
Database updates

On the page, the administrator can check whether an update has failed and retry it if necessary. If an update has failed, but for some reason is not registered as failed, the administrator can try to run the update again. For example, for DB update #1999, by visiting the web page:

Database tables

abconfigany storage space for connections from local channels
abookConnections of the local channels
accountService provider account
addonregistered plugins
apppersonal app data
attachFile attachments
auth_codesOAuth usage
cacheOEmbed cache
calCalDAV container for events
channellocal channels
chatChat room content
chatpresenceChannel presence information for the chat
chatroomData for the actual chat room
clientsOAuth usage
configMain configuration storage
convMeta conversation structure for private messages in Diaspora
pgrp_memberData protection groups (collections), group information
pgrpData protection groups (collections), member information
hookPlugin hook register
hublocxchan location storage, links a hub location with a xchan
iconfigExpandable, arbitrary memory for elements
issueUpcoming error/problem database
itemall articles and websites
item_id(deprecated by iconfig) other identifiers in other services for contributions
likes‘Like‘ things
mailprivate messages
menuWebsite menu data
menu_itemEntries for menus on websites
objObject data for things (x has y)
outqOutgoing queue
pconfigPersonal (per channel) configuration memory
photoPhoto store
pollData for polls
poll_elmData for poll elements
profdefDefinitions for user-defined profile fields
profextUser-defined profile field data
profileChannel profiles
profile_checkDFRN remote authorisation, may be outdated
registerRegistrations that require an administrative authorisation
sessionStorage of web sessions
sharesInformation on common elements
signDiaspora signatures. Is gradually being phased out.
siteLocation table for finding directory peers
sourceData from channel sources
sys_permsExtensible authorisations for OAuth
termArticle taxonomy table (categories, tags, etc.)
tokensOAuth usage
updatesDirectory synchronisation updates
verifyGeneral verification structure
voteVoting data for polls
xchanList of known channels in the universe
xchatChat rooms with bookmarks
xconfiglike pconfig, but for channels without a local account
xignChannels ignored by friend suggestions
xlink‘Friends of friends’ links derived from poco, also storage of ratings
xpermOAuth/OpenID-Connect extendable authorisations Authorisation memory
xprofif this node is a directory server, it contains basic public profile information about everyone on the network
xtagif this hub is a directory server, it contains tags or interests from everyone on the network