$DBPWD’ == ‘’ -o ‘$SNAPSHOTROOT’ == ‘’ -o ‘$DBNAME’ == ‘’ -o ‘$DBUSER’ == ‘’ -o ‘$HUBROOT’ == ‘’ ]; then
        echo ‘Required variable is not set. Aborting..."
        exit 1
RESTOREDIR=‘$(mktemp -d)/’

if [ ! -d ‘$RESTOREDIR’ ]; then
    echo ‘Cannot create restore directory. Aborting..."
    exit 1
echo ‘Cloning the snapshot repo...’
echo ‘Checkout requested snapshot...’
git checkout ‘$COMMIT’
echo ‘Restore hub root files...’
rsync -a --delete --exclude=.git* ‘$RESTOREDIR’/www/ ‘$HUBROOT’/
echo ‘Restore hub database...’
mysql -u ‘$DBUSER’ -p‘$DBPWD’ ‘$DBNAME’ < ‘$RESTOREDIR’/db/‘$DBNAME’.sql

chown -R www-data:www-data ‘$HUBROOT’/{store,extend,addon,.htlog,.htconfig.php}

echo ‘Restored hub to snapshot $COMMIT’
echo ‘Removing temporary files...’

rm -rf ‘$RESTOREDIR’

exit 0


Database updates

On the https://hub.hubzilla.hu/admin/dbsync page, the administrator can check whether an update has failed and retry it if necessary. If an update has failed, but for some reason is not registered as failed, the administrator can try to run the update again. For example, for DB update #1999, by visiting the web page: https://hubzilla.com.bradmin/dbsync/1999

Database tables

abconfigany storage space for connections from local channels
abookConnections of the local channels
accountService provider account
addonregistered plugins
apppersonal app data
attachFile attachments
auth_codesOAuth usage
cacheOEmbed cache
calCalDAV container for events
channellocal channels
chatChat room content
chatpresenceChannel presence information for the chat
chatroomData for the actual chat room
clientsOAuth usage
configMain configuration storage
convMeta conversation structure for private messages in Diaspora
pgrp_memberData protection groups (collections), group information
pgrpData protection groups (collections), member information
hookPlugin hook register
hublocxchan location storage, links a hub location with a xchan
iconfigExpandable, arbitrary memory for elements
issueUpcoming error/problem database
itemall articles and websites
item_id(deprecated by iconfig) other identifiers in other services for contributions
likes‘Like‘ things
mailprivate messages
menuWebsite menu data
menu_itemEntries for menus on websites
objObject data for things (x has y)
outqOutgoing queue
pconfigPersonal (per channel) configuration memory
photoPhoto store
pollData for polls
poll_elmData for poll elements
profdefDefinitions for user-defined profile fields
profextUser-defined profile field data
profileChannel profiles
profile_checkDFRN remote authorisation, may be outdated
registerRegistrations that require an administrative authorisation
sessionStorage of web sessions
sharesInformation on common elements
signDiaspora signatures. Is gradually being phased out.
siteLocation table for finding directory peers
sourceData from channel sources
sys_permsExtensible authorisations for OAuth
termArticle taxonomy table (categories, tags, etc.)
tokensOAuth usage
updatesDirectory synchronisation updates
verifyGeneral verification structure
voteVoting data for polls
xchanList of known channels in the universe
xchatChat rooms with bookmarks
xconfiglike pconfig, but for channels without a local account
xignChannels ignored by friend suggestions
xlink‘Friends of friends’ links derived from poco, also storage of ratings
xpermOAuth/OpenID-Connect extendable authorisations Authorisation memory
xprofif this node is a directory server, it contains basic public profile information about everyone on the network
xtagif this hub is a directory server, it contains tags or interests from everyone on the network

Advanced configurations for administrators

This document assumes that you are an administrator. Hubzilla contains many configuration options that are hidden in the main administration area. Generally, these are options that are considered too niche, advanced, or confusing. These settings can be changed via the shell from the top level web directory using the following syntax

util/config cat key value

for a website configuration, or

util/pconfig channel_id cat key value

for a member configuration.

For a site configuration, another option is to insert a line in .htconfig.php with the syntax:

App::$config[‘cat’][‘key’] = ‘value’;`

Member configuration (pconfig)

  • system.always_my_theme Always use your own theme when watching channels in the same hub. This leads to some pretty imaginative problems when viewing channels with themed comanches.
  • system.blocked An array of Xchans that are blocked by this channel. Technically this is a hidden configuration and belongs here, but addons (notably Superblock) have made this available in the UI.
  • system.default_cipher Sets the default cipher used for E2EE elements.
  • system.display_friend_count Defines the number of connections to be displayed in the connection profile widget.
  • system.do_not_track Like the browser header. This will break many identity-based functions. You should really only set permissions that make sense.
  • system.forcepublicuploads Forces uploaded photos to be public when uploaded as wall elements. It makes much more sense to set the permissions correctly in the first place. Do this instead.
  • system.network_page_default Sets the default parameters for displaying the network page. This should contain the same query string as the manual filtering.
  • system.paranoia Defines the security level of the IP check. If the IP address of a logged on session changes, this level is applied to determine if the account should be logged off as a security breach. The options are: 0 - no IP check 1 - check 3 octets 2 - check 2 octets 3 - check for all differences
  • system.prevent_tag_hijacking Prevents external networks from hijacking hashtags in your posts and redirecting them to their own resources.
  • system.startpage Another one of those technically hidden configurations provided by addons. Defines the default page that is displayed when you log in. This is made available to the user interface by the startpage add-on.
  • system.taganyone Requires that the configuration of the same name is activated. Allows @mention tagging of everyone, regardless of whether you are connected or not. This does not scale.
  • system.anonymous_comments By default or if set to 1, custom permissions can be set to allow anonymous (moderated) comments like WordPress, moderated by the channel owner. If set to 0, no member of your site can select or enable this.
  • system.user_scalable Determines whether the app is scalable to touchscreens. Set to on by default, set to zero to deactivate - real zero, not just false.

Configuration of the website

  • randprofile.check When requesting a random profile, first check whether it actually exists
  • randprofile.retry Number of attempts to obtain a random profile
  • system.admin_email Specifies the e-mail address of the administrator for this site. This is defined during installation.
  • system.authlog Log file used for logging authentication errors. Used to connect to server-side software such as fail2ban. Auth errors are also logged in the main logs.
  • system.auto_channel_create Adds the necessary form elements to create the first channel on the account registration page and creates it (possibly after email validation or administrator approval). This excludes the ability to import a channel from another site as the first channel created on this site for a new account. Use with system.default_permissions_role to streamline registration.
  • system.auto_follow The first channel of an account automatically follows the channels listed here - comma separated list of webbies (member@hub addresses).
  • system.blacklisted_sites An array of specific hubs that are to be completely blocked by this hub.
  • system.block_public_search Similar to block_public, with the difference that only public access to the search functions is blocked. Useful for pages that want to be public but are overrun by search engines.
  • system.cron_hour Specify an hour in which cron_daily should be executed. By default, without configuration, this is executed at midnight UTC.
  • system.default_permissions_role If this value is set to a valid name for a permission role, this role will be used for the first channel created by a new account and will not prompt for the ‘channel type’ on the channel creation form. Examples of valid names are: ‘social’, ‘social_restricted’, ‘social_private’, ‘forum’, ‘forum_restricted’ and ‘forum_private’. Read more about authorisation roles here.
  • system.default_profile_photo Defines the profile photo with which new channels start. This should contain the name of a directory located under images/default_profile_photos/ or it should not be set. If it is not set, ‘rainbow_man’ is assumed.
  • system.directorytags Specifies the number of keyword tags to display on the directory page. The default is 50 if it is not set to a positive integer.
  • system.disable_directory_keywords If ‘1’, no directory keywords are displayed. If the hub is a directory server, prevent keywords from being returned to all directory clients. Please do not set this for directory servers in the RED_GLOBAL area.
  • system.disable_discover_tab Allows you to completely disable the ability to discover public content from external sites.
  • system.disable_dreport If ‘1’, no delivery reports are saved or linked.
  • system.dlogfile Log file used for logging development errors. Exactly the same as logger otherwise. This is not magic and requires your own logging instructions. Developer tool.
  • system.email_notify_icon_url URL of the image (32x32) to be displayed in email notifications (HTML bodies).
  • system.expire_delivery_reports Expiry date in days for delivery reports - default value 10
  • system.expire_limit Do not expire more than this number of reports per channel per expiry run to avoid exhausting the memory. Default value 5000.
  • system.photo_storage_type If ‘1’, the file system is used instead of the SQL database to store the thumbnails. Default setting is ‘0’. Introduced in 4.2
  • system.hidden_version_siteinfo If ‘true’, the software version is not displayed on the siteinfo pages (system.hide_version hides the version on these pages as well, this setting only hides the version on the siteinfo pages).
  • system.hide_help Do not show the link to the help documentation in the navigation bar
  • system.hide_in_statistics Instructs the red statistics servers to completely hide this hub in hub lists.
  • system.hide_version If true, the software version is not displayed on websites and tools. (*) Must be set in .htconfig.php.
  • system.ignore_imagick Ignores imagick and uses GD, even if imagick is installed on the server. Prevents some problems with PNG files in older versions of imagick.
  • system.max_daily_registrations Defines the maximum number of new registrations allowed in a day. Useful to prevent oversubscription when publicising the project.
  • system.max_import_size If configured, the maximum length of an imported text message. This is usually left at 200 KBytes or more to accommodate private Friendica photos that are embedded.
  • system.max_tagged_forums Spam protection. Limits the number of tagged forums recognised in each post. Default is 2, only the first ‘n’ tags are delivered as forums, the others cause no delivery.
  • system.minimum_feedcheck_minutes The minimum interval between checking RSS feeds. If this interval is less than the cron interval, the feeds are checked with every cron job. The default value is 60 if it has not been set. The site setting can also be overridden for each individual channel by a service class setting aptly named ‘minimum_feedcheck_minutes’.
  • system.no_age_restriction Do not restrict registration to persons over the age of 13. In many countries it is required by law that age must be specified and that all personal data of minors must be blocked.
  • system.object_cache_days Defines how long cached embedded content can be used without being retrieved again. The default setting is 30 days.
  • system.openssl_conf_file Specify a file that contains the OpenSSL configuration. Required in some Windows installations to find the openssl configuration file on the system. Read the code first. If you cannot read the code, do not play with it.
  • system.openssl_encrypt Use encryption engine from openssl, default is false (uses mcrypt for AES encryption)
  • system.optimize_items Executes optimise_table during some tasks to keep your database clean and defragmented. This comes at the expense of performance while the operations are running, but also makes things run a bit faster when they are not. There are also CLI utilities to perform this operation that you may prefer, especially if you have a large site.
  • system.override_poll_lockfile Ignores the lock file in the poller process to allow more than one process to run at a time.
  • system.paranoia Like pconfig, but on a site-wide basis. Can be overridden by member settings.
  • system.pin_types Array of allowed element types for pinning. The default values depend on the module, but can be changed here.
  • system.photo_cache_time How long the photos should be cached, in seconds. The default value is 86400 (1 day). A longer time increases performance, but also means that it takes longer for changed authorisations to apply.
  • system.platform_name What should be displayed as the platform name on websites and in statistics. (*) Must be set in .htconfig.php.
  • system.rating_enabled Distributed reputation reports and data collection. This function is currently being revised.
  • system.poke_basic Reduce the number of poke verbs to exactly 1 (‘poke’). Deactivate other verbs.
  • system.proc_run_use_exec If 1, the system call exec in proc_run is used to execute background tasks. By default we use proc_open and proc_close. On some (currently rare) systems this does not work well.
  • system.projecthome Displays the project page on your homepage for logged out viewers.
  • system.projecthome Defines the project home page as the start page of the hub. (Obsolete)
  • system.pubstream_order Defines the pubstream order. Possible values ‘commented’ (default), ‘created’ and ‘edited’.
  • system.register_link Path to which the ‘register’ link in the registration form should point. For closed sites, this will point to ‘pubsites’. For open sites, it will normally redirect to ‘register’, but you can change this to a custom site page that offers subscriptions or similar.
  • system.reserved_channels Do not allow members to register channels with this comma-separated list of names (no spaces).
  • system.sellpage A URL to display in the list of public sites to sell your hub - show classes of service, etc.
  • system.startpage Defines the default page that is displayed for all channels on this website after a login. Can be overridden by user settings.
  • system.sys_expire_days How many days should discovered public content from other websites be kept?
  • system.taganyone Allows @mention tagging of everyone, whether you are connected or not.
  • system.tempdir Location where temporary files are stored (currently unused), default is defined in PHP configuration.
  • system.tos_url Sets an alternative link for the ToS storage location.
  • system.transport_security_header if non-zero and SSL is used, a strict-transport-security header is inserted on the web pages
  • system.uploaddir Storage location for uploading files (default is system.tempdir, currently only used by the js_upload plugin)
  • system.workflow_channel_next The page to which new members should be redirected immediately after creating a channel.
  • system.workflow_register_next The page to which members are redirected immediately after creating an account (only if auto_channel_create or UNO is activated).

Directory configuration

  • directory.globaldir 0 or 1. default value 0. If you visit the directory on a site, you will only see the members of this site by default. You have to take an extra step to see the people in the rest of the network; and by doing this, there is a clear delineation that these people are not members of this site, but of a larger network.
  • directory.pubforums 0 or 1. public forums should be 0 by default.
  • directory.safemode 0 or 1.
Configuration of the directory server
  • system.directory_mode
  • system.directory_primary
  • system.directory_realm
  • system.directory_server
  • system.realm_token

Developers Guide

Information for Hubzilla developers

Who is a Hubzilla developer? Should I be reading this?

Anyone who contributes to making Hubzilla better is a developer. There are many different and important ways you can contribute to this amazing technology, even if you don't know how to write code. The software itself is only one part of the Hubzilla project. You can contribute by

  • translating the text into your language so that people all over the world have the opportunity to use Hubzilla
  • Promote Hubzilla and spread awareness of the platform through blog posts, articles and word of mouth
  • Create artwork and graphics for project resources such as icons and marketing materials
  • Supporting the project infrastructure such as the project website and demo servers

Software developers are of course welcome; there are so many great ideas that can be realised and not enough people to make them all happen! The Hubzilla codebase is an advanced and mature system, but the platform is still very flexible and open to new ideas.

We are pretty relaxed when it comes to developers. We don't have a lot of rules. Some of us are overworked, and if you want to help, we're happy to let you help. However, if you follow a few guidelines, the process will be smoother and collaboration easier. All developers are expected to adhere to our code of conduct. We have developers from all over the world with different skills, different cultural backgrounds and different levels of patience. Our number one rule is to respect others. Sometimes this is difficult, and sometimes we have very different views on how things should work, but if everyone makes an effort, we will get along well.

This document will help you get to know and help shape Hubzilla.

Versions and releases

Hubzilla currently uses a standard version numbering sequence of $x.$y(.$z), for example ‘1.12’ or ‘1.12.1’. The first digit is the major version number. Major versions are released ‘approximately’ once a year, often in December.

The second digit is the minor version number. If this number is odd, it is a development version. If the number is even, it is a released version. Minor versions are usually released once a month (moved from the development version to the major version) when development is ‘stable’, but this is likely to increase. In the future, minor releases will be released between one and three months; this corresponds to a stable code point and when there is a general consensus in the community that the current code base is stable enough to consider a release.

The last digit is an interface or patch identifier.

The release process involves changing the version number (by definition, the minor version number is odd, and the minor number is incremented). Once a year, the major version number of a major version is incremented and the minor version number is reset to 0.

The version candidate is moved to a new branch and testing begins or continues for a period of 1-2 weeks, or until all major issues have been resolved. This branch is usually labelled RC (Release Candidate); for example, 1.8RC stands for the upcoming release of version 1.8. At this point, the version number of the development branch is increased to the next odd number. (For example 1.9). New developments can then take place in the development branch.

Bug fixes should always be applied to ‘dev’ and transferred from there (usually with git cherry-pick) to the RC branch and, if necessary, to the master or official release branch.

At the time a release candidate is created, the language string file is frozen until a new version is released. Translation work can continue, but all translations should be submitted to ‘dev’ and merged into RC. Once RC testing is complete, RC will be merged into ‘master’ and the RC version identifier removed; this will result in a final checkin to change the version number. The CHANGELOG file should also be updated at this point or shortly before. If there are conflicts during this final merge, the merge is cancelled and ‘git merge -s ours’ is applied. This results in the master branch being replaced by the content of the RC branch. Conflicts often arise due to string updates that were made to master after the last release and cannot simply be resolved without manual editing. As this is a release of tested code, manual editing is not recommended and the replacement merge strategy should be used instead. It is assumed that RC now contains the latest, well-tested code.

Once the release is live and merged into the master branch, the RC branch can be removed.

After the release, corrections can be made to master. If possible, these should be made in dev and ‘git cherry-pick’ should be used to merge; this preserves the commit information and avoids conflicts when merging in the next cycle. Only rarely does a patch only apply to the master branch. If necessary, this can be done. If the change is major, the version number of the interface should be increased. This is at the discretion of the community. In any case, a ‘git pull’ of the master branch should always result in the latest version, to which all patches are applied after release.

The interface number (the $z in $x.$y.$z) should be incremented in dev whenever a change is made that alters the interfaces or API in an incompatible way, so that any external packages (especially addons and API clients) that rely on the current behaviour can detect their own interfaces at the point where it has changed and change them accordingly.

Git repository branches

There are two official branches of the Hubzilla Git repository.

  • The stable version is maintained in the master branch. The latest commit in this branch is considered suitable for production hubs.
  • Experimental development takes place in the dev branch, which is transferred to the master branch as soon as it is deemed tested and stable enough.

Tools and workflows for developers

Hub snapshots

The hub snapshots page contains instructions and scripts for creating full snapshots of a hub to support switching between consistent and fully known states. This is useful to avoid situations where the content or database schema may be incompatible with the code.


Our translations are managed through Transifex. If you would like to help translate Hubzilla into another language, sign up at transifex.com, visit Transifex and apply to join one of the existing language teams or create a new one. Notify one of the lead developers if you have a translation update that needs merging, or ask if you can merge it yourself if you are familiar with Git and PHP. We have a string file called ‘messages.po’ which is gettext compatible, and a handful of email templates from which we automatically generate the application language files.

The translation process

The strings used in Hubzilla's user interface are translated at Transifex and then added to the Git repository on github. If you would like to help translate a language, be it correcting terms or translating Hubzilla into a currently unsupported language, please register an account on transifex.com and contact the translation team there.

Translating Hubzilla is easy. Simply use the online tool on transifex. If you don't want to bother with Git & Co. it's no problem, we regularly check the status of the translations and import them into the source tree on github for others to use.

We do not include every translation of transifex in the source tree to avoid a scattered and disrupted overall experience. As a rough estimate, we have a lower limit of 50% translated strings before we include the language. This limit is only based on the amount of translated strings, assuming that the most important strings for the user interface are translated first by a translation team. If you feel that your translation is usable before this limit, please contact us and we will likely include your team's work in the source tree. If you would like to add your work to the source tree yourself, please feel free to do so and contact us with any questions that arise. The process is simple and Hubzilla comes with all the necessary tools.

The location of the translated files in the source tree is


where LNG-CODE is the code of the language used, e.g. de for German or fr for French. For the e-mail templates (the *.tpl files), simply place them in the directory and you're done. The translated strings come as an ‘hmessages.po’ file from Transifex, which needs to be translated into the PHP file that Hubzilla uses. To do this, place the file in the directory mentioned above and use the ‘po2php’ utility from the util directory of your Hubzilla installation.

Assuming you want to convert the German localisation, which is located in view/en/hmessages.po, you would proceed as follows.

  1. At the command prompt, navigate to the base directory of your

Hubzilla installation

  1. Execute the po2php script that translates the

into the hstrings.php file used by Hubzilla.

$> php util/po2php.php view/en/hmessages.po

The output of the script will be placed in the view/en/hstrings.php file where froemdoca expects it, so you can test your translation immediately.

  1. Visit your Hubzilla page and check that it is in the language you just translated.

language you have just translated. If not, try to find the error, probably PHP will give you a hint in the log/warnings.about the error.

For debugging you can also try to ‘execute’ the file with PHP. This should give no output if the file is ok, but may give you a hint for the error in the file.

$> php view/en/hstrings.php

  1. Commit the two files to your git repository with a meaningful commit message, push it to your fork of the Hubzilla repository on github and make a pull request for this commit.


In addition to the po2php script, there are several other utilities for translation in the ‘util’ directory of the Hubzilla source tree. If you just want to translate Hubzilla into another language, you probably won't need any of these tools, but it will give you an idea of how Hubzilla's translation process works. See the utils/README file for more information.

Known issues

* Hubzilla uses the language setting of the visitor's browser to set the language for the user interface. Most of the time this works, but there are some known quirks. * the early translations are based on the friendica translations, if you find some rough translations please let us know or correct them at Transifex.


All code contributed to the project is subject to the MIT licence unless otherwise stated. We accept third party code that falls under MIT, BSD and LGPL, but copyleft licences (GPL and AGPL) are only allowed in addons. It must be possible to completely remove the GPL (copyleft) code from the main project without destroying anything.

Coding style

In the interest of consistency, we use the following code style. We also accept patches that use other styles, but please try to use a consistent coding style if possible. We will not argue or discuss the merits of this style, and it is irrelevant what project ‘xyz’ uses. This is not project ‘xyz’. This is a baseline to try to keep the code readable now and in the future.

  • All comments should be in English.
  • We use Doxygen to create documentation. This has not been used consistently, but it is highly recommended to learn and use it.
  • Indentation is mainly done by tabs with a tab width of 4.
  • String concatenations and operators should be separated by spaces. e.g. ‘$foo = $bar . ‘abc’;‘ instead of “$foo=$bar.”abc’;"
  • In general, we use single quotes for string variables and double quotes for SQL statements. ‘Here documents’ should be avoided. Sometimes using strings in double quotes with variable substitution is the most efficient way to create the string. In most cases, you should use single quotes.
  • Use spaces liberally to improve readability. When creating arrays with many elements, a key/value pair is often set per line, which is indented accordingly from the parent line. Lining up the assignment operators requires a little more work, but also increases readability.
  • In general, opening curly brackets are placed on the same line as what the bracket opens. They are the last character in the line. Closing brackets are placed on a separate line.
  • Some functions take arguments in argc/argv style, such as main() in C or function args in Bash or Perl. Urls are split within a module. e.g. for‘http://example.com/module/arg1/arg2’$this->argc is 3 (integer) and $this->argv contains: [0] => ‘module’, [1] => ‘arg1’, [2] => ‘arg2’. Only one argument is ever specified. If a naked domain URL is specified, $this->argv[0] is set to ‘home’.

File system layout

addonOptional addons/plugins
boot.phpEach process uses this to boot the application structure
docHelp files
imagesrequired images
includeThe ‘model’ in MVC - (back-end functions), also contains PHP ‘executables’ for background processing
index.phpThe front-end controller for web access
installInstallation and upgrade files and DB schema
libraryThird-party modules (must be licence-compatible)
modControl modules based on URL path names (e.g. http://sitename/foo loads mod/foo.php)
mod/site/Site-specific mod overrides that are excluded from Git
utilTranslation tools, main database for English strings and other various utilities
version.inccontains the current version (which is automatically updated via cron for the main repository and distributed via git)
viewTheme and language files
view/(css,js,img,php,tpl)Standard theme files
view/(en,it,es ...)Language strings and resources
view/theme/Single named themes that contain (css,js,img,php,tpl) overrides

Code of conduct for contributors

Our pledge

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and carers pledge to make participation in our project and community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, experience level, nationality, personal appearance, ethnicity, religion or sexual identity and orientation.

Our standards

Examples of behaviours that contribute to creating a positive environment include

  • Using welcoming and inclusive language
  • Respecting different points of view and experiences
  • Accepting constructive criticism gracefully
  • Focusing on what is best for the community
  • Showing empathy towards other members of the community

Examples of unacceptable behaviour from participants include

  • The use of sexualised language or images and unwanted sexual attention or advances
  • Trolling, offensive/degrading comments and personal or political attacks
  • Public or private harassment
  • Publishing the private information of others, such as a physical or electronic address, without express permission
  • Other behaviour that could be considered inappropriate in a professional environment

Our responsibilities

Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behaviour and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action when unacceptable behaviour is identified. Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues and other contributions that do not comply with this Code of Conduct, or to temporarily or permanently ban contributions that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive or harmful.


This Code of Conduct applies both within the project areas and in the public sphere when a person is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project email address, posting via an official social media account or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. The representation of a project can be further defined and specified by the project supervisors.


Instances of offensive, harassing or otherwise unacceptable behaviour can be reported to the project team at project@hubzilla.org. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is committed to confidentiality towards the person reporting an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be published separately. Project supervisors who fail to follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent consequences as determined by other members of the project management team.


This Code of Conduct is an adaptation of the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, available at http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4.

The Zot protocol

What is Zot?

Zot is the revolutionary protocol that powers Hubzilla, enabling communication, identity management and access control across a fully decentralised network of independent websites, often referred to as ‘the grid’. The resulting platform is a robust system that supports privacy and security while enabling the kind of rich web services typically found only in centralised, proprietary solutions.

Consider this typical scenario:

Jaquelina wants to share photos from her blog at jaquelina.org with Roberto, but with no one else. Roberto maintains his own family hub at roberto.net on a completely independent server. Zot allows Jaquelina to publish her photos with an access control list (ACL) that only includes Roberto. This means that while Roberto can see the photos when he visits her blog, his brother Marco cannot, nor can any other family member who has an account on roberto.net.

The twist in this scenario is the fact that Roberto never logged in to Jaquelina's website. Instead, he only had to log in once with his password on his own roberto.net website. When Roberto visits jaquelina.org, he is seamlessly authenticated by their hub by querying his server in the background.

It's not uncommon for servers to have technical issues or become inaccessible for various reasons. Zot provides robustness to Roberto's online activities by allowing him to have clones of his online identity or channel on multiple independent hubs. Imagine that Roberto's server goes down for some reason and he can no longer log in there. He simply logs into one of his clones on gadfly.com, a website run by his friend Peter. Once he has authenticated himself at gadfly.com, Roberto can view Jaquelina's blog as before, without Jaquelina having to grant additional access!


Communication and social networks are an essential part of the grid. Any channel (and any service provided by that channel) can take full advantage of feature-rich social communication on a global scale. These communications can be public or private - and private communications include not only fully encrypted transport, but also encrypted storage to protect against accidental snooping and disclosure by rogue system administrators and ISPs.

Zot supports a wide range of background services in the grid, from friend suggestions to directory services. New content and data updates are passed in the background between hubs across the grid according to the access control lists and permissions set by the sender and receiver channels. Data is also synchronised between any number of channel clones so that hub members can access data and continue to collaborate seamlessly even if their primary hub is unavailable or offline.


Zot's identity layer is unique. It provides an invisible single sign-on for all locations in the grid. It also provides a nomadic identity so that your communication with friends, family or other people you communicate with is not affected by the loss of your primary communication hub - either temporarily or permanently.

The important parts of your identity and relationships can be backed up on a USB stick or your laptop and appear on any node on the network at any time - with all your friends and preferences. Crucially, these nomadic instances are kept synchronised so that any instance can take over if another is compromised or corrupted. This not only protects you from major system failures, but also from temporary website overload and government tampering or censorship.

We believe that Hubzilla's nomadic identity, single sign-on and decentralisation bring a high level of resilience and consistency to internet communications, which is much needed in the face of global trends towards corporate centralisation and mass and indiscriminate government surveillance and censorship. When browsing the web, viewing channels and their unique content, you are seamlessly authenticated, even across completely different server hubs. No need to enter passwords. You don't have to type anything. You are simply greeted with your name on every new page you visit.

How does this work with Zot? We call it ‘magic-auth’ because Hubzilla hides the details of the complexity of single sign-on logins and nomadic identities from web browsing. This is one of Hubzilla's design goals: to increase privacy and freedom on the Internet while reducing the complexity and tedium of having to enter new passwords and login names every time you visit the Internet. You only log in once to your home hub (or a nomadic backup hub of your choice). This allows you to access all authenticated services offered anywhere on the web - such as shopping, blogs, forums and access to private information. Your password is not stored on a thousand different websites, but on servers that you control or trust.

They cannot be silenced. They cannot be removed from the network unless you choose to leave it yourself.

Access control

Zot's identity layer allows you to assign fine-grained permissions to any content you want to publish - and these permissions extend across the entire grid. It's like having a huge website made up of an army of small individual websites - where each channel in the grid can fully control its privacy and sharing preferences for all the web resources it creates.

Currently, Hubzilla supports access control for many types of data, including discussion posts and comments, photo albums, events, cloud files, web pages, wikis and more. Each item and how and with whom it is shared is completely under your control.

This type of control is trivial with large enterprise providers as they own the user database. In the Grid, you don't need a huge user database on your computer - because the Grid is your user database. It has essentially infinite capacity (limited by the total number of hubs online on the Internet) and is distributed across hundreds, possibly even millions of computers.

Access can be granted or denied to any resource, channel or group of channels - anywhere on the grid. Others can access your content if you allow them to, and they don't even need to have an account in your hub.

Technical introduction

Zot is a JSON-based web framework for implementing secure decentralised communication and services. To provide this functionality, Zot creates a decentralised, globally unique identifier for each node in the network. This global identifier is not inextricably linked to the DNS, ensuring the required mobility. Many of the existing decentralised communication frameworks provide the communication aspect, but no remote access control and authentication. Furthermore, most of these systems are based on the ‘web finger’, which still ties identity to domain names and cannot support nomadic identity. The main problems that Zot addresses are

  • Fully decentralised communication
  • Independence from DNS-based identity
  • node mobility
  • seamless remote authentication
  • high performance

We will rely on DNS-based user@host addresses as a ‘user-friendly’ mechanism to tell others where you are, namely on a named host with a specific username, and communication with DNS entities is handled over TCP and the web.

However, the underlying protocol provides an abstraction layer on top of this so that a communication node (e.g. ‘identity’) can move to a different DNS location and recover (to the best of its ability) from location changes and/or maintain pre-existing communication relationships. A side effect of this requirement is the ability to communicate from alternative/multiple DNS locations and service providers and still maintain a single online identity.

We call this overlay network the ‘grid’. The servers connected to this network are called ‘hubs’ and can support any number of individual identities.

An identity does not necessarily have to correspond to a person. It is merely something that requires the ability to communicate within the grid.

The ability to recover is achieved by communicating with the original location when a new or replacement identity is created, or as a fallback to a stored file describing the identity and its contacts in the event that the old location no longer responds.

At least in the short term, mobility of existing content is not the highest priority. This may or may not happen at a later date. The most important things we want to keep are your identity and your friends. Addresses that are shared by multiple people are user@host and describe the current local credentials for a particular identity. They are DNS-based addresses that are used as a seed to localise a particular identity within the network. Machine communication binds this address to a globally unique ID. A single globally unique ID can be attached or bound to any number of DNS locations. Once an identity is mapped or bound to a DNS location, communication consists only of knowing the globally unique address and the DNS (url) currently in use (to recall and verify/complete the current communication). These concepts will be specified in more detail in the future.

For an identity to persist across locations, one must be able to provide or recover

  • the globally unique ID for that identity
  • the private key assigned to that identity
  • (if the original server no longer exists) an address book of contacts for that identity.

This information can be exported from the original server via an API and/or downloaded to a hard drive or USB stick.

We can also attempt to restore the identity with even less information, but this is vulnerable to account hijacking and requires your contacts to confirm the change.

To enable high performance communication, the data transfer format for all aspects of Zot is JSON. XML communication requires far too much overhead.

Bi-directional encryption is based on 4096-bit RSA keys expressed in DER/ASN.1 format using the PKCS#8 encoding variant, with AES encryption of variable length or large elements. The exact encryption algorithms are negotiable between sites.

Some aspects of the well-known ‘federation protocols’ (Webfinger, Salmon, Activitystreams, Portablecontacts, etc.) can be used in zot, but we are not and will not be bound by them. The Hubzilla project is trying some fairly novel developments in the field of decentralised communication, and if it should be necessary to deviate from such ‘standard protocols’, we will do so without question or hesitation. To create a globally unique ID, we will base it on a whirlpool hash of the origin node's identity URL and a pseudo-random number, which should give us a 256-bit ID with an extremely low collision probability (256 bits equals about 115 quattuorviginitillion or 1.16 X 10^77 unique numbers). This is represented in the communication as a base64url encoded string. However, we will not rely on probabilities, and the ID must also be associated with a public key, using public key cryptography to provide an identity guarantee that has not been copied or somehow collided in the whirlpool hash space.

Using the DNS as the basis for the ID provides a globally unique seed, which would not be the case if the ID was based entirely on pseudo-random number generation.

We refer to the encoded globally unique uid string as zot_uid

As there may be more than one DNS location associated/connected to a particular zot_uid identity, the delivery processes should deliver to all of these locations as we do not know with certainty which hub instance can be accessed at any given time. However, we will designate one DNS location as ‘primary’ which will be the preferred location for displaying web profile information.

We also need to provide the ability to change the primary location to a new location. A lookup of information about the current primary location can provide a ‘redirect pointer’ that instructs us to update our listings and move everything to the new location. There is also the possibility that the primary location no longer exists and is no longer responding. In this case, a location that is already assigned to this zot_uid can take control and declare itself as primary. In both cases, the primary designation is automatically confirmed and moved. A request can also be made from a primary location requesting the removal of another location.

To assign a zot_uid to a second (or tertiary) location, a secure exchange is required to verify that the new location is in possession of the private key for that zot_uid. The security of the private key is therefore essential to prevent identity hijacking.

Communication then requires

  • zot_uid (character string)
  • uid_sig
  • callback (current location zot endpoint url)
  • callback_sig
  • spec (int)

is transferred with every message. The spec is a revision number of the current Zot specification so that communication with hubs that use older and possibly incompatible protocol specifications can be maintained. Communication is verified using a stored public key that was copied to this zot_uid when the connection was first established.

The revocation and replacement of the key must be carried out from the primary hub. The exact form for this is still being worked out, but will likely be a notification to all other bound hubs to ‘phone home’ (to the primary hub) and request a copy of the new key. This notification should be verified with a site or hub key, as the original identity key may have been compromised and cannot be trusted. To avoid confusion, there should be exactly one canonical url for each hub so that it can be indexed and uniquely referenced.

To avoid ambiguity of the scheme, it is strongly recommended that all addresses should be https with a browser valid certificate and a single valid host component (either www.domain.ext or domain.ext, but not both) used in all communication. Multiple URLs can be specified locally, but only a single URL should be used for all Zot communication within the grid.

Test installations that are not connected to the public network can use non-SSL, but all traffic flowing over public networks should be protected from session hijacking, preferably with a ‘browser recognised’ certificate.

Where possible, the Zot recommends the use of ‘batching’ to minimise network traffic between two hubs. This means that ‘Site A’ can send multiple messages to ‘Site B’ in a single transaction and also consolidate the delivery of identical messages to multiple recipients in the same hub.

The messages themselves may or may not be encrypted in transit, depending on the private nature of the messages. SSL (strongly recommended) provides unconditional encryption of the data stream, however it makes little sense to encrypt public messages that have been categorised as having unrestricted visibility. Encryption of data storage and so-called ‘end-to-end encryption’ are outside the scope of zot. It is assumed that node operators take appropriate security precautions to ensure the security of their data stores, and these are functions of application and site integrity as opposed to protocol integrity.


Given the constraints listed above, a Zot message should therefore be a json array of individual messages. These can be mixed and combined within the same transmission.

Each message then requires:

  • Type
  • (optional) recipient list

The absence of a recipient list would indicate an unencrypted public message or a site-level message. The recipient list would contain an array of zot_uid with an individual decryption key and a common iv. The decryption key is encrypted with the public key of the recipient identity. The iv is encrypted with the private key of the sender.

All messages should be digitally signed by the sender.

The type can be one of the following (this list can be extended):

  • Mail (or activity)
  • Mail
  • identity
  • authenticate

Identity messages have no recipients and notify the system social graph of an identity update, which can be a new or deleted identity, a new or deleted location, or a change to the primary hub. The signature for these messages uses system keys as opposed to identity-specific keys.

Posts include many different types of activity, such as top-level posts, likes/dislikes, comments, tagging activity, etc. These types are specified in the message structure.

Authentication messages result in mutual authentication and browser redirection to protected resources on the remote hub, such as the ability to post wall-to-wall messages and view private photo albums and events, etc.


A known URL is used to probe a hub for Zot capabilities and identity queries, including discovery of public keys, profile locations, profile photos, and the primary hub location.

The location for this service is /.well-known/zot-info - and must be available in the root directory of the selected domain.

To perform a query, a POST request is made to the discovery location with the following parameters: Required:

Address => an address on the target system such as ‘john’


target => the observer's Zot ‘guid’ for the evaluation of authorisations

target_sig => an RSA signature (base64url-encoded) of the guid

key => The public key required to verify the signature

token => a character string selected by the requesting service (possibly random). If present, an entry in the discovered packet labelled ‘signed_token’ is provided, which consists of the base64url_encoded RSA signature of the concatenation of the string ‘token.’ and the provided token using the private key of the discovered channel. This can be verified with the provided ‘key’ entry and provides assurance that the server is in possession of the private key for the discovered identity. After 1 January 2017, it is required that a server provides a signed_token if a token has been specified in the request.

If no target is specified, the returned authorisations are generic authorisations for unknown or unauthenticated observers

Example of a detection package for‘mike@zothub.com’


    ‘success’: true,
    ‘signed_token’: "KBJrKTq1qrctNuxF3GwVh3GAGRqmgkirlXANPcJZAeWlvSt_9TMV097slR4AYnYCBEushbVqHEJ9Rb5wHTa0HzMbfRo8cRdl2yAirvvv5d98dtwHddQgX1jB0xEypXtmIYMdPGDLvhI1RNdIBhHkkrRcNreRzoy4xD- -HM6m1W0-A8PJJ9BcNxmGPcBtLzW08wzoP9trJ3M7DQ6Gkk6j7iwVsyApw1ZBaDvabGTdc_SFV-Iegtqw3rjzT_xXWsfzMlKBy-019MYn_KS- gu23YzjvGu5tS_zDfkQb8DMUlPLz5yyxM0yOMlUDtG2qQgIJAU2O0X6T5xDdJ6mtolNyhepg845PvFDEqBQGMIH1nc47CNumeudDi8IWymEALhjG_U8KAK7JVlQTJj2EKUb0au1g6fpiBFab5mmxCMtZEX3Jreyak5GOcFFz- WpxuXJD9TdSoIvaBfBFOoJnXkg2zE4RHXeQzZ2FotmrbBG5dm8B- _6byYGoHBc08ZsWze1K96JIeRnLpBaj6ifUDcVHxZMPcGHHT27dvU2PNbgLiBjlAsxhYqkhN5qOHN8XBcg2KRjcMBaI3V0YMxlzXz5MztmZq3fcB1p-ccIoIyMPMzSj3yMB7J9CEU2LYPSTHMdPkIeDE6GaCkQKviaQJQde346tK_YjA2k7_SOBmvPYE’,
    ‘guid’: ‘sebQ-IC4rmFn9d9iu17m4BXO-kHuNutWo2ySjeV2SIW1LzksUkss12xVo3m3fykYxN5HMcc7gUZVYv26asx-Pg’,
    ‘guid_sig’: "Llenlbl4zHo6-g4sa63MlQmTP5dRCrsPmXHHFmoCHG63BLq5CUZJRLS1vRrrrr_MNxr7zob_Ykt_m5xPKe5H0_i4pDj-UdP8dPZqH2fqhhx00kuYL4YUMJ8gRr5eO17vsZQ3XxTcyKewtgeW0j7ytwMp6- hFVUx_Cq08MrXas429ZrjzaEwgTfxGnbgeQYQ0R5EXpHpEmoERnZx77VaEahftmdjAUx9R4YKAp13pGYadJOX5xnLfqofHQD8DyRHWeMJ4G1OfWPSOlXfRayrV_jhnFlZjMU7vOdQwHoCMoR5TFsRsHuzd- qepbvo3pzvQZRWnTNu6oPucgbf94p13QbalYRpBXKOxdTXJrGdESNhGvhtaZnpT9c1QVqC46jdfP0LOX2xrVdbvvvG2JMWFv7XJUVjLSk_yjzY6or2VD4V6ztYcjpCi9d_WoNHruoxro_br1YO3KatySxJs-LQ7SOkQI60FpysfbphNyvYMkotwUFI59G08IGKTMu3- GPnV1wp7NOQD1yzJbGGEGSEEysmEP0SO9vnN45kp3MiqbffBGc1r4_YM4e7DPmqOGM94qksOcLOJk1HNESw2dQYWxWQTBXPfOJT6jW9_crGLMEOsZ3Jcss0XS9KzBUA2p_9osvvhUKuKXbNztqH0oZIWlg37FEVsDs_hUwUJpv2Ar09k4’,
    ‘key’: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- 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\nPYM8k83Lip4bEKIyAuf02qkCAwEAAQ==\n- ----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n’,
    ‘name’: ‘Mike Macgirvin’,
    ‘name_updated’: ‘2012-12-06 04:59:13’,
    ‘address’: ‘mike@zothub.com’,
    ‘photo_mimetype’: ‘image/jpeg’,
    ‘photo’: ‘https://zothub.com/photo/profile/l/1’,
    ‘photo_updated’: ‘2012-12-06 05:06:11’,
    ‘url’: ‘https://zothub.com/channel/mike’,
    ‘connections_url’: ‘https://zothub.com/poco/mike’,
    ‘target’: ‘’,
    ‘target_sig’: ‘’,
    ‘searchable’: false,
    ‘permissions’: {
        ‘view_stream’: true,
        ‘view_profile’: true,
        ‘view_photos’: true,
        ‘view_contacts’: true,
        ‘view_storage’: true,
        ‘view_pages’: true,
        ‘send_stream’: false,
        ‘post_wall’: false,
        ‘post_comments’: false,
        ‘post_mail’: false,
        ‘post_photos’: false,
        ‘tag_deliver’: false,
        ‘chat’: false,
        ‘write_storage’: false,
        ‘write_pages’: false,
        ‘delegate’: false
    ‘profile’: {
        ‘description’: ‘Freedom Fighter’,
        ‘birthday’: ‘0000-05-14’,
        ‘next_birthday’: ‘2013-05-14 00:00:00’,
        ‘gender’: ‘Male’,
        ‘marital’: ‘It's complicated’,
        ‘sexual’: ‘Females’,
        ‘locale’: ‘’,
        ‘region’: ‘’,
        ‘postcode’: ‘’,
        ‘country’: ‘Australia’
    ‘locations’: [
            ‘host’: ‘zothub.com’,
            ‘address’: ‘mike@zothub.com’,
            ‘primary’: true,
            ‘url’: ‘https://zothub.com’,
            ‘url_sig’: "eqkB_9Z8nduBYyyhaSQPPDN1AhSm5I4R0yfcFxPeFpuu17SYk7jKD7QzvmsyahM5Kq7vDW6VE8nx8kdFYpcNaurqw0_IKI2SWg15pGrhkZfrCnM- g6A6qbCv_gKCYqXvwpSMO8SMIO2mjQItbBrramSbWClUd2yO0ZAceq3Z_zhirCK1gNm6mGRJaDOCuuTQNb6D66TF80G8kGLklv0o8gBfxQTE12Gd0ThpUb5g6_1L3eDHcsArW_RWM2XnNPi_atGNyl9bS_eLI2TYq0fuxkEdcjjYx9Ka0- Ws-lXMGpTnynQNCaSFqy-Fe1aYF7X1JJVJIO01LX6cCs- kfSoz29ywnntj1I8ueYldLB6bUtu4t7eeo__4t2CUWd2PCZkY3PKcoOrrnm3TJP5_yVFV_VpjkcBCRj3skjoCwISPcGYrXDufJxfp6bayGKwgaCO6QoLPtqqjPGLFm- fbn8sVv3fYUDGilaR3sFNxdo9mQ3utxM291XE2Pd0jGgeUtpxZSRzBuhYeOybu9DPusID320QbgNcbEbEbEImO8DuGIxuVRartzEXQF4WSYRdraZzbOqCzmU0O55P836JAfrWjgxTQkXlYCic- DBk-iE75JeT72smCtZ4AOtoFWCjZAABCw42J7JELY9APixZXWriKtjy6JI0G9d3fs6r7SrXr1JMy0’,
            ‘callback’: ‘https://zothub.com/post’,
            ‘sitekey’: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- 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\nRQuK1dDVwGKoIY85KtTUiMcCAwEAAQ==\n- ----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
    ‘site’: {
        ‘url’: ‘https://zothub.com’,
        ‘directory_mode’: ‘primary’,
        ‘directory_url’: ‘https://zothub.com/dirsearch’


Discovery returns a JSON array with the following components:

‘success’ => (true or false) Operation was successful if true. Otherwise, there may be an optional ‘message’ indicating the cause of the error.

‘signed_token’ => If a token parameter was specified in the request, it is prefixed with the text ‘token.’ and then RSA-signed and base64url-encoded with the private key of the channel and returned as ‘signed_token’.

guid' => the guid of the address on the target system

guid_sig’ => the RSA signature of the guid encoded with base64url, signed with the private key associated with this guid.

‘key’ => the public key associated with this guid

name' => name of the channel

name_updated' => timestamp in MySQL style “2012-01-01 00:00:00”, when the name was last changed (UTC)

address' => “webbie” or user@host address associated with this channel

photo' => URL of a profile photo for this channel (ideally 175x175)

photo_mimetype' => content type of the profile photo

photo_updated' => MySQL-style timestamp of when the photo was last updated (UTC)

‘url’ => location of the channel homepage

‘connections_url’ => location of the URL for portable contacts (extended for zot) for this channel

target' => if an authorisation target has been specified, it will be mirrored

‘target_sig’ => if an authorisation target has been specified, the signature is mirrored

‘searchable’ => (true or false) true means that this entry can be searched for in a directory


‘permissions’ => expandable array of permissions suitable for this target, values are true or false Permissions can include

  • view_stream
  • view_profile
  • view_photos
  • view_contacts
  • view_storage
  • view_pages
  • send_stream
  • post_wall
  • post_comments
  • post_mail
  • post_photos
  • tag_deliver
  • chat
  • write_storage
  • write_pages
  • delegate

‘Profile’ => Array with important profile fields

  • description
  • birthday YYYY-MM-DD , all fields are optional, any field (such as year) may be zero
  • next_birthday => MySQL datetime string representing the next upcoming birthday, converted from the channel's default timezone to UTC.
  • gender (free form)
  • marital (marital status)
  • sexual (preference)
  • locale (city)
  • region (state)
  • postcode
  • country

‘locations’ => Array of registered locations (DNS locations) from which this channel can be visible or can be booked

Each location is an array of

‘host’ => DNS host name, e.g. example.com

‘address’ => the webbie or user@host identifier associated with this location

‘primary’ => (true or false) whether this is the primary location for this channel where files and web pages are generally found

‘url’ => url of the root directory of this DNS location, e.g. https://example. com

url_sig' => base64url encoded RSA signature of the URL, signed with the private key of the channel

‘callback’ => Zot communication endpoint on this site, normally https://example.com/post

sitekey' => public key of this site/host


‘site’ => array specifying the directory role of the site responding to this request

url' => url of this site e.g. https://example. com

directory_mode' => one of “primary”, “secondary”, “normal” or “standalone”

directory_url' => if it is a directory server or a standalone site, the URL for the directory search module

Magic Auth

The so-called ‘magic auth’ takes place via a special exchange. On the remote computer, a redirection is made to the Zot endpoint with special GET parameters.

Endpoint: https://example.com/post/name

where ‘name’ is the left-hand side of the channel webbie, for example ‘mike’ if the webbie is ‘mike@zothub.com’.

In addition, four parameters are passed:

  • auth => the webbie of the person requesting access
  • dest => the desired destination URL (urlencoded)
  • sec => a random string, which is also stored locally for use during the verification phase.
  • version => the Zot revision

When this packet is received, a Zot message is sent to the auth identity:

      ‘type’: ‘auth_check’,
        ‘guid’: ‘kgVFf_1_SSbyqH-BNWjWuhAvJ2EhQBTUdw-Q1LwwssAntr8KTBgBSzNVzUm9_RwuDpxI6X8me_QQhZMf7RfjdA’,
        ‘guid_sig’: "PT9-TApzpm7QtMxC63MjtdK2nUyxNI0tUoWlOYTFGke3kNdtxSzSvDV4uzq_7SSBtlrNnVMAFx2_1FDgyKawmqVtRPmT7QSXrKOL2oPzL8Hu_nnVVTs_0YOLQJJ0GYACOOK- R5874WuXLEept5-KYg0uShifsvhHnxnPIlDM9lWuZ1hSJTrk3NN9Ds6AKpyNRqf3DUdz81- Xvs8I2kj6y5vfFtm-FPKAqu77XP05r74vGaWbqb1r8zpWC7zxXakVVOHHC4plG6rLINjQzvdSFKCQb5R_xtGsPPfvuE24bv4fvN4ZG2ILvb6X4Dly37WW_HXBqBnUs24mngoTxFaPgNmz1nDQNYQu91- ekX4-BNaovjDx4tP379qIG3-NygHTjFoOMDVUvs-pOPi1kfaoMjmYF2mdZAmVYS2nNLWxbeUymkHXF8lT_iVsJSzyaRFJS1Iqn7zbvwH1iUBjD_pB9EmtNmnUraKrCU9eHES27xTwD- yaaH_GHNc1XwXNbhWJaPFAm35U8ki1Le4WbUVRluFx0qwVqlEF3ieGO84PMidrp51FPm83B_oGt80xpvf6P8Ht5WvVpytjMU8UG7-js8hAzWQeYiK05YTXk-78xg0AO6NoNe_RSRk05zYpF6KlA2yQ_My79rZBv9GFt4kUfIxNjd9OiV1wXdidO7Iaq_Q’,
        ‘url’: ‘http:\/\/podunk.edu’,
        ‘url_sig’: "T8Bp7j5DHHhQDCFcAHXfuhUfGk2P3inPbImwaXXF1xJd3TGgluoXyyKDx6WDm07x0hqbupoAoZB1qBP3_WfvWiJVAK4N1FD77EOYttUEHZ7L43xy5PCpojJQmkppGbPJc2jnTIc_F1vvGvw5fv8gBWZvPqTdb6LWF6FLrzwesZpi7j2rsioZ3wyUkqb5TDZaNNeWQrIEYXrEnWkRI_qTSOzx0dRTsGO6SpU1fPWuOOYMZG8Nh18nay0kLpxReuHCiCdxjXRVvk5k9rkcMbDBJcBovhiSioPKv_yJxcZVBATw3z3TTE95kGi4wxCEenxwhSpvouwa5b0hT7NS4Ay70QaxoKiLb3ZjhZaUUn4igCyZM0h6fllR5I6J_sAQxiMYD0v5ouIlb0u8YVMni93j3zlqMWdDUZ4WgTI7NNbo8ug9NQDHd92TPmSE1TytPTgya3tsFMzwyq0LZ0b- g- zSXWIES__jKQ7vAtIs9EwlPxqJXEDDniZ2AJ6biXRYgE2Kd6W_nmI7w31igwQTms3ecXe5ENI3ckEPUAq__llNnND7mxp5ZrdXzd5HHU9slXwDShYcW3yDeQLEwAVomTGSFpBrCX8W77n9hF3JClkWaeS4QcZ3xUtsSS81yLrp__ifFfQqx9_Be89WVyIOoF4oydr08EkZ8zwlAsbZLG7eLXY"
        ‘guid’: ‘ZHSqb3yGar3TYV_o9S-JkD-6o_V4DhUcxtv0VeyX8Kj_ENHPI_M3SyAUucU835-mIayGMmTpqJz3ujPkcavVhA’,
        ‘guid_sig’: "JsAAXigNghTkkbq8beGMJjj9LBKZn28hZ-pHSsoQuwYWvBJ2lSnfc4r9l--WgO6sucH-SR6RiBo78eWn1cZrh_cRMu3x3LLx4y-tjixg- oOOgtZakkBg4vmOhkKPkci0mFtzvUrpY4YHySqsWTuPwRx_vOlIYIGEY5bRXpnkNCoC8J4EJnRucDrgSARJvA8QQeQQL0H4mWEdGL7wlsZp_2VTC6nEMQ48Piu6Czu5ThvLggGPDbr7PEMUD2cZ0jE4SeaC040REYASq8IdXIEDMm6btSlGPuskNh3cD0AGzH2dMciFtWSjmMVuxBU59U1I6gHwcxYEV6BubWt_jQSfmA3EBiPhKLyu02cBMMiOvYIdJ3xmpGoMY1Cn__vhHnx_vEofFOIErb6nRzbD- pY49C28AOdBA5ffzLW3ss99d0A-6GxZmjsyYhgJu4tFUAa7JUl84tMbq28Tib0HW6qYo6QWw8K1HffxcTpHtwSL5Ifx0PAoGMJsGDZDD1y_r9a4vH5pjqmGrjL3RXJJUy- m4eLV5r7xMWXsxjqu3D8r04_dcw4hwwexpMT1Nwf8CTB0TKb8ElgeOpDFjYVgrqMYWP0XdhatcFtAJI7gsS-JtzsIwON9Kij66-VAkqy_z1IXI0ziyqV1yapSVYoUV1vMScRZ_nMqwiB5rEDx-XLfzko"
      ‘secret_sig’: "eKV968b1sDkOVdSMi0tLRtOhQw4otA8yFKaVg6cA4I46_zlAQGbFptS-ODiZlSAqR7RiiZQv4E2uXCKar52dHo0vvNKbpOp_ezWYcwKRu1shvAlYyytsflH5acnDWL-FKOOgz5zqLLZ6cKXFMoR1VJGG_Od- DKjSwajyV9uVzTry58Hz_w0W2pjxwQ-Xv11rab5R2O4kKSW77YzPG2R5E6Q7HN38FrLtyWD_ai3K9wlsFOpwdYC064dk66X7BZtcIbKtM6zKwMywcfJzvS5_0U5yc5GGbIY_lY6SViSfx9shOKyxkEKHfS29Ynk9ATYYGnwO-jnlMqkJC7t149H- sI9hYWMkLuCzaeLP56k2B2B2TmtnYvE_vHNQjzVhTwuHCIRVr-p6nplQn_P3SkOpYqPi3k_tnnOLa2d3Wtga8ClEY90oLWFJC3j2UkBf_VEOBNcg-t5XO3T-j9O4Sbk96k1Qoalc-QlznbGx4bOVsGkRBBMiH4YUqiiWB_OkFHtdqv7dqGeC- u-B4u9IxzYst46vvmyA3O-Q4APSZ1RY8ITUH0jLTbh6EAV7Oki8pIbOg0t56p-8RlanOZqmFvR-grVSc7Ak1ZcD8NACmvidUpa1B7WEvRcOeffx9lype0bt5XenDnMyx6szevwxZIiM8qGM2lsSk4fu8HI9cW0mLywzZT0"

auth_check messages MUST be encrypted. This message is sent to the originating site, which checks whether the ‘secret’ matches the ‘sec’ it originally transmitted. It also checks secret_sig, which is signed with the private key of the destination channel and encoded with base64url. If everything is OK, a json packet is returned:

      ‘confirm’: "q0Ysovd1uQRsur2xG9Tg6bC23ynzw0191SkVd7CJcYoaePy6e_v0vnmPg2xBUtIaHpx_aSuhgAkd3aVjPeaVBmts6aakT6a_yAEy7l2rBydntu2tvrHhoVqRNOmw0Q1tI6hwobk1BgK9Pm0lwOeAo8Q98BqIJxf47yO9pATa0wktOg6a7LMogC2zkkhwOV5oEqjJfeHeo27TiHr1e2WaphfCusjmk27V_FAYTzw05HvW4SPCx55EeeTJYIwDfQwjLfP4aKV- I8HQCINt-2yxJvzH7Izy9AW- 7rYU0Il_gW5hrhIS5MTM12GBXLVs2Ij1CCLXIs4cO0x6e8KEIKwIjf7iAu60JPmnb_fx4QgBlF2HLw9vXMwZokor8yktESoGl1nvf5VV5GHWSIKAur3KPS2Tb0ekNh-tIk9u-xob4d9eIf6tge_d3aq1LcAtrDBDLk8AD0bho5zrVuTmZ9k- lBVPr_DRHSV_dlpu088j3ThaBsuV1olHK3vLFRhYCDIO0CqqK5IuhqtRNnRaqhlNN6fQUHpXk2SwHiJ2W36RCYMTnno6ezFk_tN-RA2ly- FomNZoC5FPA9gFwoJR7ZmVFDmUeK3bW-zYTA5vu15lpBPnt7Up_5rZKkr0WQVbhWJmylqOuwuNWbn3SrMQ8rYFZ23Tv300cOfKVgRBaePWQb4" 

‘confirm’ in this case is the base64url-encoded RSA signature of the concatenation of “secret” with the base64url-encoded whirlpool hash of the source guid and guid_sig; signed with the private key of the source channel. This prevents a manin-the-middle from inserting a fraudulent success packet. Upon receipt and successful verification of this packet, the destination page is redirected to the original destination URL and displays a successful remote login.

Zot structures

Zot signatures

All signed data in Zot is generated by an RSA signature operation with the initiator's private key. The binary result is then encoded for transport with base64url.

Zot encryption

Encryption is currently performed using AES256CTR. Other algorithms MAY be supported. A 32-octet key and a 16-octet initialisation vector are generated at random. The desired data is then encoded with these generated strings and the result is base64url encoded. An array is then created:

  • data The base64url-encoded encrypted data
  • alg The selected algorithm, in this case the character string ‘aes256ctr’.
  • key The randomly generated key, RSA-encrypted with the recipient's public key, and the base64url-encoded result
  • iv The randomly generated initialisation vector, RSA-encrypted with the recipient's public key, and the base64url-encoded result

Basic Zot packet

Used to initiate a dialogue with another Zot site. This packet MAY be encrypted. The presence of an array element ‘iv’ indicates that encryption has been performed. When sending an ‘auth_check’ packet, this packet MUST be encrypted, using the target site's public key (the site key, as opposed to a sender key).

      ‘type’: ‘notify’,
        ‘guid’: ‘kgVFf_1_SSbyqH-BNWjWuhAvJ2EhQBTUdw-Q1LwwssAntr8KTBgBSzNVzUm9_RwuDpxI6X8me_QQhZMf7RfjdA’,
        ‘guid_sig’: "PT9-TApzpm7QtMxC63MjtdK2nUyxNI0tUoWlOYTFGke3kNdtxSzSvDV4uzq_7SSBtlrNnVMAFx2_1FDgyKawmqVtRPmT7QSXrKOL2oPzL8Hu_nnVVTs_0YOLQJJ0GYACOOK- R5874WuXLEept5-KYg0uShifsvhHnxnPIlDM9lWuZ1hSJTrk3NN9Ds6AKpyNRqf3DUdz81- Xvs8I2kj6y5vfFtm-FPKAqu77XP05r74vGaWbqb1r8zpWC7zxXakVVOHHC4plG6rLINjQzvdSFKCQb5R_xtGsPPfvuE24bv4fvN4ZG2ILvb6X4Dly37WW_HXBqBnUs24mngoTxFaPgNmz1nDQNYQu91- ekX4-BNaovjDx4tP379qIG3-NygHTjFoOMDVUvs-pOPi1kfaoMjmYF2mdZAmVYS2nNLWxbeUymkHXF8lT_iVsJSzyaRFJS1Iqn7zbvwH1iUBjD_pB9EmtNmnUraKrCU9eHES27xTwD- yaaH_GHNc1XwXNbhWJaPFAm35U8ki1Le4WbUVRluFx0qwVqlEF3ieGO84PMidrp51FPm83B_oGt80xpvf6P8Ht5WvVpytjMU8UG7-js8hAzWQeYiK05YTXk-78xg0AO6NoNe_RSRk05zYpF6KlA2yQ_My79rZBv9GFt4kUfIxNjd9OiV1wXdidO7Iaq_Q’,
        ‘url’: ‘http:\/\/podunk.edu’,
        ‘url_sig’: "T8Bp7j5DHHhQDCFcAHXfuhUfGk2P3inPbImwaXXF1xJd3TGgluoXyyKDx6WDm07x0hqbupoAoZB1qBP3_WfvWiJVAK4N1FD77EOYttUEHZ7L43xy5PCpojJQmkppGbPJc2jnTIc_F1vvGvw5fv8gBWZvPqTdb6LWF6FLrzwesZpi7j2rsioZ3wyUkqb5TDZaNNeWQrIEYXrEnWkRI_qTSOzx0dRTsGO6SpU1fPWuOOYMZG8Nh18nay0kLpxReuHCiCdxjXRVvk5k9rkcMbDBJcBovhiSioPKv_yJxcZVBATw3z3TTE95kGi4wxCEenxwhSpvouwa5b0hT7NS4Ay70QaxoKiLb3ZjhZaUUn4igCyZM0h6fllR5I6J_sAQxiMYD0v5ouIlb0u8YVMni93j3zlqMWdDUZ4WgTI7NNbo8ug9NQDHd92TPmSE1TytPTgya3tsFMzwyq0LZ0b- g- zSXWIES__jKQ7vAtIs9EwlPxqJXEDDniZ2AJ6biXRYgE2Kd6W_nmI7w31igwQTms3ecXe5ENI3ckEPUAq__llNnND7mxp5ZrdXzd5HHU9slXwDShYcW3yDeQLEwAVomTGSFpBrCX8W77n9hF3JClkWaeS4QcZ3xUtsSS81yLrp__ifFfQqx9_Be89WVyIOoF4oydr08EkZ8zwlAsbZLG7eLXY"
        ‘sitekey’:"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
            ‘guid’: ‘lql-1VnxtiO4-WF0h72wLX1Fu8szzHDOXgQaTbELwXW77k8AKFfh-hYr70vqMrc3SSvWN-Flrc5HFhRTWB7ICw’,
            ‘guid_sig’: "PafvEL0VpKfxATxlCqDjfOeSIMdmpr3iU7X-Sysa1h5LzDpjSXsjO37tYZL- accb1M5itLlfnW5epkTa5I4flsW21zSY1A2jCuBQUTLLGV7rNyyBy7lgqJUFvAMRx0TfXzP9lcaPqlM9T1tA6jfWOsOmkdzwofGeXBnsjGfjsO2xdGYe6vwjOU0DSavukvzDMnOayB9DekpvDnaNBTxeGLM45Skzr7ZEMcNF7TeXMbnvpfLaALYEKeQs9bGH- UgAG8fBWgzVAzeBfx_XSR1rdixjyiZGP0kq0h35SlmMPcEjliodOBFwMXqpXFB7Ibp4F6o6te2p2ErViJccQVG8VNKB6SbKNXY6bhP5zVcVsJ- vR-p4xXoYJJvzTN7yTDsGAXHOLF4ZrXbo5yi5gFAlIrTLAF2EdWQwxSGyLRWKxG8PrDkzEzX6cJJ0VRcLh5z6OI5QqQNdeghPZbshMFMJSc_ApCPi9_hI4ZfctCIOi3T6bdgTNKryLm5fhy_eqjwLAZTGP- aUBgLZpb1mf2UojBn6Ey9cCyq-0T2RWyk-FcIcbV4qJ-p_8oODqw13Qs5FYkjLr1bGBq82SuolkYrXEwQClxnrfKa4KYc2_eHAXPL01iS9zVnI1ySOCNJshB97Odpooc4wk7Nb2Fo-Q6THU9zuu0uK_-JbK7IIl6go2qA"
      ‘version’: ‘1.2’,
      ‘secret_sig’: "0uShifsvhHnxnPIlDM9lWuZ1hSJTrk3NN9Ds6AKpyNRqf3DUdz81-Xvs8I2kj6y5vfFtm- FPKAqu77XP05r74vGaWbqb1r8zpWC7zxXakVVOHHC4plG6rLINjQzvdSFKCQb5R_xtGsPPfvuE24bv4fvN4ZG2ILvb6X4Dly37WW_HXBqBnUs24mngoTxFaPgNmz1nDQNYQu91-ekX4-BNaovjDx4tP379qIG3-NygHTjFoOMDVUvs- pOPi1kfaoMjmYF2mdZAmVYS2nNLWxbeUymkHXF8lT_iVsJSzyaRFJS1Iqn7zbvwH1iUBjD_pB9EmtNmnUraKrCU9eHES27xTwD- yaaH_GHNc1XwXNbhWJaPFAm35U8ki1Le4WbUVRluFx0qwVqlEF3ieGO84PMidrp51FPm83B_oGt80xpvf6P8Ht5WvVpytjMU8UG7-js8hAzWQeYiK05YTXk-78xg0AO6NoNe_RSRk05zYpF6KlA2yQ_My79rZBv9GFt4kUfIxNjd9OiV1wXdidO7Iaq_Q"


The message type: notify, purge, refresh, force_refresh, auth_check, ping or pickup. The content of the packets varies depending on the message type. The notify packet is described here.


A character string that is appended to the URL and identifies the Zot communication endpoint on this system. This is usually the character string ‘/post’.


The identifier of the Zot protocol so that future protocol revisions can co-exist.


Array of supported encryption algorithms, ordered by decreasing preference. If no compatible encryption methods are specified, applications MUST use ‘aes256cbc’.


A 64-character string randomly generated by the sending side.


The RSA signature of the secret, signed with the sender's private key.


An array of four components that provide a portable identity. We can contact the given URL and download a Zot info packet to obtain the sender's public key and use it to verify the sender's guid and the signatures of the sending URL.

  • guid Usually a 64 character base64url encoded string. It is generated when an identity is created and an attempt is made to make it unique, but this is not required.
  • guid_sig The RSA signature of the guid, signed with the sender's private key and base64url-encoded.
  • url The base URL of the location from which this post originated.
  • url_sig The RSA signature of the url, signed with the sender's private key and base64url encoded.
  • sitekey The public key of the website specified in the url


Only used for private messages. An array of envelope recipients. Each recipient is represented by an array of guid and guid_sig. If recipients are specified, the entire packet is also encapsulated with a negotiated cryptographic algorithm or ‘aes256cbc’ if none could be negotiated.

  • guid The guid of a private recipient.
  • guid_sig The RSA signature of the guid, signed with the recipient's private key and base64url-encoded


Many existing social applications and tools can interface directly using the Twitter/StatusNet API, which is available using the 'twitter_api' addon.

This document describes the native API; which allows direct programmatic access to several internal data structures and libraries extending beyond the basic social interface.

The API endpoints detailed below are relative to api/z/1.0, meaning that if an API is listed as channel/stream the full API URL is https://hub.hubzilla.hu/api/z/1.0/channel/stream.


Export basic channel data

Options: - sections comma-separated list of data types to export

- posts if true, return default sections plus 3 months of posts

If no sections are requested, the following sections are returned: channel, connections, config, apps, chatrooms, events, webpages, mail, wikis

Files and large collections of posts may run into memory limits; these must generally be requested separately.


Fetch channel conversation items


Fetch network conversation items


List file storage (attach DB)

GET /api/z/1.0/files


- filehash return only entries matching hash (exactly)

- filename return only entries matching filename (substring)

- filetype return only entries matching filetype/mimetype (substring)

- start start at record (default 0)

- records number of records to return or 0 for unlimited


curl -u mychannel:mypassword https://xyz.macgirvin.com/api/z/1.0/files -d filetype=multipart/mixed


        "success": true,
        "results": [
                "id": "1",
                "aid": "1",
                "uid": "2",
                "hash": "44ee8b2a1a7f36dea07b93b7747a2383a1bc0fdd08339e8928bfcbe45f65d939",
                "filename": "Profile Photos",
                "filetype": "multipart/mixed",
                "filesize": "0",
                "revision": "0",
                "folder": "",
                "os_storage": "1",
                "is_dir": "1",
                "is_photo": "0",
                "flags": "0",
                "created": "2016-01-02 21:51:17",
                "edited": "2016-01-02 21:51:17",
                "allow_cid": "",
                "allow_gid": "",
                "deny_cid": "",
                "deny_gid": ""
                "id": "12",
                "aid": "1",
                "uid": "2",
                "hash": "71883f1fc64af33889229cbc79c5a056deeec5fc277d765f182f19073e1b2998",
                "filename": "Cover Photos",
                "filetype": "multipart/mixed",
                "filesize": "0",
                "revision": "0",
                "folder": "",
                "os_storage": "1",
                "is_dir": "1",
                "is_photo": "0",
                "flags": "0",
                "created": "2016-01-15 00:24:33",
                "edited": "2016-01-15 00:24:33",
                "allow_cid": "",
                "allow_gid": "",
                "deny_cid": "",
                "deny_gid": ""
                "id": "16",
                "aid": "1",
                "uid": "2",
                "hash": "f48f7ec3278499d1dd86b72c3207beaaf4717b07df5cc9b373f14d7aad2e1bcd",
                "filename": "2016-01",
                "filetype": "multipart/mixed",
                "filesize": "0",
                "revision": "0",
                "folder": "",
                "os_storage": "1",
                "is_dir": "1",
                "is_photo": "0",
                "flags": "0",
                "created": "2016-01-22 03:24:55",
                "edited": "2016-01-22 03:26:57",
                "allow_cid": "",
                "allow_gid": "",
                "deny_cid": "",
                "deny_gid": ""


Export file metadata for any uploaded file


Provides the ability to download a file from cloud storage in chunks

GET /api/z/1.0/filedata


- file_id attach.hash of desired file ('begins with' match)


- start starting byte of returned data in file (counting from 0)

- length length (prior to base64 encoding) of chunk to download


attach (DB) structure with base64 encoded 'content' comprised of the desired chunk




        "attach": {
            "id": "107",
            "aid": "1",
            "uid": "2",
            "hash": "9f5217770fd55d563bd77f84d534d8e119a187514bbd391714626cd9c0e60207",
            "creator": "pgcJx1IQjuPkx8aI9qheJlBMZzJz-oTPjHy3h5pWlOVOriBO_cSiUhhqwhuZ74TYJ8_ECO3pPiRMWC0q8YPCQg",
            "filename": "pcxtopbm.c",
            "filetype": "application/octet-stream",
            "filesize": "3934",
            "revision": "0",
            "folder": "",
            "flags": "0",
            "is_dir": "0",
            "is_photo": "0",
            "os_storage": "1",
            "os_path": "",
            "display_path": "",
            "content": "LyogcGN4dG9wYm0uYyAtIGNvbnZlcnQgUEMgcGFpbnRicnVzaCAoLnBjeCkgZmls",
            "created": "2016-07-24 23:13:01",
            "edited": "2016-07-24 23:13:01",
            "allow_cid": "",
            "allow_gid": "",
            "deny_cid": "",
            "deny_gid": "",
            "start": 0,
            "length": 48




Description: list photo albums

GET /api/z/1.0/albums


text - textual name

total - number of photos in this album

url - web URL

urlencode - textual name, urlencoded

bin2hex - textual name using bin2hex (which is used in the web URL link)


        "success": true,
        "albums": [
                "text": "/",
                "total": "2",
                "url": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photos/hubzilla/album/",
                "urlencode": "",
                "bin2hex": ""
                "text": "2016-01",
                "total": "6",
                "url": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photos/hubzilla/album/323031362d3031",
                "urlencode": "2016-01",
                "bin2hex": "323031362d3031"
                "text": "2016-02",
                "total": "7",
                "url": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photos/hubzilla/album/323031362d3032",
                "urlencode": "2016-02",
                "bin2hex": "323031362d3032"
                "text": "Cover Photos",
                "total": "5",
                "url": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photos/hubzilla/album/436f7665722050686f746f73",
                "urlencode": "Cover+Photos",
                "bin2hex": "436f7665722050686f746f73"
                "text": "Profile Photos",
                "total": "26",
                "url": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photos/hubzilla/album/50726f66696c652050686f746f73",
                "urlencode": "Profile+Photos",
                "bin2hex": "50726f66696c652050686f746f73"


list photo metadata



GET /api/z/1.0/group

Description: list privacy groups

Returns: DB tables of all privacy groups.

To use with API group_members, provide either 'group_id' from the id element returned in this call, or 'group_name' from the gname returned in this call.

            "id": "1",
            "hash": "966c946394f3e2627bbb8a55026b5725e582407098415c02f85232de3f3fde76Friends",
            "uid": "2",
            "visible": "0",
            "deleted": "0",
            "gname": "Friends"
            "id": "2",
            "hash": "852ebc17f8c3ed4866f2162e384ded0f9b9d1048f93822c0c84196745f6eec66Family",
            "uid": "2",
            "visible": "1",
            "deleted": "0",
            "gname": "Family"
            "id": "3",
            "hash": "cc3cb5a7f9818effd7c7c80a58b09a189b62efa698a74319117babe33ee30ab9Co-workers",
            "uid": "2",
            "visible": "0",
            "deleted": "0",
            "gname": "Co-workers"


GET /api/z/1.0/group_members


group_id or group_name


group_member+abook+xchan (DB join) for each member of the privacy group

            "id": "1",
            "uid": "2",
            "gid": "1",
            "xchan": "pgcJx1IQjuPkx8aI9qheJlBMZzJz-oTPjHy3h5pWlOVOriBO_cSiUhhqwhuZ74TYJ8_ECO3pPiRMWC0q8YPCQg",
            "abook_id": "2",
            "abook_account": "1",
            "abook_channel": "2",
            "abook_xchan": "pgcJx1IQjuPkx8aI9qheJlBMZzJz-oTPjHy3h5pWlOVOriBO_cSiUhhqwhuZ74TYJ8_ECO3pPiRMWC0q8YPCQg",
            "abook_my_perms": "218555",
            "abook_their_perms": "0",
            "abook_closeness": "0",
            "abook_created": "2016-01-02 21:16:26",
            "abook_updated": "2016-01-02 21:16:26",
            "abook_connected": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
            "abook_dob": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
            "abook_flags": "0",
            "abook_blocked": "0",
            "abook_ignored": "0",
            "abook_hidden": "0",
            "abook_archived": "0",
            "abook_pending": "0",
            "abook_unconnected": "0",
            "abook_self": "1",
            "abook_feed": "0",
            "abook_profile": "",
            "abook_incl": "",
            "abook_excl": "",
            "abook_instance": "",
            "xchan_hash": "pgcJx1IQjuPkx8aI9qheJlBMZzJz-oTPjHy3h5pWlOVOriBO_cSiUhhqwhuZ74TYJ8_ECO3pPiRMWC0q8YPCQg",
            "xchan_guid": "lql-1VnxtiO4-WF0h72wLX1Fu8szzHDOXgQaTbELwXW77k8AKFfh-hYr70vqMrc3SSvWN-Flrc5HFhRTWB7ICw",
            "xchan_guid_sig": "PafvEL0VpKfxATxlCqDjfOeSIMdmpr3iU7X-Sysa1h5LzDpjSXsjO37tYZL-accb1M5itLlfnW5epkTa5I4flsW21zSY1A2jCuBQUTLLGV7rNyyBy7lgqJUFvAMRx0TfXzP9lcaPqlM9T1tA6jfWOsOmkdzwofGeXBnsjGfjsO2xdGYe6vwjOU0DSavukvzDMnOayB9DekpvDnaNBTxeGLM45Skzr7ZEMcNF7TeXMbnvpfLaALYEKeQs9bGH-UgAG8fBWgzVAzeBfx_XSR1rdixjyiZGP0kq0h35SlmMPcEjliodOBFwMXqpXFB7Ibp4F6o6te2p2ErViJccQVG8VNKB6SbKNXY6bhP5zVcVsJ-vR-p4xXoYJJvzTN7yTDsGAXHOLF4ZrXbo5yi5gFAlIrTLAF2EdWQwxSGyLRWKxG8PrDkzEzX6cJJ0VRcLh5z6OI5QqQNdeghPZbshMFMJSc_ApCPi9_hI4ZfctCIOi3T6bdgTNKryLm5fhy_eqjwLAZTGP-aUBgLZpb1mf2UojBn6Ey9cCyq-0T2RWyk-FcIcbV4qJ-p_8oODqw13Qs5FYkjLr1bGBq82SuolkYrXEwQClxnrfKa4KYc2_eHAXPL01iS9zVnI1ySOCNJshB97Odpooc4wk7Nb2Fo-Q6THU9zuu0uK_-JbK7IIl6go2qA",
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            "xchan_photo_mimetype": "image/png",
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            "xchan_photo_m": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photo/profile/m/2",
            "xchan_photo_s": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photo/profile/s/2",
            "xchan_addr": "teller@xyz.macgirvin.com",
            "xchan_url": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/channel/teller",
            "xchan_connurl": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/poco/teller",
            "xchan_follow": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/follow?f=&url=%s",
            "xchan_connpage": "",
            "xchan_name": "Teller",
            "xchan_network": "zot",
            "xchan_instance_url": "",
            "xchan_flags": "0",
            "xchan_photo_date": "2016-10-19 01:26:50",
            "xchan_name_date": "2016-01-02 21:16:26",
            "xchan_hidden": "0",
            "xchan_orphan": "0",
            "xchan_censored": "0",
            "xchan_selfcensored": "0",
            "xchan_system": "0",
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            "xchan_deleted": "0"
            "id": "12",
            "uid": "2",
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            "abook_id": "24",
            "abook_account": "1",
            "abook_channel": "2",
            "abook_xchan": "xuSMUYxw1djBB97qXsbrBN1nzJH_gFwQL6pS4zIy8fuusOfBxNlMiVb4h_q5tOEvpE7tYf1EsryjNciMuPIj5w",
            "abook_my_perms": "218555",
            "abook_their_perms": "218555",
            "abook_closeness": "80",
            "abook_created": "2016-01-27 00:48:43",
            "abook_updated": "2016-12-04 17:16:58",
            "abook_connected": "2016-12-04 17:16:58",
            "abook_dob": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
            "abook_flags": "0",
            "abook_blocked": "0",
            "abook_ignored": "0",
            "abook_hidden": "0",
            "abook_archived": "0",
            "abook_pending": "0",
            "abook_unconnected": "0",
            "abook_self": "0",
            "abook_feed": "0",
            "abook_profile": "debb5236efb1626cfbad33ccb49892801e5f844aa04bf81f580cfa7d13204819",
            "abook_incl": "",
            "abook_excl": "",
            "abook_instance": "",
            "xchan_hash": "xuSMUYxw1djBB97qXsbrBN1nzJH_gFwQL6pS4zIy8fuusOfBxNlMiVb4h_q5tOEvpE7tYf1EsryjNciMuPIj5w",
            "xchan_guid": "d5EMLlt1tHHZ0dANoA7B5Wq9UgXoWcFS9-gXOkL_AAejcPApoQRyxfHTuu8DoTbUaO-bYmX5HPuWuK9PHyqNmA",
            "xchan_guid_sig": "CVWEMRPtzI1YcHfnnWHTuv3H964OAmSElgUfxMoX6RdQdxNpqb_POirpVuyP8s3W17mVCfO5V9IAjkg5iKcqCk6YcvOD_egmMy-AnM9TC1kKndQHw55CunD82Q8K_xBNSXkSROizcNkKh9DVLjJPFjW1AqtI4njkZ3EMgrWqnbFRM1qPToUoCY9zM3tEMHoAD9YX1zP90wl40LzfN-dtcNWpSBbiz9owou62uzLbN7mrCwKOMlXLjwwGswRnxIsEnb3O-FXOs8hs0mArKe9snq1-BKeD16LyzxgwlpVLElzIJZGEZGtMdIJgeRzKuBvPjsOIpQ1yAkuOpFJ3nGCM-IPOIIjAmyVl5zD3xPVcxxpZlJRn5fG1Y-gnqTgsrEQCA7M6XPWQdrdHU4akZfyUyFJDhv3uM-jon9VzrYTBw68R0WA-1Z8WafEHA4qh5OWAj85lUarwhr7iTiEckH51ypPCPs6VbT6Pw7yMaxfjFOcipashQagx0tfOlDhE5dQANOXKASFtH1J9-CZY2MQdLPQ6u54d5whuHKMGaJ0V68pnmZ2rOn7g344Ah2WCJrm17jj60QsRMorqRFj7GMdPIA1XB8Wrk88MuYOe3Dhyuu6ZWKI7YTWJS690ZVkKUqAiNHqj0W86DtaiPUc_mmGR0fHl4Gksnko3WmCFv9q2X2E",
            "xchan_pubkey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----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\nCOVkPaC3xGrguETZpJfVpwUCAwEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
            "xchan_photo_mimetype": "image/png",
            "xchan_photo_l": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photo/9da63aa910ea14e1501ee1a749d181a6-4",
            "xchan_photo_m": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photo/9da63aa910ea14e1501ee1a749d181a6-5",
            "xchan_photo_s": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photo/9da63aa910ea14e1501ee1a749d181a6-6",
            "xchan_addr": "cloner@xyz.macgirvin.com",
            "xchan_url": "http://abc.macgirvin.com/channel/cloner",
            "xchan_connurl": "http://abc.macgirvin.com/poco/cloner",
            "xchan_follow": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/follow?f=&url=%s",
            "xchan_connpage": "",
            "xchan_name": "Karen",
            "xchan_network": "zot",
            "xchan_instance_url": "",
            "xchan_flags": "0",
            "xchan_photo_date": "2016-03-31 19:59:20",
            "xchan_name_date": "2016-01-26 23:23:42",
            "xchan_hidden": "0",
            "xchan_orphan": "0",
            "xchan_censored": "0",
            "xchan_selfcensored": "0",
            "xchan_system": "0",
            "xchan_pubforum": "0",
            "xchan_deleted": "0"



An xchan is a global location independent channel and is the primary record for a network identity. It may refer to channels on other websites, networks, or services.

GET /api/z/1.0/xchan

Required: one of [ address, hash, guid ] as GET parameters

Returns a portable xchan structure

Example: https://xyz.macgirvin.com/api/z/1.0/xchan?f=&address=mike@macgirvin.com


        "hash": "jr54M_y2l5NgHX5wBvP0KqWcAHuW23p1ld-6Vn63_pGTZklrI36LF8vUHMSKJMD8xzzkz7s2xxCx4-BOLNPaVA",
        "guid": "sebQ-IC4rmFn9d9iu17m4BXO-kHuNutWo2ySjeV2SIW1LzksUkss12xVo3m3fykYxN5HMcc7gUZVYv26asx-Pg",
        "guid_sig": "Llenlbl4zHo6-g4sa63MlQmTP5dRCrsPmXHHFmoCHG63BLq5CUZJRLS1vRrrr_MNxr7zob_Ykt_m5xPKe5H0_i4pDj-UdP8dPZqH2fqhhx00kuYL4YUMJ8gRr5eO17vsZQ3XxTcyKewtgeW0j7ytwMp6-hFVUx_Cq08MrXas429ZrjzaEwgTfxGnbgeQYQ0R5EXpHpEmoERnZx77VaEahftmdjAUx9R4YKAp13pGYadJOX5xnLfqofHQD8DyRHWeMJ4G1OfWPSOlXfRayrV_jhnFlZjMU7vOdQwHoCMoR5TFsRsHuzd-qepbvo3pzvQZRWnTNu6oPucgbf94p13QbalYRpBXKOxdTXJrGdESNhGvhtaZnpT9c1QVqC46jdfP0LOX2xrVdbvvG2JMWFv7XJUVjLSk_yjzY6or2VD4V6ztYcjpCi9d_WoNHruoxro_br1YO3KatySxJs-LQ7SOkQI60FpysfbphNyvYMkotwUFI59G08IGKTMu3-GPnV1wp7NOQD1yzJbGGEGSEEysmEP0SO9vnN45kp3MiqbffBGc1r4_YM4e7DPmqOGM94qksOcLOJk1HNESw2dQYWxWQTBXPfOJT6jW9_crGLMEOsZ3Jcss0XS9KzBUA2p_9osvvhUKuKXbNztqH0oZIWlg37FEVsDs_hUwUJpv2Ar09k4",
        "pubkey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEA7QCwvuEIwCHjhjbpz3Oc\ntyei/Pz9nDksNbsc44Cm8jxYGMXsTPFXDZYCcCB5rcAhPPdZSlzaPkv4vPVcMIrw\n5cdX0tvbwa3rNTng6uFE7qkt15D3YCTkwF0Y9FVZiZ2Ko+G23QeBt9wqb9dlDN1d\nuPmu9BLYXIT/JXoBwf0vjIPFM9WBi5W/EHGaiuqw7lt0qI7zDGw77yO5yehKE4cu\n7dt3SakrXphL70LGiZh2XGoLg9Gmpz98t+gvPAUEotAJxIUqnoiTA8jlxoiQjeRK\nHlJkwMOGmRNPS33awPos0kcSxAywuBbh2X3aSqUMjcbE4cGJ++/13zoa6RUZRObC\nZnaLYJxqYBh13/N8SfH7d005hecDxWnoYXeYuuMeT3a2hV0J84ztkJX5OoxIwk7S\nWmvBq4+m66usn6LNL+p5IAcs93KbvOxxrjtQrzohBXc6+elfLVSQ1Rr9g5xbgpub\npSc+hvzbB6p0tleDRzwAy9X16NI4DYiTj4nkmVjigNo9v2VPnAle5zSam86eiYLO\nt2u9YRqysMLPKevNdj3CIvst+BaGGQONlQalRdIcq8Lin+BhuX+1TBgqyav4XD9K\nd+JHMb1aBk/rFLI9/f2S3BJ1XqpbjXz7AbYlaCwKiJ836+HS8PmLKxwVOnpLMbfH\nPYM8k83Lip4bEKIyAuf02qkCAwEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
        "photo_mimetype": "image/jpeg",
        "photo_l": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photo/350b74555c04429148f2e12775f6c403-4",
        "photo_m": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photo/350b74555c04429148f2e12775f6c403-5",
        "photo_s": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/photo/350b74555c04429148f2e12775f6c403-6",
        "address": "mike@macgirvin.com",
        "url": "https://macgirvin.com/channel/mike",
        "connurl": "https://macgirvin.com/poco/mike",
        "follow": "https://macgirvin.com/follow?f=&url=%s",
        "connpage": "https://macgirvin.com/connect/mike",
        "name": "Mike Macgirvin",
        "network": "zot",
        "instance_url": "",
        "flags": "0",
        "photo_date": "2012-12-06 05:06:11",
        "name_date": "2012-12-06 04:59:13",
        "hidden": "1",
        "orphan": "0",
        "censored": "0",
        "selfcensored": "0",
        "system": "0",
        "pubforum": "0",
        "deleted": "0"


Create or update an item (post, activity, webpage, etc.)

Usage: POST /api/z/1.0/item/update

Description: item/update posts an item (typically a conversation item or post, but can be any item) using form input.


- body

text/bbcode contents by default.


- $_FILES['media']

uploaded media file to include with post

- title

title of post/item

- contact_allow

array of xchan.xchan_hash allowed to view this item

- group_allow

array of group.hash allowed to view this item

- contact_deny

array of xchan.xchan_hash not allowed to view this item

- group_deny

array of group.hash not allowed to view this item

- coord

geographic coordinates

- location

freefrom location

- expire

datetime this post will expire or be removed

- mimetype

mimetype if not text/bbcode

- parent

item.id of parent to this post (makes it a comment)

- parent_mid

alternate form of parent using message_id

- remote_xchan

xchan.xchan_hash of this message author if not the channel owner

- consensus

boolean set to true if this is a consensus or voting item (default false)

- nocomment

boolean set to true if comments are to be disabled (default false)

- origin

do not use this without reading the code

- namespace

persistent identity for a remote network or service

- remote_id

message_id of this resource on a remote network or service

- message_id

message_id of this item (leave unset to generate one)

- created

datetime of message creation

- post_id

existing item.id if this is an edit operation

- app

application or network name to display with item

- category

comma separated categories for this item

- webpage

item.page_type if not 0

- pagetitle

for webpage and design elements, the 'page name'

- layout_mid

item.mid of layout for this design element

- plink

permalink for this item if different than the default

- verb

activitystream verb for this item/activity

- obj_type

activitystream object type for this item/activity


curl -u mychannel:mypassword https://xyz.macgirvin.com/api/z/1.0/item/update -d body="hello world"



        "success": true,
        "item_id": "2245",
        "item": {
            "id": "2245",
            "mid": "14135cdecf6b8e3891224e4391748722114da6668eebbcb56fe4667b60b88249@xyz.macgirvin.com",
            "aid": "1",
            "uid": "2",
            "parent": "2245",
            "parent_mid": "14135cdecf6b8e3891224e4391748722114da6668eebbcb56fe4667b60b88249@xyz.macgirvin.com",
            "thr_parent": "14135cdecf6b8e3891224e4391748722114da6668eebbcb56fe4667b60b88249@xyz.macgirvin.com",
            "created": "2016-12-03 20:00:12",
            "edited": "2016-12-03 20:00:12",
            "expires": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
            "commented": "2016-12-03 20:00:12",
            "received": "2016-12-03 20:00:12",
            "changed": "2016-12-03 20:00:12",
            "comments_closed": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
            "owner_xchan": "pgcJx1IQjuPkx8aI9qheJlBMZzJz-oTPjHy3h5pWlOVOriBO_cSiUhhqwhuZ74TYJ8_ECO3pPiRMWC0q8YPCQg",
            "author_xchan": "pgcJx1IQjuPkx8aI9qheJlBMZzJz-oTPjHy3h5pWlOVOriBO_cSiUhhqwhuZ74TYJ8_ECO3pPiRMWC0q8YPCQg",
            "source_xchan": "",
            "mimetype": "text/bbcode",
            "title": "",
            "body": "hello world",
            "html": "",
            "app": "",
            "lang": "",
            "revision": "0",
            "verb": "http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post",
            "obj_type": "http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/note",
            "obj": "",
            "tgt_type": "",
            "target": "",
            "layout_mid": "",
            "postopts": "",
            "route": "",
            "llink": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/display/14135cdecf6b8e3891224e4391748722114da6668eebbcb56fe4667b60b88249@xyz.macgirvin.com",
            "plink": "https://xyz.macgirvin.com/channel/mychannel/?f=&mid=14135cdecf6b8e3891224e4391748722114da6668eebbcb56fe4667b60b88249@xyz.macgirvin.com",
            "resource_id": "",
            "resource_type": "",
            "attach": "",
            "sig": "sa4TOQNfHtV13HDZ1tuQGWNBpZp-nWhT2GMrZEmelXxa_IvEepD2SEsCTWOBqM8OKPJLfNy8_i-ORXjrOIIgAa_aT8cw5vka7Q0C8L9eEb_LegwQ_BtH0CXO5uT30e_8uowkwzh6kmlVg1ntD8QqrGgD5jTET_fMQOIw4gQUBh40GDG9RB4QnPp_MKsgemGrADnRk2vHO7-bR32yQ0JI-8G-eyeqGaaJmIwkHoi0vXsfjZtU7ijSLuKEBWboNjKEDU89-vQ1c5Kh1r0pmjiDk-a5JzZTYShpuhVA-vQgEcADA7wkf4lJZCYNwu3FRwHTvhSMdF0nmyv3aPFglQDky38-SAXZyQSvd7qlABHGCVVDmYrYaiq7Dh4rRENbAUf-UJFHPCVB7NRg34R8HIqmOKq1Su99bIWaoI2zuAQEVma9wLqMoFsluFhxX58KeVtlCZlro7tZ6z619-dthS_fwt0cL_2dZ3QwjG1P36Q4Y4KrCTpntn9ot5osh-HjVQ01h1I9yNCj6XPgYJ8Im3KT_G4hmMDFM7H9RUrYLl2o9XYyiS2nRrf4aJHa0UweBlAY4zcQG34bw2AMGCY53mwsSArf4Hs3rKu5GrGphuwYX0lHa7XEKMglwBWPWHI49q7-oNWr7aWwn1FnfaMfl4cQppCMtKESMNRKm_nb9Dsh5e0",
            "diaspora_meta": "",
            "location": "",
            "coord": "",
            "public_policy": "",
            "comment_policy": "contacts",
            "allow_cid": "",
            "allow_gid": "",
            "deny_cid": "",
            "deny_gid": "",
            "item_restrict": "0",
            "item_flags": "0",
            "item_private": "0",
            "item_origin": "1",
            "item_unseen": "0",
            "item_starred": "0",
            "item_uplink": "0",
            "item_consensus": "0",
            "item_wall": "1",
            "item_thread_top": "1",
            "item_notshown": "0",
            "item_nsfw": "0",
            "item_relay": "0",
            "item_mentionsme": "0",
            "item_nocomment": "0",
            "item_obscured": "0",
            "item_verified": "1",
            "item_retained": "0",
            "item_rss": "0",
            "item_deleted": "0",
            "item_type": "0",
            "item_hidden": "0",
            "item_unpublished": "0",
            "item_delayed": "0",
            "item_pending_remove": "0",
            "item_blocked": "0"



Get all data associated with an item




Connection metadata (such as permissions)


Check a permission for a given xchan


Hooks allow plugins/addons to ‘hook’ into the code in many places and change the behaviour or otherwise perform independent actions when an activity takes place or certain data structures are accessed. There are many hooks that allow you to hook into the software at almost any point and do something other than what is intended by default. Two variables are passed to these hooks. The first is the app structure, which contains details about the overall state of the page request as we build the resulting page. The second is unique to the specific hook being called and provides specific details about what is happening in the software at the time the hook is called.

Created index of all hooks and the files they call

module_mod_aftercontent General hook for each module, executed after mod_content(). Replace ‘module’ with the name of the module, e.g. ‘photos_mod_aftercontent’.

module_mod_content General hook for any module, executed before mod_content(). Replace ‘module’ with the module name, e.g. ‘photos_mod_content’.

module_mod_init General hook for any module, executed before mod_init(). Replace ‘module’ with the module name, e.g. ‘photos_mod_init’.

module_mod_post General hook for any module, executed before mod_post(). Replace ‘module’ with the name of the module, e.g. ‘photos_mod_post’.

about_hook Called from the siteinfo page

accept_follow Called when a connection is accepted (friend request)

account_downgrade Called when an account has expired, indicating a possible downgrade to the ‘basic’ class of service

account_settings Called when the account settings form is created

account_settings_post Called when posting from the account settings form

activity_filter Called when creating the list of filters for the network page

activity_mapper Called when determining the activity type for the transfer.

activity_decode_mapper Called when the activity type for the transfer is determined.

activity_obj_mapper Called when the object type for the transfer is determined.

activity_obj_decode_mapper Is called when the object type for the transfer is determined.

activity_order Called when generating the list of order options for the network page

addon_app_installed_filter Called when determining whether an addon_app isinstalled

activity_received Called when an activity (post, comment, like, etc.) has been received from a zot source

admin_aside Is called when the sidebar widget of the administration page is created

affinity_labels Is used to generate alternative labels for the affinity slider.

api_perm_is_allowed Called when perm_is_allowed() is executed by an API call.

app_destroy Called when an app is deleted.

app_installed_filter Called when it is determined whether an app isinstalled

app_menu Called when the app_menu dropdown is created (may be deprecated)

attach_delete Called when attachments are deleted from the attach table

atom_author Called when an author or owner element is created for an Atom ActivityStream feed

atom_entry Called when generating each entry of an Atom ActivityStream feed

atom_feed Called when an Atom ActivityStreams feed is generated

atom_feed_end Called when the generation of an Atom ActivityStreams feed is complete

attach_upload_file Called when a file is uploaded

authenticate Can provide alternative authentication mechanisms

author_is_pmable Called from the thread's action menu to determine if we can send a private email to the author of the post

bb2diaspora Called when converting bbcode to Markdown

bbcode Called at the end of the conversion from bbcode to HTML

bbcode_filter Called at the beginning of the conversion from bbcode to HTML

bb_translate_video Called when extracting embedded services from bbcode video elements (rarely used)

build_pagehead Called when the HTML page header is created

can_comment_on_post Called when deciding whether or not to display a comment field for a post

change_channel Called when you log in to a channel (either during login or afterwards via the channel manager)

channel_remove Called when a channel is removed

channel_links Is called when the link is generated: HTTP header for a channel

channel_settings Called when the channel settings page is displayed

chat_message Called to create a chat message.

chat_post Called when a chat message has been posted.

check_account_email Checks the email specified during account registration

check_account_invite Validation of an invitation code when using website invitations check_account_password Used to check account passwords (minimum length, inclusion of character sets, etc.) check_channelallowed Used to override or bypass black and white channel block lists.

check_siteallowed Is used to override or bypass the black/white block lists for websites.

collect_public_recipients Used to create a list of recipients to send a public message to.

comment_buttons Called when the comment edit buttons are displayed.

comments_are_now_closed Called when deciding whether or not to display a comment box for a post

connect_premium Called when a connection to a premium channel is established

connection_remove Called when a connection is deleted/removed

connector_settings Called when the page with the features/addon settings is called up

construct_page General hook for providing content for specific page areas. Is called when the Comanche page is created.

contact_block_end Called when the ‘Connections’ widget is created in the sidebar

contact_edit Called when editing a connection via connedit

contact_edit_post Is called when a post is sent to connedit contact_selection_options Deprecated/unused

content_security_policy Called before the Content-Security-Policy header is output

conversation_start Called at the beginning of the rendering of a conversation (message or message collection or stream)

cover_photo_content_end Called after a cover photo has been uploaded

create_identity Called when a channel is created

cron Called when a scheduled task (poller) is executed

cron_daily Called when daily scheduled tasks are executed

cron_weekly Called when weekly scheduled tasks are executed

crypto_methods Called when a list of crypto algorithms is created in the locally preferred order

daemon_addon Called when the extensible background daemon is called

daemon_master_release Called at the beginning of the processing of \Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Release()

directory_item Called when creating a directory listing for display

discover_channel_webfinger Called when a webfinger lookup is performed

display_item Called for each element that is displayed in a conversation thread

display_settings Called by the settings module when the ‘display settings’ section is displayed

display_settings_post Called when a post from the ‘display settings’ form of the settings module is displayed

donate_contributors Called by the ‘donate’ addon when a list of donation recipients is created

donate_plugin is called by the ‘donate’ addon

donate_sponsors Called by the ‘donate’ addon

dreport_is_storable is called before saving a Dreport record to determine if it should be saved

dreport_process is called for each valid delivery report

dropdown_extras Add additional items to the dropdown menu when item/threads are displayed.

drop_item is called when an ‘item’ is removed

encode_object is called when an object is encoded for transmission.

enotify is called before each notification

enotify_mail is called when a notification email is sent

enotify_store is called when a notification data record is saved

enotify_store_end is called after a notification record has been saved

event_created is called when an event record is created

event_store_event is called when an event record is created or updated

event_updated is called when an event record is changed

externals_url_select is called when a list of random websites from which to retrieve public posts is created

feature_enabled is called when ‘feature_enabled()’ is used

feature_settings is called from the settings page when visiting ‘addon/feature settings’

feature_settings_post is called from the settings page when posting from ‘addon/feature settings’

fetch_and_store is called to enable filtering of ‘decrypted’ elements before saving.

file_thumbnail is called when creating thumbnails for the cloud page in ‘show tiles’ mode

follow is called when a follow operation takes place

follow_from_feed is called when a follow operation takes place in an RSS feed

follow_allow is called before the results of a follow operation are saved

gender_selector is called when the ‘Gender’ drop-down list is created (extended profile)

gender_selector_min is called when the ‘Gender’ drop-down list is created (normal profile)

generate_map is called to generate the HTML code for displaying a location on the map by coordinates

generate_named_map is called to generate the HTML file for displaying a map location by text

get_all_api_perms Called when the permissions for API uses are retrieved

get_all_perms is called when get_all_perms() is used get_best_language is called when the preferred language for the page is selected get_default_export_sections Called to get the default list of function data groups to be exported in identity_basic_export()

get_features Called when get_features() is called

get_photo Called when photo content (except profile photos) is retrieved in mod_photo

get_profile_photo Called when the content of the local profile photo is retrieved in mod_photo

get_role_perms Called when get_role_perms() is called to get permissions for named permission roles

global_permissions Called when the global permissions list is created

home_content Called by mod_home to replace the content of the home page

home_init Called by the home_init() function of the home page

hostxrd Called when generating .well-known/hosts-meta for ‘old webfinger’ (used by the Diaspora protocol)

html2bb_video Called when html2bbcode translation is used to handle embedded media

html2bbcode Called when using the html2bbcode translation

identity_basic_export Called when the basic information of a channel is exported for backup or transfer.

import_author_xchan Called when searching for an author of a post with xchan_hash to make sure they have an xchan entry on our website

import_channel Called when a channel is imported from a file or API source

import_directory_profile Called when processing the delivery of a profile structure from an external source (usually for storage in directories)

import_xchan Called when processing the result of zot_finger() to save the result

item_photo_menu Called when the list of actions associated with a displayed conversation item is generated

item_store Called when item_store() stores a record of type item

item_stored Called after item_store() has stored a record of type item in the database.

item_custom Is called before item_store() saves a data record of the type item (so that addons can process ITEM_TYPE_CUSTOM elements).

item_store_update Called when item_store_update() is called to update a stored item.

item_stored_update Called after item_store_update() has updated astored item.

item_translate Called by item_store and item_store_update after the language of the item has been automatically recognised.

jot_networks Called to generate the list of additional post plugins to be activated from the ACL form

jot_tool Obsolete and possibly superfluous. Enables action buttons to be added to the post editor.

jot_tpl_filter Called to filter template variables before replacing them in jot.tpl.

jot_header_tpl_filter Called to filter template variables before replacing them in jot_header.tpl.

legal_webbie Called to validate a channel address

legal_webbie_text Provides an explanation of the text/character restrictions for legal_webbie()

load_pdl Called when we load a PDL file or description

local_dir_update Called when a directory update is processed by a channel on the directory server

location_move Called when a UNO channel has been notified of a new location (indicating a move and not a clone)

logged Called when authentication was successful in any way

Logger Called when an entry is made in the application's log file

logging_out Called when loggingout

login_hook Called when the login form is generated

magic_auth Called when processing a magic-auth sequence

markdown_to_bb Called when processing the Markdown conversion

match_webfinger_location Called when processing webfinger requests

magic_auth_openid_success Called when a magic-auth was successful due to openid credentials

magic_auth_success Called when a magic-auth was successful

main_slider Called when the affinity tool is generated

marital_selector Called when the selection list for the drop-down menu of the ‘Marital status’ profile is created (extended profile)

marital_selector_min Called when the selection list for the ‘Marital status’ drop-down profile is created (normal profile)

module_loaded Is called when a module has been successfully localised for a URL request on the server.

mood_verbs Called when the list of moods is created nav Called when the navigation bar is created

network_content_init Called when loading the content for the network page

network_ping Called when a ping request is made network_to_name Deprecated

notifier_end Called when a delivery loop is completed

notifier_hub Called when a hub has been delivered

notifier_normal Called when the notifier is called for a ‘normal’ delivery

notifier_process Called when the notifier processes a message/event

obj_verbs Called when the list of verbs available for the ‘things’ profile is created.

oembed_action Called when deciding whether to filter, block or approve an oembed url

oembed_probe Called when a search for Oembed content is performed.

other_encapsulate Called when encrypting content for which the algorithm is unknown (see also crypto_methods)

other_unencapsulate Called when decrypting content for which the algorithm is unknown (see also crypto_methods)

page_content_top Called when we generate a web page (before calling the module content function)

page_end Called after we have generated the page content

page_header Called when the navigation bar is generated

page_meta Called when generating the metadata in the page header.

parse_atom Called when an Atom/RSS feed element is parsed.

parse_link Is called when a URL is queried to generate a post from it

pdl_selector Called when creating a layout selection in a form

perm_is_allowed Called during perm_is_allowed() to determine whether authorisation is permitted for this channel and observer

permissions_create Called when a book entry (connection) is created

permissions_update Is called when an authorisation update is transferred

permit_hook Called before a registered hook is actually executed to determine whether it should be allowed or blocked

personal_xrd Called when generating the personal XRD for ‘old webfinger’ (Diaspora)

photo_post_end Called after a photo has been uploaded

photo_upload_begin Called when an attempt is made to upload a photo

photo_upload_end Called when a photo upload has been processed

photo_upload_file Called to generate alternative file names for an upload

photo_upload_form Called when a photo upload form is generated

photo_view_filter Called before the data is passed to the photo_view template

poke_verbs Called when creating the list of actions for the ‘poke’ module

post_local Called when an article has been set on this computer via mod/item.php (also via API)

post_local_end Is called when a local post process has been completed

post_local_start Is called when a local post process begins post_mail Called when a mail message has been created

post_mail_end Called when a mail message has been delivered

post_remote Called when an activity arrives from another location

post_remote_end Called after a remote post has been processed

post_remote_update Called when processing a remote post that includes an edit or update

post_remote_update_end Called after processing a remote post that included an edit or update

prepare_body Is called when the HTML code for a displayed conversation object is generated.

prepare_body_final Called after the HTML for a displayed conversation item has been generated

prepare_body_init Called before the HTML for a displayed conversation element is generated

privacygroup_extras Called before generating the HTML for the privacy group editing options

privacygroup_extras_delete Called after the privacy group has been deleted.

privacygroup_extras_post Is called when the form for editing the privacy group is sent.

proc_run Called when PHP sub-processes are called process_channel_sync_delivery Called when a ‘sync package’ with structure and table updates is received from a channel clone.

profile_advanced Called when an advanced profile page is generated

profile_edit Called when editing a profile

profile_photo_content_end Called when a profile photo is changed

profile_post Called when an edited profile is posted

profile_sidebar Is called up when the ‘channel sidebar’ or the mini profile is created

profile_sidebar_enter Called before the ‘channel sidebar’ or mini-profile is created

queue_deliver Called when a message is delivered in the queue

register_account Called when an account has been created

render_location Called to create an inactive inline map

replace_macros Called before the template processor is called

reverse_magic_auth Called before calling reverse magic auth to send you to your own website so you can authenticate on that website

settings_account Called when the account settings form is created

settings_form Called when creating the channel settings form

settings_post Called when posting from the channel settings form

sexpref_selector Called when creating a drop-down menu for sexual preferences (advanced profile)

sexpref_selector_min Called when a drop-down list of sexual preferences is created (normal profile)

smilie Called when translating emoticons

status_editor Called when the status_editor is created.

stream_item Called for each item that is rendered for display via conversation()

system_app_installed_filter Called when it is determined whether a system app isinstalled.

tagged Called when a delivery is processed that results in you being tagged

thumbnail Called when creating thumbnails for the cloud storage tile view

update_unseen Called before automatically tagging programmes loaded in the browser that have been viewed

validate_channelname Used to validate the names used by a channel

webfinger Called when visiting the webfinger service (RFC7033)

well_known Called when accessing the special ‘.well-known’ site addresses

wiki_preprocess Called before markdown/bcode processors are executed for wiki pages

zot_best_algorithm Called when negotiating encryption algorithms with remote sites

zid Called when the observer's zid is added to a URL

zid_init Called when authenticating a visitor who has used zid

zot_finger Called when a zot info packet has been requested (this is our web finger detection mechanism)

The Hubzilla project

Hubzilla Governance

Governance refers to the management of a project and in particular how this relates to conflict resolution.

Community management

The project is managed and decisions are made by the ‘community’. The governance structure is still under development. Until the structure is finalised, decisions are made in the following order:

  1. Lazy consensus If a project proposal is made in one of the community governance forums and no serious objections are raised within a ‘reasonable’ period of time from the date of the proposal (we usually give all interested parties 2 to 3 days to comment), no vote is required and the proposal is deemed accepted. Concerns may be raised at this stage, but if these are resolved during the discussion and possible solutions are offered, the proposal is still considered approved.
  2. Veto Experienced developers who have already committed to many projects can veto any decision. The decision cannot proceed until the veto is lifted or an alternative proposal is submitted.
  3. Community vote A decision for which there is no clear mandate or consensus, but which has not been vetoed, can be put to a Community vote. Currently, this is a simple referendum in one of the relevant community forums. At present, the people decide the outcome. This may change in the future if the community adopts a ‘council’ governance model. This document will be updated with the updated governance rules at that time.

Community voting does not always lead to a pleasant outcome and can lead to polarised factions in the community (so other models are also being considered). If the proposal is rejected, there are still various ways to resubmit the proposal with slightly different parameters (turning it into an addon, turning it into an optional feature that is disabled by default, etc.). If there is a lot of interest in the feature and the vote is ‘close’, this can cause a lot of bad feelings for the losing voters. In such close votes, it is strongly recommended that the requester take steps to address any concerns and resubmit the request.


Q: Who can see my content? A: By default, EVERYONE on the Internet, unless you restrict it. Hubzilla allows you to choose the level of privacy you want. Restricted content is NOT visible to ‘spy networks’ and advertisers. You are protected against eavesdropping by outsiders - as much as possible. Hub administrators with sufficient knowledge and patience may be able to intercept some private communications, but they must make an effort to do so. There are privacy modes within Hubzilla that are tap-proof even for experienced and determined hub administrators.

Q: Can my content be censored? A: Hubzilla (the network) CANNOT censor your content. Server and hub administrators are subject to local laws and MAY remove objectionable content from their site/hub. Anyone CAN become a hub administrator, including you, and therefore post content that might otherwise be censored. You MAY still be subject to local laws.


Hubzilla, also referred to as ‘the network’, is a collection of individual computers/servers (also called hubs ) that are connected together to form a larger co-operative network.

Hub A single computer or server that is connected to Hubzilla. These are provided by a hub administrator and can be public or private, paid or free.

Hub administrator The system operator of a single hub.


Public information

Any information or content you post within Hubzilla MAY be public or visible to anyone on the Internet. Where possible, Hubzilla allows you to protect content and restrict who can see it. Your profile photo, channel name, and the location (URL or network address) of your channel are visible to anyone on the Internet, and privacy controls do not affect the display of these items. You MAY additionally provide other profile information. Any information you provide in your ‘standard’ or public profile MAY be transmitted to other hubs in Hubzilla and additionally displayed in the channel directory. You can restrict access to this profile information. You can restrict it to members of your Hub only, to connections (friends) only, or to other limited groups of viewers as you wish. If you want your profile to be restricted, you must make the appropriate privacy settings or simply NOT provide any additional information.


The content you provide (status messages, photos, files, etc.) belongs to you. Hubzilla's default setting is that content is published openly and visible to everyone on the internet (PUBLIC). You CAN control this in your channel settings and restrict the default permissions or you CAN restrict the visibility of each published item separately (PRIVATE). Hubzilla developers ensure that restricted content is ONLY visible to those listed in the restriction list - as best they can. Content (especially status messages) that you share with other networks or that you have made visible to everyone on the internet (PUBLIC) cannot simply be taken back after it has been published. They MAY be shared with other networks and made available via RSS/Atom feeds. They can also be syndicated to other Hubzilla sites. They MAY appear on other networks and websites and be visible in web searches. If you do not want this default behaviour, please adjust your channel settings and restrict who can see your content.

Comments and forum posts

Comments on posts created by others and posts labelled as forum posts belong to you as the creator/author, but the distribution of these posts is not under your direct control and you relinquish SOME rights to these elements. These posts/comments MAY be shared with others and MAY be visible to anyone on the Internet. In the case of comments, the creator of the ‘first post’ in the thread (conversation) you are replying to controls the distribution of all comments and replies to that post. He is the ‘owner’ and therefore has certain rights over the entire conversation (including all comments contained therein). You can still edit or delete the comment, but the owner of the conversation also has the right to edit, delete, redistribute and save/restore the entire content of the conversation.

Private information

Hubzilla developers ensure that all content you provide that is labelled PRIVATE is protected against eavesdropping to the best of their ability. Private channel content MAY be seen in the database of any Hub administrator involved, but private messages are obscured in the database. The latter means that it is very difficult, but NOT impossible, for this content to be seen by a hub administrator. Private channel content and private messages are also removed from email notifications. End-to-end encryption is an optional feature that can NOT be seen even by a determined administrator.

Identity protection

Protecting your identity is another aspect. Since you have a decentralised identity in Hubzilla, your privacy extends beyond your home hub. If you want to have complete control over your privacy and security, you should run your own hub on your own server. For many people, this is complicated and can overwhelm their technical skills. So let's list some precautions you can take to protect your privacy as much as possible. A decentralised identity has many advantages and offers you many interesting features, but you should be aware of the fact that your identity is known to other hubs in the Hubzilla network. One of these benefits is that other channels can offer you customised content and allow you to see private things (such as private photos that others want to share with you). For this reason, these channels need to know who you are. But we understand that sometimes these other channels know more about you than you might want them to. For example, the Visage plug-in, which can tell a channel owner when you last visited their profile. You can easily opt out of this minor and, we think, harmless tracking.

* You can enable Do Not Track (DNT)(http://donottrack.us/)?f=&zid=pepecyb@hub.hubzilla.hu)?f=&zid=pepecyb@hub.hubzilla.hu)) in your web browser. We respect this new privacy proposal. All modern browsers support DNT. You can find it in the privacy settings of your browser or you can consult the manual of your web browser. This will not affect the functionality of Hubzilla. This setting is probably sufficient for most people.

*You can disable the publication of your channel in our channel directory. If you want others to find your channel, you should tell them your channel address directly. We think this is a good indication that you prefer extra privacy and will automatically enable ‘Do Not Track’ if this is the case.

* You can have a blocked hub. This means that all channels and content in this hub are not public and not visible to the outside world. Only your hub administrator can do this. We also respect this and automatically activate ‘Do Not Track’ if it is set.


Hubzilla is a global network that includes all religions and cultures. This does not mean that every member of the network feels the same way you do about controversial topics, and some people may OBJECT to the content you post. If you want to post something that you know may not be accepted by everyone, it is best to limit the publicity to a small circle of friends using the privacy controls.

Hubzilla as a network provider cannot censor content. Hub administrators CAN, however, censor content that appears on their hub to comply with local laws or even personal judgement. Their decision is final. If you have issues with a hub administrator, you can move your account and posts to another site that better meets your expectations. Please check your Hub's Terms of Service (regularly) to be aware of any rules or guidelines. If your content consists of illegal or problematic material, we STRONGLY recommend that you run your own hub (become a hub administrator). Your content may be blocked on some hubs, but Hubzilla as a network cannot prevent it from being published.

Hubzilla RECOMMENDS that hub administrators allow a 1-2 day grace period between warning an account owner of content to be removed and the physical removal or deactivation of the account. This gives the content owner the opportunity to export their channel metadata and import it to another site. In rare cases, the content may be of such a nature that immediate account cancellation is warranted. This is a Hub decision, not a Hubzilla decision.

If you typically and regularly post content of a harmful or offensive nature, you are STRONGLY encouraged to flag your account as ‘NSFW’ (Not Safe For Work). This will prevent your profile photo from being displayed in the directory, except to viewers who have disabled ‘safe mode’. If your profile photo is deemed adult or offensive by the directory administrators, the directory administrator MAY flag your profile photo as NSFW. Currently, there is no official mechanism to appeal or reverse this decision. Therefore, you SHOULD flag your own account as NSFW if it may be inappropriate for a general audience.


Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project and its predecessors over the years. It is possible that we have not mentioned your name, but this is not intentional. We also thank the community and its members who have provided valuable input and without whom all this work would be pointless. It is also worth acknowledging the contributions and problem solving that resulted from discussions between members and developers of other, somewhat related and competing projects; even if we had occasional disagreements.

  • Mike Macgirvin
  • Fabio Comuni
  • Simon L'nu
  • marijus
  • Tobias Diekershoff
  • fabrixxm
  • tommy tomson
  • Simon
  • zottel
  • Christian Vogeley
  • jeroenpraat
  • Michael Vogel
  • erik
  • Zach Prezkuta
  • Paolo T
  • Michael Meer
  • Michael
  • Abinoam P. Marques Jr
  • Tobias Hößl
  • Alexander Kampmann
  • Olaf Conradi
  • Paolo Tacconi
  • tobiasd
  • Devlon Duthie
  • Zvi ben Yaakov (a.k.a rdc)
  • Alexandre Hannud Abdo
  • Olivier Migeot
  • Chris Case
  • Klaus Weidenbach
  • Michael Johnston
  • olivierm
  • Vasudev Kamath
  • pixelroot
  • Max Weller
  • duthied
  • Martin Schmitt
  • Sebastian Egbers
  • Erkan Yilmaz
  • sasiflo
  • Stefan Parviainen
  • Haakon Meland Eriksen
  • Oliver Hartmann (23n)
  • Erik Lundin
  • habeascodice
  • sirius
  • Charles
  • Tony Baldwin
  • Hauke Zuehl
  • Keith Fernie
  • Anne Walk
  • toclimb
  • Daniel Frank
  • Matthew Exon
  • Michal Supler
  • Tobias Luther
  • U-SOUND\mike
  • mrjive
  • nostupidzone
  • tonnerkiller
  • Antoine G
  • Christian Drechsler
  • Ludovic Grossard
  • RedmatrixCanada
  • Stanislav Lechev [0xAF]
  • aweiher
  • bufalo1973
  • dsp1986
  • felixgilles
  • ike
  • maase2
  • mycocham
  • ndurchx
  • pafcu
  • Simó Albert i Beltran
  • Manuel Reva
  • Manuel Jiménez Friaza
  • Gustav Wall aka "neue medienordnung plus"
